Biden is going to take your GUNS! and they are using YOUR TAX PAYER MONEY TO "COME AND TAKE IT"

Yssup Rider's Avatar
My message is America will remain Armed. Whether you like it or not. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Not exactly what I was asking you, bro, but “whether you like it or not” doesn’t speak too highly of your respect for democracy.
ICU 812's Avatar
Not exactly what I was asking you, bro, but “whether you like it or not” doesn’t speak too highly of your respect for democracy. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Whatever view each of us has on this issue, the "democracy" part comes into play via legislation at the State and National level and through the courts.

Further: The ultimate resolution of this issue can be achieved through either of two related legal mechanisms for amending the constitution. Both involve extensive citizen participation and review.

Whether or not any of us like it . . .that is how democracy works in out Republic.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Agreed. Some people don’t realize that ultimately it’s up to the people. No matter how people try to subvert or change the rules, the public will is the final say.

Whether we like it or not.

Of course, not on this and several other issues, as we all know.
Not exactly what I was asking you, bro, but “whether you like it or not” doesn’t speak too highly of your respect for democracy. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
America happens to be a Constitutional Republic. I respect that.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
America happens to be a Constitutional Republic. I respect that. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Do you respect the fact that the constitution can be amended?

Somehow, that seems to be at the root of the paranoid rant that is the OP.
eyecu2's Avatar
Some amendments are ok w the MAGAS...others are a hard pass. The SCOTUS ruling on the 14th will show us if that mindset is to dismantle anybody's rights as outlined by all amendments, or if it was just a one-off with Roe.

I believe it's a systematic dissolution, in an attempt to rewind the clock - as most of these folks who support removing women's rights or protections for voters or even the sanctity of the democracy, needs to reverse to the early 1900s.
Do you respect the fact that the constitution can be amended?

Somehow, that seems to be at the root of the paranoid rant that is the OP. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Why should an already existing amendment such as the Second Amendment be amended?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Why should an already existing amendment such as the Second Amendment be amended? Originally Posted by Levianon17
Because the majority of Americans desire it. Not an easy task but possible. And legal.
Because the majority of Americans desire it. Not an easy task but possible. And legal. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
The Constitution is designed for Government to adhere too. Amending any amendment of the Constitution will afford more misplaced power to the Government and less benefit to the people. So those people who want the Second Amendment or any Amendment amended are stupid people and have no idea what they asking the Government to do. The Government is more than willing to do anything subversive to the Constitution. The only thing that is keeping this country somewhat intact is the Constitution. Take that away and you can wave a white sheet instead of the Stars and Stripes because you just surrendered your ass.
ICU 812's Avatar
ICU 812's Avatar
The Constitution is designed for Government to adhere too. Amending any amendment of the Constitution will afford more misplaced power to the Government and less benefit to the people. So those people who want the Second Amendment or any Amendment amended are stupid people and have no idea what they asking the Government to do. The Government is more than willing to do anything subversive to the Constitution. The only thing that is keeping this country somewhat intact is the Constitution. Take that away and you can wave a white sheet instead of the Stars and Stripes because you just surrendered your ass. Originally Posted by Levianon17
I agree with that.

My posts about amending, rewriting or abolishing the Second Amendment are made to bring out the difficulty the left would fsce in trying to change the 2A through the amendment process. The will of We The People is just not there for any change.
ICU 812's Avatar
Because the majority of Americans desire it. Not an easy task but possible. And legal. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
There is a phrase sometimes used in some forms of card based gaming where, when players at the table attempt to encoursge another plusher to decide to participate or not in the hand ab out to be played out, they may say . . ."So put up or shut up!"/ That is the way I remember it.

This is a presidential election year. President Biden is having some trouble retaining the Democrat's traditional coalition. Gun control via the amendment process could very well tip the scales for him, if public support for such change is as strong as some would have us believe.

To those who contest the court's rulings private ownership of firearms by the general public and to those who would restrict or ban such ownership, I say. if the majority of citizens agree with you . . . quit shuck'sn an Juv'n and propose an amendment.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Uhhh, amendments and gun control laws are proposed and filed every year in state legislatures across the country.

Stuck down by judges, not by voters.

California recently survived another court ruling and successfully banned firearms in most public places. Only after ten appeals court overruled the Federal Dipshit errr District Judge who struck it down.

read about it"]
Yssup Rider's Avatar
The Constitution is designed for Government to adhere too. Amending any amendment of the Constitution will afford more misplaced power to the Government and less benefit to the people. So those people who want the Second Amendment or any Amendment amended are stupid people and have no idea what they asking the Government to do. The Government is more than willing to do anything subversive to the Constitution. The only thing that is keeping this country somewhat intact is the Constitution. Take that away and you can wave a white sheet instead of the Stars and Stripes because you just surrendered your ass. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Pot, meet slightly dimmer kettle.
ICU 812's Avatar
From the thread's title:

"The come and take them sentiment was first recorded in history when the Persian Emperor, Xerces demanded that King Leonides and his 300 Spartans surrender their weapons at the pass of Thermopylae. . .in 485 BC(E) or so.

There have been other statements of that sentiment in other conflicts over the centuries. During the Texas revolution against Mexico, Mexican regulars attempted to confiscate a small canon on possessed by civilian colonists at Gonzales. They refused saying pretty much the same thing before discharging the piece and routing the squad of soldiers.

I am secure in thinking that those colonists believed that they had a right, as individuals, to keep and bear arms in defense of their lives, their liberty and freedom.