questions for the guys?

[quote=Miss Sophie Bella;365695]

Obviously, with the intent to humiliate without consent so you admit that it is humiliating,

But I think it's extremely unfair to compare the outcome of male pleasure with his excrementOK, well, maybe that was a bit extreme. However, pee and sperm are both bodily fluids that come from the penis. If a gent asks to pee on your face, would you allow THAT? No? Why not? If he says it gives him "pleasure" and finds it "sensual"...well, why not? Please explain...

No sensual act is implicitly badOh, OK. So if a gent finds peeing on your face is sensual, then it's perfectly OK for him to do it. In other words, whatever a gents asks, no matter what, it's OK for provider to do, even if she finds it repulsive or distasteful, because the gent claims it is "sensual" . Hmmmmm...for the hobbyists with daughters, are you comfortable that your precious little flower would allow to let Johnny Bar Trash Pick-Up she meets on a Friday night cum...on HER face? Or us it just OK for us providers............,

nor is it necessarily cruel Oh, so now "cruel" can be added to "humiliating". NICE. to one partner or another.

We ought to allow one another to find pleasure where we can so long as all parties involved give their approval.Agreed, as long as it is NOT included in a standard GFE session. Like Greek. Or bondage. Or slapping of the providers face. Or spitting on the providers face. The problem is, these guys that are porn addicts see stuff like this in porn and think "Oh I want to do THAT", and when some naive, gullible provider says "OK"., it filters down to us providers that have bounderies...and self respect..and self esteem.[/quote]

[quote=Rand Al'Thor;365771]

When your lover ejaculates in you, do you feel that is the same as peeing inside of you? Even though issued from the same phallus, there is a great difference biologically and emotionally between those two fluids.Oh really? And maybe Mr. All Knowing Female Expert Scientist can explain to us dumbass providers what that difference you said, they are both bodily fluids that come from the penis."Oh what a beautiful painting, I want to soil it". NOT OK with ME. Sir.

If youand the majority of providers BTW fail to see that difference and the accompanying acts, then I fully understand why you would imply that OP is dumbI never called her "dumb", did I. Don't put inflammatory words in my mouth. Sir.

Because something does not fall inside your box defining nice, good, erotic, sensual, does not mean it might not float another's boat. That's all well and good, as long as gents don't feel that cumming-or peeing-or shitting-on a providers face is widely acceptable by the MAINSTREAM providers that still have self respect and self esteem...intact.

I would not flaunt your closed mind as reason for elitism.I have an open mind, dear..after all, I'm a PROVIDER. Elitism?? Nice try at making me appear Holier Than Thou. I'm just a girl that enjoys bringing GFE pleasure to guys that seek it out. I am NOT however, cool with bounderies being pushed, and disrespectful acts being paraded as "common" and "acceptable"[/quote]

The OP said that she once felt that COF was "degrading", but now doesn't. OK, I get that. But can we all agree that COF is a tad bit disrespectful?

OK, then WHY WHY WHY would any provider allow even the teensy weensy bit of disrespect be a part of her "job" description?

PLEASE explain.

Because the MAJORITY of providers do NOT allow disrespect to be a part-even the tiniest part-of their "job", for want of a better word.

I-and the MAJORITY-of providers- make plenty of money-as much as we wish-WITHOUT letting men degrade-excuse me, "disrepect"-us,AT ALL.

Why do things that you find distasteful that you don't need to do??????

I can see allowing your SO, who you are madly in love with, do things out of the ordinary since he is your SO and you love him. But a Fred Flintstone looking stranger that gives you money? That you don't HAVE to do? And you would stil make money if you didn't?

Don't make much sense. To me, anyway.

DISCLAIMER: Just giving my point of view since I feel strongly on this subject. Doesn't mean I don't value or respect others views.
Pleasure or how an individual derives it is a relative thing. Some acts that are mentioned in this thread as degrading would be an aphrodisiac to others. Just because their idea of pleasure is different from yours does not make them "naive" or "gulliable". Let's face it, there are many persons that are absolutely enthralled with not just golden showers, but brown, red, and roman ones as well. That doesn't mean it is for everyone.

I certainly support all participants having boundaries. When someone has boundaries that are different from my own, that doesn't make that individual misguided, it just makes us different. It certainly doesn't mean that they have more or less self-respect or self esteem than I do, it just makes us different.

