Good morning and welcome to Fox News First. Here's what you need to know as you start your day ...

HedonistForever's Avatar
Don’t know exactly the best descriptive term

Call it strange and curious, a lie, a purposeful smokescreen, irrational hatred, due to limited information, being gullible, the big lie technique or just plain ignorance

If I had to guess, after reading enough of the thread starters posts, I’d venture it to be a combination of irrational hatred, being gullible and the big lie technique with a pinch of deviousness

But to attack Fox News as not being credible after four years of the Russia hoax, when president trump and, yes, Fox News have been correct at ever turn while the dimocrat news media screamed lies at every chance and ignored evidence and obvious truth, created elaborate theories of corruption and blackmail out of total fabrications, salted and peppered every nothing burger to the point of nausea and supported liars and still lie about so many things and what they don’t lie about, they ignore, all to the ridiculous end of giving each other Pulitzer Prizes for typing out lies

and oh yeah, after all those mostly peaceful protests

and to only mention in passing their constant editorializing in news reporting and their, not liberal, but leftist world view, a view where truth isn’t a value

and now biden, well it’s not even now, it is back to the lie of the Trump impeachment when trump tried to look into the Biden corruption, and the news media repeated that “ it’s all been debunked”... yeah “debunked”

And now they refuse to report the laptop

and Fox News should be ashamed????

This thread is a total crock Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought

It is quite amazing isn't it how they carry on, displaying ignorance as if not having a care in the world that anybody has any idea what they are up to. Amazing, simply amazing.

Putting ones ignorance on full display as if it were a beauty contest all the while the audience is agreeing on how ugly thou art. Simply amazing I tell you.

Adam Schitt for brains, the Democrats and the MSM have lied repeatedly for 4 years while Fox News reported the facts. It is a quandary as to whether they really don't understand this or they do and try desperately uttering falsehood after falsehood hoping their simple minded compatriots won't notice. Of course Donald Trump didn't help matters with his incomprehensible mutterings but truthful from the beginning that he was being spied upon, called a traitor with no factual proof offered and a campaign to "take him down" never before seen in American politics. And the topper? Being impeached for asking that Joe Biden be investigated. Where was the crime in that? Oh, that's right, you don't need to have committed a crime to be impeached.

As my at least truthful Democrat friend that checks with me because he doesn't have the time or patience to keep up with the daily reporting of Fox News says when I explain it all to him says "Oh, I didn't hear that". I'm not surprised I say.

Nicely written by the way.

Adam Schitt for brains, the Democrats and the MSM have lied repeatedly for 4 years while Fox News reported the facts.

Nicely written by the way. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
Quite the salient point

And, why, thank you, sir
LexusLover's Avatar
Fake news memes from the sewer level of the burrow!Troll! Originally Posted by oeb11
He's just jealous.

Trump has more money and better pussy than he does, and that's not to mention that Trump IS PRESIDENT ... and he's NOT ... even close!

Here's the real "blessing" ....

I can make a couple of months (if that long) with Bitten ... *

... he can't make a couple of months with Trump!

*I endured eight years of the dumbnut ... do nothing ... digit.

Kumola will be spending the last 3 years and 10 months trying to find the "ladies" room closest to the Oral Office.

Here's the Bitten-Kumola "green energy" plan:

sportfisherman's Avatar
Disinformation Donnie !!

I have no issue with the Radical Right Wing Mouthpiece Fox News.

I just chose to make the point on Trump in this thread.

It has been acknowledged in this post that ;

1.Trump has said and continues to say that we have "Turned the corner" and "Rounded the bend" on what is now his Virus.

2.Fox News dutifully reports the record numbers of new cases.

3.That for close to 5 years Trump has been claiming the release of his tax returns is imminent.That he wants to release them.

4.That a Vaccine is coming Soon.

5.A new assertion is that Trump has a healthcare plan.He does not.

So it is obvious that I am not the spreader of Disinformation.

It is Trump who only has Disinformation to spread.

Disinformation Donnie !!

