When Hamas Insurgents Invaded Israel, Which Of These Did They Do?

A two state solution won’t work either. Palestinians believe all of that territory is there’s. They will never be satisfied until there is no Israel.

Ask the Jordanians how an offer of sovereignty resulted.
adav8s28's Avatar
A two state solution won’t work either. Palestinians believe all of that territory is there’s. They will never be satisfied until there is no Israel.

Ask the Jordanians how an offer of sovereignty resulted. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
There was an two state solution offer that Bengy N. turned down because Israel would have lost the West Bank. I don't how you divide up the land fairly. I think until that's done there will always be conflict in the region.

I agree with you that the Hamas don't want a two state solution. I think those who were in Yassir Arafats camp could live with a two state solution. He came over to the USA several times. I think he came to get some sort of compromise. I don't think his intent was to the USA to reverse what was done in 1948 after WW2.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
There was an two state solution offer that Bengy N. turned down because Israel would have lost the West Bank. I don't how you divide up the land fairly. I think until that's done there will always be conflict in the region.

I agree with you that the Hamas don't want a two state solution. I think those who were in Yassir Arafats camp could live with a two state solution. He came over to the USA several times. I think he came to get some sort of compromise. I don't think his intent was to the USA to reverse what was done in 1948 after WW2. Originally Posted by adav8s28


Arafat was packing heat on his visits to the Whitehouse.


This is the closest I found in print that came close to confirmation. Just a quick footnote.
adav8s28's Avatar

Arafat was packing heat on his visits to the Whitehouse.


This is the closest I found in print that came close to confirmation. Just a quick footnote. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
That may be true. There are Palestian leaders that would settle or a two state solution. The problem is Bengy N. does not want that. Until Isreal can replace Bengy, there will always be conflict.
  • pxmcc
  • 11-05-2023, 08:18 AM
^^you are correct sir. he's a Zionist through and through. to him, Palestinians will always be 2nd class citizens. Israel and the occupied territories constitute an apartheid regime.

the Israeli settlers' land grabs happening now on the West Bank are heinous and in violation of international law. and Bibi needs to be indicted for war crimes.

A two state solution won’t work either. Palestinians believe all of that territory is there’s. They will never be satisfied until there is no Israel.

Ask the Jordanians how an offer of sovereignty resulted. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
not true. if Israel offers a land for peace deal, Hamas and Islamic Jihad become the outcasts. the PA and Israel can jointly arrest any holdouts from those terrorist groups.
^^you are correct sir. he's a Zionist through and through. to him, Palestinians will always be 2nd class citizens. Israel and the occupied territories constitute an apartheid regime.

the Israeli settlers' land grabs happening now on the West Bank are heinous and in violation of international law. and Bibi needs to be indicted for war crimes.

not true. if Israel offers a land for peace deal, Hamas and Islamic Jihad become the outcasts. the PA and Israel can jointly arrest any holdouts from those terrorist groups. Originally Posted by pxmcc
The whole Israeli Government is Zionist. They even treat Orthodox Jews like shit.

  • Tiny
  • 11-05-2023, 09:54 AM
Here are some excerpts from a Wall Street Journal editorial, that provides color as to why many Israelis feel the way they do. This is not to absolve Netanyahu and his coalition though. As eccieuser wrote,

Hamas is to blame for their own war crimes. Not all war crimes. Just sayin'. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
Put another way, yes, historically, Central Europeans and Arabs have persecuted Jews horrifically. At this point in time though the Israelis have no existential threat, assuming the Iranians aren't stupid enough to nuke them. So it's reasonable to expect a much higher standard of behavior from them than the people who persecuted their parents and other ancestors.

Many Israelis Are Refugees From Arab Lands

In 1948 some 900,000 Jews lived in Iraq, Yemen and other countries. Almost all of them were violently forced out.

