Face photo or Not

I think it depends on your lifestyle. I would never show my full face because I meet with a lot of new clients in my regular job. There's no way for me to know if any of them are hobbyists or curious browsers who would recognize me and spread the word. My regular job takes priority where those decisions are made. If it means less business for me as an escort, then that's a consequence I'm willing to suffer. Even when I danced in gentleman's clubs in Las Vegas I turned down managers who asked me to feature in their ad campaigns because I knew I would someday have a career outside of the adult industry. Some of my friends did it though, and it worked out really well for them. Being recognized brought them a lot of good business, as well as modeling jobs, feature entertainment, etc. It just depends what you want to do. If you plan to stay in the adult industry permanently then showing your face might not be so bad. I would think if you did you'd just need to be more vigilant about safety issues so nobody can connect your face to your address or anything.