Whinin' Cryin' Disinformation Donnie on 60 Minutes !!
  • oeb11
  • 10-26-2020, 07:27 AM
More goebbels type propaganda - spewed by deluded acolytes in denial

get over the hate - SF - when the DPST's marxists come for you - there will be no one to speak for sf!
rexdutchman's Avatar
Joeys thinks his running against George Bush , and 2019 tweeted about the planed pandemic ?????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????

Brilliant I tell you just Brilliant
HedonistForever's Avatar
Disinformation Donnie !!

I have no issue with the Radical Right Wing Mouthpiece Fox News.

Say what? That is a contradiction, disinformation if you like, from what you have been writing since I have been on this site but if you have now changed your mind, welcome to Fox News, a reputable source for news.

I just chose to make the point on Trump in this thread.

It has been acknowledged in this post that ;

1.Trump has said and continues to say that we have "Turned the corner" and "Rounded the bend" on what is now his Virus.

Don't want to let this one go, huh? So you are saying that these two comments are "disinformation"? Let me AGAIN say why I would disagree with that.

While "turned the corner" could mean a recovery, that there are fewer cases and fewer deaths, which you take issue with, it could also mean we have turned the corner from having no treatment to combat this virus that we did not have in the beginning, to people having more therapeutic options that can be said to make great improvements in treatment and that a vaccine has now "turned the corner" from a hope to "likely" and "soon" if viewed from the point that vaccines in the past have taken 5 years or more to obtain and this one is expected to take much less than that. That would be turning the corner on this disease IMHO. But of course if one wants to use it as a political weapon without more critical thinking being put into it, you have accomplished that with the people who want to hear that I suppose, Turned the corner when explained properly is appropriate when explained.

"Rounded the bend" on a vaccine and a possible end to this virus is even more applicable but as I pointed out, if your goal is to limit the thinking to cases and deaths because it helps your narrative, so be it but that is "limited" thinking in my book.

2.Fox News dutifully reports the record numbers of new cases.

Thank you for acknowledging that, it couldn't have been easy for you

3.That for close to 5 years Trump has been claiming the release of his tax returns is imminent.That he wants to release them.

Again, for people who want to use it as a political weapon to support a narrative that an illegal action has taken place without proof, be my guest. It has been suggested that Trump is doing this so that we don't know how wealthy or not so wealthy he is as if that matters one bit. It doesn't. If he was doing something illegal, that would matter but his tax returns are audited every year to my understanding and that is good enough for me. And how do we know about this bank account in China? Because it is in the documents leaked I would assume. So obviously the IRS would know this if it is in his filings but making it sound like he is hiding this fact from the IRS would seem to be a lie.

Now taking a kick-back from a deal with China made by Don Jr., that would be a criminal act, right? It is being alleged with documents and testimony from a third party, that this is what Joe Biden did but until it is proven in a court room, it is an allegation worth further investigation which Democrats and the media have said isn't going to happen.

4.That a Vaccine is coming Soon.

Soon is defined as a sort time, in the near future or quickly. You obviously want to push the first and third of that meaning, while others including myself, choose to accept number two. As I stated before, compared to the time to market of previous vaccines, the Covid vaccine will be quickly, a short time comparably speaking. What you are demonstrating is "limited thinking" while I choose a more expansive thinking.

5.A new assertion is that Trump has a healthcare plan.He does not.

Now you are getting closer to "disinformation". Unless he lays out a plan in detail instead of generalities that his will be better, I'll have to give you that one but here again, is he alone in disinformation or has Joe Biden used disinformation also? If so, it becomes a bit of a wash.

So it is obvious that I am not the spreader of Disinformation.

Sorry, have to disagree with you there. I would say you give more disinformation than information.

It is Trump who only has Disinformation to spread.

And as if right on que, you do it to make my point. To say that only Trump spreads disinformation would be to completely ignore things Biden has said and when you throw in people like Adam Shitt for brains and Nancy Pelosi, there is plenty of disinformation being spread by Democrats. Intelligent people will have to sift through all the disinformation and make reasonable assumptions with research.

Disinformation Donnie !!

If that makes you happy. I'm more concerned with what he does as opposed to what he says.