Some of the behavior described is because this is denied in the parallel universe that most of us exist within. What's the old joke about why the Bride is smiling as she comes down the aisle? She has given her last blow-job! Many want from this parallel world what they don't get in the other. Things like BBBJCIM, greek, etc. That doesn't make the person who wants these acts nor the person who might provide them a low life POS. Nor does it make someone who does not want to perform these acts one, either. Just my .02
Centexlicker's Avatar
I prefer CIM
I don't think the majority of guys that like this are on a power trip and want to degrade women, they just think it feels/looks good.Oh, I see. So if it breaks our face out since semen is so acidic, or gets in our eye, which will turn the white of your eye red and inflamed for at least 48 hours, well, too bad. Because the gent likes it. Fuck us.
So, as long as the guy thinks it "looks" and "feels" good, we sould allow it. "Well, Miss Provider, I think it looks and feels good to smear my shit on your face". All good. Right?
_/ Originally Posted by blenderhead
______________________________ ______________________________ __
Rand Al'Thor's Avatar
When your lover ejaculates in you, do you feel that is the same as peeing inside of you? Even though issued from the same phallus, there is a great difference biologically and emotionally between those two fluids.Oh really? And maybe Mr. All Knowing Female Expert Scientist can explain to us dumbass providers what that difference you said, they are both bodily fluids that come from the penis."Oh what a beautiful painting, I want to soil it". NOT OK with ME. Sir. Originally Posted by Sweet Heather
Sweet Heather, I never addressed providers, dumbass or otherwise, I have only so far addressed you and your statements. Don't try to make this about other providers besides you. I see your point of view now. Semen and urine both come from the penis and are distasteful. You do not want urine on your face or vagina. You do not want semen on your face, but your vagina is deserving of this fluid that comes from the same penis as urine does. Got it. Also, I never said it should be OK with you.

If youand the majority of providers BTW fail to see that difference and the accompanying acts, then I fully understand why you would imply that OP is dumbI never called her "dumb", did I. Don't put inflammatory words in my mouth. Sir.
First, if you are going to speak for the majority of providers, I would like you to take a poll of ALL providers that you are representing a majority of. That is presumptuous of you to speak for a majority without them knowing you speak for them. In fact, your opinion has been in the minority among providers in this thread.

I never said you called her dumb. I said you implied she is dumb by your statement "Some girls will fall for anything, it seems..." If that is not what you meant by that statement, and I misunderstood, please explain what you meant by the statement.

Because something does not fall inside your box defining nice, good, erotic, sensual, does not mean it might not float another's boat. That's all well and good, as long as gents don't feel that cumming-or peeing-or shitting-on a providers face is widely acceptable by the MAINSTREAM providers that still have self respect and self esteem...intact.
I don't think there was any mention or attempt by anyone to sway "mainstream" perception or expectation in this thread. Also, I think you just implied that providers that allow COF (along with the other activities you listed) don't have their self respect and self esteem intact. Is this true?

I would not flaunt your closed mind as reason for elitism.I have an open mind, dear..after all, I'm a PROVIDER. Elitism?? Nice try at making me appear Holier Than Thou. I'm just a girl that enjoys bringing GFE pleasure to guys that seek it out. I am NOT however, cool with bounderies being pushed, and disrespectful acts being paraded as "common" and "acceptable"
I would disagree that you have an open mind, but that's a pointless discussion since we don't have the proper environment to discuss that point. BTW, being a provider doesn't guarantee that you have an open mind, just like being a hobbyist doesn't. I don't have to try or attempt to make you appear anything, dear.

It's fine if you don't like your boundaries pushed, none of us have suggested pushing your boundaries. Others, however, sometimes enjoy it. As for what you see as disrespectful acts being paraded as common or acceptable, any act between two consenting adults is acceptable. Common? Expected? Any mention of COF was framed with either expressing desire to do so or asking before doing it.

The OP said that she once felt that COF was "degrading", but now doesn't. OK, I get that. But can we all agree that COF is a tad bit disrespectful?
No. It CAN be disrespectful, but it does not have to be.

Think of the act of shooting a gun at someone - would you agree that this is a malicious act?

What if it was done out of mercy and at the request of the person being shot? I think you are labeling behavior without understanding intent.

OK, then WHY WHY WHY would any provider allow even the teensy weensy bit of disrespect be a part of her "job" description?

PLEASE explain.
You shouldn't, and no one here suggested you do so.
As for why any provider MIGHT do so - if she enjoys it. Some people are into humiliation, pain, degradation. Again, if both parties are consenting, I am fine with it.