....By the time modern Israel was founded in 1948, some 900,000 Jews lived in the Arab world. Over the next few decades, their ranks shriveled. Jews were stripped of their passports, assets and businesses. Many were expelled in mass airlifts and were prohibited from returning. Some Arab countries banned emigration to Israel, prompting Jews to arrange to be smuggled out. Many died in the countries they called home. Others were imprisoned or executed, including relatives of mine who were hanged in Baghdad’s public squares in the late 1960s on trumped-up charges of being Zionist spies. Saddam Hussein was among the henchmen presiding over these sham trials.

By 2012 only about 4,300 Jews lived in the Arab Middle East, concentrated mainly in Morocco and Tunisia. The Jews in Syria, Lebanon, Yemen, Iraq and Libya virtually all vanished. Algeria had 140,000 Jews in 1948 and none by 2012. Egyptian President Abdel Fattah Al Sisi told Secretary of State Antony Blinken last month that Egyptian Jews were never subject to repression, but he failed to explain why the country is now largely devoid of them.

And so I ask, what about the rights of Jews in Arab lands? Who will return our property and funds and stolen lives? Where was our “right of return”? Why weren’t there protests on our behalf?

Middle Eastern Jews were able to move to Israel after they were displaced. But because living conditions were difficult early on and few jobs awaited those streaming in, many moved elsewhere, including to the U.S., Canada and the U.K. My father moved to Iran in the early 1950s, where the Jewish community enjoyed a relatively peaceful period under the shah. I attended an American-run K-12 school in Tehran—complete with SATs and cheerleaders—before coming to the U.S. for college. But going back to Iran wasn’t an option once the mullahs took over in 1979. In effect, I was displaced twice. Now living in the U.S., I enjoy rights I never dreamed of growing up in the Middle East.

Contrast this to the 22 Arab countries that have never been welcoming toward Palestinian refugees or integrated them. Apart from Jordan, which until recently took in more than its fair share, most other Arab countries have had an uneasy relationship with their Palestinian neighbors. The approximately 200,000 Palestinian refugees in Lebanon aren’t eligible for citizenship and have limited access to healthcare and education. Syria has refused to grant its Palestinian refugees citizenship. Egypt didn’t want Palestinian Gaza back, leaving it for Israel to govern until Israel evacuated the territory in 2005.

About half the displaced Palestinians live in Israel, and although subject to hardships that shouldn’t be ignored, they enjoy a higher standard of living than Palestinian refugees living elsewhere. Meanwhile, the number of Palestinian refugees living across the Middle East has ballooned to six million, the largest stateless community in the world. Palestinians, unlike other refugees, are protected by the U.N. Relief and Works Agency instead of by the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees. Unrwa doesn’t have a mandate to resettle refugees, so it is in effect a refugee enabler, preventing Palestinians from rebuilding their lives by going to other countries as Middle Eastern Jews did....


Yssup Rider's Avatar
The whole Israeli Government is Zionist. They even treat Orthodox Jews like shit.

https://www.bitchute.com/video/4aZSb061y6Pp/ Originally Posted by Levianon17
What do you know about Orthodox Jews?

Based on your repeated angry screed, it’s obvious you know much at all.
What do you know about Orthodox Jews?

Based on your repeated angry screed, it’s obvious you know much at all. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I know enough that they are being treated improperly by the Zionist Jews who run Israel. I would never support a country that pushes people around just because they can and hide behind a religion they don't even practice.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I know enough that they are being treated improperly by the Zionist Jews who run Israel. I would never support a country that pushes people around just because they can and hide behind a religion they don't even practice. Originally Posted by Levianon17
That confirms your utter lack of knowledge.
That confirms your utter lack of knowledge. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Here's a video of how victimized Israelis are, breaking the bones of Palestinian Civilians.

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
LOL, at the video. OK, in the spirit of George Carlin, cutting out the sugar coating, Gaza has been described as the world's largest open air prison camp. I agree, although I ascribe more blame to Hamas than Israel. And the rest of the world, particularly Arab countries, shares the blame as well. Palestinians can't leave.

There are 12 countries where a Palestinian can travel without a visa:

Cook Islands
South Africa

Last time I looked, there aren't many nonstops from Gaza City to Eswatini, Niue or Micronesia.

