Reviews ?

Satyrrical's Avatar
I am not comfortable writing explicit reviews, but being a more demanding customer with specific BCD activities in mind, I depend on explicit reviews to ensure compatibility with the lady before we meet. So to be fair to my fellow hobbyist, I feel obligated to post explicit reviews as well.

Here's a thought though; I get many requests from the ladies to write reviews after seeing them. Is it likely that they have seen some reviews I have posted and thought the content was OK? Or are they just after the advertisement? Should I warn them that I do tend to be explicit or direct them to read some of mine first?
burkalini's Avatar
I am not comfortable writing explicit reviews, but being a more demanding customer with specific BCD activities in mind, I depend on explicit reviews to ensure compatibility with the lady before we meet. So to be fair to my fellow hobbyist, I feel obligated to post explicit reviews as well.

Here's a thought though; I get many requests from the ladies to write reviews after seeing them. Is it likely that they have seen some reviews I have posted and thought the content was OK? Or are they just after the advertisement? Should I warn them that I do tend to be explicit or direct them to read some of mine first? Originally Posted by Satyrrical
First of all as I have said in the many threads on this subject that reviews are for your fellow hobbyist and not for the providers. We all use them for a basis of opinion along with other things like attractiveness and price. If I have had a good time I do ask if they mind an explicit one or want a general one. Almost all of them have said write it whatever way you want. There have been a few that I toned down the review at the request of the provider. If the review is going to be less than good I don't ask them at all . I just write the review period. I am always completly honest in my reviews and that should be mandatory. If we are going to help each other it does no good to flower up a review and then have your fellow hobbyist have a bad time. I think the reason reviews are not the only thing we look for is we won't write a bad one when it's a bad session and some reviews go a little farther than the truth. REMEMBER they are for your fellow hobbyist and not for the provider. I don't want to sound negative on providers as 95 percent of my reviews are positive( I have been fortunate) and they will benefit from them.
Satyrrical's Avatar
I guess I missed the point of the OP. I thought it was whether or not it was classy/ acceptable/right to post explicit reviews and list specific acts. Not whether you should or should not post simply negative reviews.
Papajoe take this as no disrespect but why not just pay for PA.
Papa Joe you are true gentlemen! NEVER kiss and tell this is suppose to be all about discretion! I tend to detour from seeing a guy who has a long line of graphic detailed reviews, its a turns off for me!
I never have and I never will post a detailed locker room type review.

The reviews I use to do on ASPD had creativity about them even if I do say so myself. (Some of those have survived on ERAPS).

I created the essence of a lady and her special non graphic qualities that to me are important. A man can say a great deal about a lady and the expected experience with her without using the graphic terms.

Yes it is more work, but to me worth the effort. If a lady rewards me with a fantastic experience than I will reward her by making the effort to paint a much more detailed idea of her rather than just her graphic skills.

Physical intimacy with a woman if one of the greatest things a man can experience in life.

If she know that you value her more than just a quick piece of A*S she is going to respond quite different, and no two of the ladies are ever the same. Each is different and unique in her own way.

xx Originally Posted by niceguy
Well said, another true gentlemen!
Eccie Addict's Avatar
^ how do you know if they are long and detailed?

Ladies..... Give us an example of how you would write a review. What would your ROS look like?
am-a-pleaser's Avatar
Test that theory, give her an empty envelope. Tell us about the chemistry now. Originally Posted by acp5762
Me thinks you missed the point. By a wide mark.

There are a lot of ladies who have a wide range of "extras" they will dole out as they choose, and some of the most valued ones to Am, myself, and others, have nothing to do with a longer list of acronyms. I don't ever forget it is a business, but to think it is always ONLY a business without a true piece of friendship sometimes developing is equally incorrect. Originally Posted by Old-T
Exaclty Old-T!

I actually get encouraged by reviews that say YMMV. I know I'm in for a really excellent time. It's not always about $. Respect. If the lady does not reviewed, I don't. If she wants some extra's ommitted from the review, I oblige if I review her.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Am a pleaser.... have you ever had a bad time?
am-a-pleaser's Avatar
Just once. Not really a bad time, but wasn't that good either.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Did you write the review?
am-a-pleaser's Avatar
Did you write the review? Originally Posted by Eccie Addict
Yes. My experience was similar to others. I learned to read reviews carefully.
Dragon7769's Avatar
Here's how I handle it - I don't do reviews unless the provider asks me to or mentions that it would help her. if I see someone requesting info on a provider I have seen then I will pm that person a basic run down of my experience, not all the glory details.

I believe that part of the donation for the time we spend together is for discretion (on both our parts) and so I do the same.
Me thinks you missed the point. By a wide mark.

There are a lot of ladies who have a wide range of "extras" they will dole out as they choose, and some of the most valued ones to Am, myself, and others, have nothing to do with a longer list of acronyms. I don't ever forget it is a business, but to think it is always ONLY a business without a true piece of friendship sometimes developing is equally incorrect. Originally Posted by Old-T
I didn't miss the point. Don't read into things. Its a buisness thats for sure. These girls are often successful at making you think they are into you. You go away thinking you did something special which is utter nonsense. Thats why I said give her an empty envelope. In other words get some free pussy from an escort and then you can boast about the extras and the special connection bullshit. That is all on your mind not hers. So don't tell me I missed the point. I don't miss points, i make'em.
PAPA JOE's Avatar
thanks all, i appreciate the feedback.