Because the MAJORITY of providers do NOT allow disrespect to be a part-even the tiniest part-of their "job", for want of a better word.

I-and the MAJORITY-of providers- make plenty of money-as much as we wish-WITHOUT letting men degrade-excuse me, "disrepect"-us,AT ALL.

Why do things that you find distasteful that you don't need to do??????
Again, please do not speak for others unless you have taken a valid poll and/or were voted/given authority to speak for the group.

I'm glad that you and (apparently) majority of providers make plenty of money without allowing men to degrade or disrespect you. No one here is trying to talk you into this.

In fact, until you made an appearance in this thread, everyone expressed their opinions and preferences without implying opinions other than yours can only be held by women who are less than intelligent or damaged self-esteem.

I can see allowing your SO, who you are madly in love with, do things out of the ordinary since he is your SO and you love him. But a Fred Flintstone looking stranger that gives you money? That you don't HAVE to do? And you would stil make money if you didn't?
Would it make a difference if your client didn't look like Fred Flintstone, or do all your clients look like Fred Flintstone?

Don't make much sense. To me, anyway.

DISCLAIMER: Just giving my point of view since I feel strongly on this subject. Doesn't mean I don't value or respect others views.
No doubt you do feel strongly, but you've made it clear how much you value or respect others views.
Sensual Sophia's Avatar
Maybe it's just me, but I don't see why it is viewed as any more degrading that elsewhere on the body. As for women that find it degrading I'd bet they don't mind a guy's face getting all sloppy from female juices going down on her. I think too many women read too much into it. Just wipe it off when done. Sheesh. Originally Posted by Sternomancer
I agree with Sophie that degradation is in the eye (or face) of the beholder. However, the face is very different from the rest of the body. It's a sensory power house. It's where your ears, eyes, nose and mouth are. And where your brain is housed. And where you communicate with language and facial expressions. If it wasnt any different than any other part of the body, then what would be so special about cumming on it? And vaginal juices are very different in smell and consistency. The feel of cum on my face doesn't remotely compare to the watery mix of lady juice and saliva that you get when going down on a woman. Baby batter is viscous, potent and sticky. I just don't think the situations are analagous.

If it floats your boat and you can find a lady who is also into it, or one you can pay to pretend she's into it, by all means, spooge away!
SofaKingFun's Avatar
You know heather, for a woman who conceived a Daughter as a result of a Porn Shoot, you've got pretty dim view on where *others* elect to deposit their ejaculate --not to mention your claim that providers who allow this...and perhaps actually enjoy COF and even request COF have no self-respect and low self esteem-- Yes Heather, you're so much higher on the provider food-chain than those who *aren't* mainstream and who invite and allow such degradation into this thing of ours. Pffffft!

If the provider doesn't have an issue with it, why does it bother you? Is it because you feel that guys are suddenly going to start spending it on your face?

Here's something to thinck about. If a guy is going to unload on a person's face; be it ejaculate, urinate, or takes *some* doing. It's kind of hard to just sneak one in on a person without them noticing. Ya' know?

Regardless, if you can't see the irony ...never mind.

I just can't dumb any lower. It's too painful.
Carl's Avatar
  • Carl
  • 06-19-2010, 02:06 PM
The pH of semen has a normal range of 7.2-8.0 (water has a neutral pH of 7.0) which makes it very slightly to mildly alkaline (, like the pH of most bodily fluids, since they are all at some point derived from blood which has a very narrow pH range of 7.35-7.45 thanks to the very effective buffering of blood pH by the bicarbonate buffering system (, shown by the chemical equilibrium reaction below:

CO2 (g) + H20 (l) <=> H2CO3 (aq) <=> H+ (aq) + HCO3- (aq)

Interestingly, the normal vaginal pH is slightly acidic at 3.8-4.5 which helps reduce the chance of bacterial vaginosis ( And the skin's pH is also slightly acidic, normally in the range of 4.5-6.2, due to the salts, lactic acid and amino acids found in sweat. This acidity also helps to inhibit bacterial growth (

So, the alkalinity of semen may partially neutralize the acidity of the skin and make it more likely for skin to break out, but since most men don't ejaculate large volumes of strongly alkaline semen, the most reasonable inference to make is that the pre-existing use of a soap with high alkalinity or over frequent washing with even a mild soap removing the natural bacteria-inhibiting acidic elements of sweat or perhaps the use of cosmetics or skin lotions which may disturb the pH of the skin would be the underlying root cause of any "breaking out". The alkalinity of the semen may just bring the circumstances to a tipping point, but these other factors would have the condition of the skin at the brink, the very precipice of a cutaneous catastrophe.