It's interesting that post-apartheid South Africa is on the list. Originally Posted by Tiny
malaysia is a muslim country. its the only muslim country that accepted the so-called palestinians.

I'd just call them paletinians arabized ethnics as one doessn't know what the actual ethnic group they belong to. (fake arabs)
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Do you realize that if Israel admitted both the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, Arabs might very well outnumber Jews? At the very least, it would be close. And don't forget that the age distribution skewness toward youth is much greater in the Palestinian territories than in Israel.
Palestinians would then be salivating over the prospect of teeing up the next massive pogrom. Originally Posted by Texas Contrarian
israel has an estimated population of 9,806,720 as of 2023.

jews = 7,158,906 73%
arabs= 2,059,411 21% (does not include gaza & west bank)
other= . 588,403 06%

refugees = 6,400,000 as of 2022.

israeli arabs + refugees = 8,459,411

theres another estimate that says 9 million palestinian arabs.
The never ending religious battle of adults with children’s blood on their hands. Can’t believe a freaking border compromise couldn’t be reached.
Precious_b's Avatar
Hamas is the duly elected government of Gaza. The people of Gaza voted them in.

This gives Israel the right to declare war. Just like we declared war against the Axis Powers in WW-2.

The people of Gaza are responsible for their governments actions. So they must also bear the burden of those actions. Originally Posted by Jackie S
So, when was the last election they had there?
What is the term till each election?
*If* that term has expired, would you still consider it the legal government for the people of Gaza?

The Hungarian Revolution against Soviet Communist oppression in 1958 was brutally quashed. Several thousand Hungarians left the country to escape retribution. Many of these people temporarily stayed in camps set up for them in neighboring European countries. within a short period of time, these displaced persons left the camps to live in other European Countries.

South Africa and Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) both experienced dislocations of thousands of landowners of European descent. Many of these people left fearing retribution (rightly or wrongly is not the issue in this thread). I am not aware of refugee camps anywhere for these displaced persons.

Following the 1948 war for Jewish Independence, thousands of Moslems left their homes in Israel They were gathered into refugee camps in Lebanon and other neighboring Arab countries. They were not allowed to become citizens of Jordan, Lebanon Syria or Egypt. Those "Refugee Camps" were not supported with supplies and amenities by their sponsoring governments.

The historic misery and present condition of the so-called Palestinians is not because Israeli Jews forced them to remain in inhuman concentration camps. That was because their fellow Moslems wouldn't let them assimilate into other Arab societies. Originally Posted by ICU 812
Yeah. Where is the Arab League to help out their breathern? The Palestinians in the camps have residents who refuse to leave. With the belief that if they go, they will never be allowed to come back. And that would be the end of a place for them called Palestine.

Hamas was created by Palestinians and is funded by them and Iran. Did you not listen to anything going on over there??

This is war caused by Palestinians who still think that Israeli ppl are occupying their land, 75 years after WW2 and the UN charter chopped up the region to give Israel an independent state.

The brainwashed Palestinians are /have been a victim mentality group who are literally told to hate Israelis and become martyrs since their birth.

This hate is deep rooted in centuries of Arab culture. They encourage martyrdom in fighting the "occupiers", at every opportunity. They literally have been fighting a religious war with the other side forever.

The ruse of "peace in the middle east" is just a joke. Those ppl hate each other because of racism and bigotry taught by generations of zeolites. Originally Posted by eyecu2
You got to admit that the Palestinians have had land that was determined to be theirs taken from them after WWII. And Israel continues to annex lands that the UN said is theirs. That'd chaff me a bit.

What’s quite telling as well is that none of the Palestinian Arab neighbors want them coming into their country while fleeing Gaza. Originally Posted by arañanegra
No shit. Bad mouth Israel left and right but they won't help their own.

NOT as the other side is always asking for it Originally Posted by offshoredrilling

They are both asking for it. If there was a peace in effect and one side broke it, you'd be right. Since that wasn't the case, both sides are guilty. One just appears to be moreso since they started the latest action.