What is the biggest existential threat to the United States of America?

Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
I’m shocked at the number of votes that have Joe Biden being an existential threat... Originally Posted by txdot-guy
Both electricity and waking up to reality can have that effect. One has to hope the current is low enough so it doesn't kill them.
txdot-guy's Avatar
He's a puppet, start with that. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Both electricity and waking up to reality can have that effect. One has to hope the current is low enough so it doesn't kill them. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
There has been 10 votes that say Joe Biden is an existential threat to the United States of America. I asked for a reason why people think that but these are the only replies that I got. Puppeteering and Electric Shock Therapy don’t really answer the question. I was hoping for some actual policy proposals or something other than the crap coming from Truth Social.
... ALL the REASONS why Joe Biden is the Biggest existential threat
are just too numerous to mention, mate.

Not sure how much bandwidth the site here has - if we do start
listing all of them.

One of the BIG reasons with Joe is the TRUST factor.
He cannot be trusted to tell the truth or do the right thing.

#### Salty
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You haven’t listed a single reason, ever, Salty. You tend to “Aussie” around, hee hee and spouted unfounded claims mixed in with conspiratorial conjecture and flat out lies. Oh, and complain about being insulted when people call you out on it.

President Biden has done nothing to threatens the existence of this nation, which what an existential threat is. You know, like inciting an attack on the Capitol or using the full force of your political influence to try to overturn a presidential election or overturning the one law that protects a women’s right to reproductive health care.

ECCIE has plenty bandwidth for you to defend your arguments when you present some evidence.

The hypocrisy of your previous post indicates you’re unwilling to do so.

I don’t know if you really believe all the bullshit you post. Hope-not.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Harken back a mere 3+ years ago, when gas was a third of the price of what it is now. Wait! Back up that bus. Harken back just 2 years ago when it was still three times what it was, then the O'biden drained the strategic petroleum reserves to lower the price of gas by about a third. Now fast forward back to today and the O'Biden is showing his thriftiness by not refilling the reserve because the price of gas is too damned high (2X what it was under Trump). What a value shopper. Maybe he's waiting on coupons in the mail. He might be stupid, but at least he's thrifty. Yeah! That's the ticket...
Harken back a mere 3+ years ago, when gas was a third of the price of what it is now. Wait! Back up that bus. Harken back just 2 years ago when it was still three times what it was, then the O'biden drained the strategic petroleum reserves to lower the price of gas by about a third. Now fast forward back to today and the O'Biden is showing his thriftiness by not refilling the reserve because the price of gas is too damned high (2X what it was under Trump). What a value shopper. Maybe he's waiting on coupons in the mail. He might be stupid, but at least he's thrifty. Yeah! That's the ticket... Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
“BUT TRUMP TWEETS” Originally Posted by Jackie S
Don't you really mean a "Bloodbath of Trump Tweets"?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
What the actual fork does this have to do with the topic of this thread or the poll? Nothing.

Harken back a mere 3+ years ago, when gas was a third of the price of what it is now. Wait! Back up that bus. Harken back just 2 years ago when it was still three times what it was, then the O'biden drained the strategic petroleum reserves to lower the price of gas by about a third. Now fast forward back to today and the O'Biden is showing his thriftiness by not refilling the reserve because the price of gas is too damned high (2X what it was under Trump). What a value shopper. Maybe he's waiting on coupons in the mail. He might be stupid, but at least he's thrifty. Yeah! That's the ticket... Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Existentially, the biggest threat is the glut of misinformation and misdirection. Evidenced by this.

I would address your lies, but that would be further hijacking a thread, which as you know, is a no no.
The obvious answer is trump. It's also obvious that the majority on this site are megas...either foreign or domestic. It's sometimes difficult to tell though because both are not the sharpest pencil in the tool shed
txdot-guy's Avatar
... ALL the REASONS why Joe Biden is the Biggest existential threat
are just too numerous to mention, mate.

Not sure how much bandwidth the site here has - if we do start
listing all of them.

One of the BIG reasons with Joe is the TRUST factor.
He cannot be trusted to tell the truth or do the right thing.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
I think this answer is spot on. Both sides have lost the ability to trust the other. It’s my opinion that democrats have more to mistrust after McConnell’s packing of the supreme court, the failure to impeach / convict Trump for January 6th and the overturning of roe v wade.

What have democrats done that shows that they can’t be trusted?
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
What the actual fork does this have to do with the topic of this thread or the poll? Nothing. .. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Would not the leading vote recipient, in this here poll, be the O'Biden and would he not be the incumbent, subject to being evaluated on his record? Was there some shape shifting fold in the universe that escaped my detection?
...Existentially, the biggest threat is the glut of misinformation and misdirection.... Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Cheer up. We already know that Nina "Moaning Mertyl" Jankytits scrubbed out and the recent follow up Pravda Czar, Kate Sparling(?) ain't cut'n it. So an opening for the role seems to be serendipitously coming available for you.

Any chance you are a minority, from a shit hole country, gay or lesbian, better yet - gender uncertain (ya! go with that)? Don't worry about any meaningful qualification (Pffffttzz) or math skills. But bonus points if you already got the Nazi salute down cold (so practice). You should be a shoo-in qualification wise for the role of Chief Dicktator in charge of all allowed media content. I just know it..
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...What have democrats done that shows that they can’t be trusted? Originally Posted by txdot-guy
Bzzzzttt! Bzzzzttt! Bzzzzttt!The correct question was "What have democrats done that shows that they can be trusted?" Oh, so close. As a consolation prize you get the play with yourself at home version of Jeopardy. Thank you. Next contestant please!
winn dixie's Avatar
Would you agree this poll shows more about tomorrow thinking than it does (future) long term?
10 votes for Biden?
Few votes for war or disease?????

Polls can show other things at times.
  • Tiny
  • 04-04-2024, 09:48 PM
What have democrats done that shows that they can’t be trusted? Originally Posted by txdot-guy
Took advantage of blacks during reconstruction

Promoted segregation

Overthrew regimes in Greece, Costa Rica, the Congo, the Domionican Republic, Iraq, Brazil, and Indonesia

Created and/or tried to create unfair gerrymanders in places like Maryland, New Mexico and New York

Engaged in rampant corruption (e.g. Edwin Edwards)

Spread untrue stories about other candidates (e.g., Hillary Clinton staffers claiming Obama was a Muslim; Trump bloodbath claims)

Cheated on a massive scale in elections (e.g. George Parr, Richard Daley)

Censored people they disagreed with (e.g. MSNBC pundits censoring Ronna McDaniel)

Showed bad judgement (e.g. tried to stop construction of LNG plants)

Sucked up to anybody willing to throw a dime their way by passing out pork to crony capitalist contributors

Performed special favors for foreigners in return for bribes (e.g. Robert Menendez)

I could go on for a good while longer but I'm getting sleepy. Besides, as Strokey McDingDong showed, when you post extremely long replies you screw up the threads here.
I think this answer is spot on. Both sides have lost the ability to trust the other. It’s my opinion that democrats have more to mistrust after McConnell’s packing of the supreme court, the failure to impeach / convict Trump for January 6th and the overturning of roe v wade.

What have democrats done that shows that they can’t be trusted? Originally Posted by txdot-guy
... Thanks there, mate... But me point is that Biden
is the threat... His policys STINK and are hurting
the country. ... The illegal immigrant INVASION alone
is surely enough reason to considour Joe a threat.

#### Salty