Whinin' Cryin' Disinformation Donnie on 60 Minutes !! Originally Posted by sportfisherman

Standing up to the disinformation by the host. Walking out on liars and people spreading disinformation is acceptable behavior. The laptop has been verified to belong to Hunter. 60 minutes lied to protect "their guy" who to my knowledge has never called out Joe Biden on any of his disinformation, statements like Intelligence officials have confirmed that the laptop is Russian disinformation. They said no such thing. Whats on the laptop alludes to criminal behavior. Has it been proven in a court of law yet? Nope. Was Trump's conversation with the President of Ukraine calling for further investigation of Joe Biden proven to be a crime in a court of law? Nope and yet he was impeached by an almost completely partisan vote.

I realize this is probably a bit more information than you prefer but I like through explanations.

rexdutchman's Avatar
fox at best is middle of the road reporting once in awhile they ask a hard question
sportfisherman's Avatar
Turn the corner and around the bend and waiting on tax returns,vaccines,and health plans that will never materialize.

It's crazy the lengths that smart educated professional people will go to defend Trump and his bullshit.

I don't think the "corner turning" is playing very well right now.
You might try posting your convoluted explanation on Twitter or something.Maybe Trump's website.

You may find there an audience to believe that bullshit.
sportfisherman's Avatar
In your studied opinion would you say Trump lied or provided Disinformation in Jan when he told us everything was "Totally under Control" ? When in fact he knew it was a bad virus easy to transmit.

Was that truthful accurate information ?

You feel that Trump's assertions regarding our Covid status at present is truthful accurate information as well has his statements regarding tax returns,vaccines,and a health plan.

I don't think so.I think he is full of shit.

For disinformation look no further than your Commander in Cheat !!
Hey did you guys see where Rudy G. has a part in the new Borat movie ?

I wonder if Rudy G. will get an Academy Award nomination for his work ? Originally Posted by sportfisherman
Rudy can take a shit in the middle of Town Square and still look classier than you, lol.
sportfisherman's Avatar
I think you forgot to actually refute anything I said so you just went straight to disparaging me.

You also forgot to comment on what you think Rudy G. prospects are for the Academy Award.

I wonder if Rudy reached into his pants to find Hunter's laptop ?

Like maybe he pulled it out of his ass ?
I think you forgot to actually refute anything I said so you just went straight to disparaging me.

You also forgot to comment on what you think Rudy G. prospects are for the Academy Award.

I wonder if Rudy reached into his pants to find Hunter's laptop ?

Like maybe he pulled it out of his ass ? Originally Posted by sportfisherman
You like all the other goofy Liberals in here post nothing but nonsense. So yes I am going to be disparaging.
winn dixie's Avatar
sf is barely over the spectrum

And thats stretching it!
HedonistForever's Avatar
Turn the corner and around the bend and waiting on tax returns,vaccines,and health plans that will never materialize.

It's crazy the lengths that smart educated professional people will go to defend Trump and his bullshit.

I don't think the "corner turning" is playing very well right now.
You might try posting your convoluted explanation on Twitter or something.Maybe Trump's website.

You may find there an audience to believe that bullshit. Originally Posted by sportfisherman

I guess I have to say thanks for the compliment of being smart and educated but what you and others like you don't understand or simply can't accept, is that smart educated people will try to explain terms as I did without having anything to do with defending Trump. I was explaining how "turning a corner" can have more than one meaning. That isn't defending Trump, it is defending the English language.

As a matter of fact, I rarely defend Trump the man. I do defend some of his policies. I defend applicable legal constructs that sometimes benefit Trump but I can't help that.

Your problem is that your sheer hatred for the man clouds any ability you might have to think with a clear unencumbered mind.

I really don't care what you believe, I'm just here expressing my opinion. Whether you believe it, understand it or not, is not all that important to me.

FYI, I have never been on Twitter, never will. Never been to Trump's website, never will.

Convoluted is a term you use when you can't comprehend what you are reading or you do comprehend it but it just makes you so mad that I'm right, you blow a gasket. You seem to be a very angry person.