Interestingly, because blood is alkaline and normal vaginal pH is acidic to inhibit bacterial growth, it suggests that some ladies may be at risk to develop bacterial vaginosis during or immediately following their periods, especially if there's a heavy flow.
blenderhead's Avatar
Oh, I see. So if it breaks our face out since semen is so acidic, or gets in our eye, which will turn the white of your eye red and inflamed for at least 48 hours, well, too bad. Because the gent likes it. Fuck us.
So, as long as the guy thinks it "looks" and "feels" good, we sould allow it. "Well, Miss Provider, I think it looks and feels good to smear my shit on your face". All good. Right? Originally Posted by Sweet Heather
I never said anything even remotely like that. I don't want anyone to do anything they're not comfortable with, and I'm not trying to persuade anyone. I've never even asked for it in a session. But the fact is that there are women who like it, and there are men who like it, and I don't see a problem with these men and women getting together and doing something they have no problem with. Should everyone stop doing it just because you think it's revolting?

And for the record, my semen has yet to cause any outbreaks or inflammations no matter where I've put it.
Miss Sophie Bella's Avatar
[QUOTE=Sweet Heather;366841]

Obviously, with the intent to humiliate without consent so you admit that it is humiliating,

But I think it's extremely unfair to compare the outcome of male pleasure with his excrementOK, well, maybe that was a bit extreme. However, pee and sperm are both bodily fluids that come from the penis. If a gent asks to pee on your face, would you allow THAT? No? Why not? If he says it gives him "pleasure" and finds it "sensual"...well, why not? Please explain...

No sensual act is implicitly badOh, OK. So if a gent finds peeing on your face is sensual, then it's perfectly OK for him to do it. In other words, whatever a gents asks, no matter what, it's OK for provider to do, even if she finds it repulsive or distasteful, because the gent claims it is "sensual" . Hmmmmm...for the hobbyists with daughters, are you comfortable that your precious little flower would allow to let Johnny Bar Trash Pick-Up she meets on a Friday night cum...on HER face? Or us it just OK for us providers............,

nor is it necessarily cruel Oh, so now "cruel" can be added to "humiliating". NICE. to one partner or another.

We ought to allow one another to find pleasure where we can so long as all parties involved give their approval.Agreed, as long as it is NOT included in a standard GFE session. Like Greek. Or bondage. Or slapping of the providers face. Or spitting on the providers face. The problem is, these guys that are porn addicts see stuff like this in porn and think "Oh I want to do THAT", and when some naive, gullible provider says "OK"., it filters down to us providers that have bounderies...and self respect..and self esteem.[/quote]

----------------------------------------------------------------------- Originally Posted by Miss Sophie Bella
I absolutely do not believe that any sexual act is inherently humiliating, including ejaculating on any body part. I used the words "to humiliate without consent" because I wanted to recognize that for many people humiliation play within a sexual context is extremely erotic. So long as all the adults involved in any act are fully aware of and okay with the things they're participating in, I simply have no problem with it. "Consent" is the key word here.

I completely agree that it's never okay to coerce someone else into doing things against their will. But I also trust that other providers are just like you and me: smart enough to make their own decisions about what they are and are not comfortable doing. They have agency over their own bodies and minds. It's not our job to be so condescending that we think we know better than they do what is or is not acceptable during a session. If a lady says she enjoys (or simply allows) COF or any other act, it is not my place to judge her or her client.
Is Heather related to Wicked Milf?
um hum...sratching my head? I said that BEFORE I was a provider I perceived cof as degrading. That was BEFORE I had the wonder experience of cof with a great gentleman that did cof. My experience with him was endearing and erotic. Will I do that with every gentleman? Probably not. Will I make it part of my gfe? I would NOT do anything with ANYONE I felt was humiliating or degrading. I do not set hard limits for gfe and all that gfe entails. To me, gfe means many things and it shouldn't be limited to certain acts or categorized. Money does not motive me to do certain acts, and certainly acts I feel would be degrading. I simply wanted to know what the appeal was all about from the hobbyist perspective. It's kind of like asking a man what it feels like to be inside of a woman. It was sheer curiosity, nothing more nothing less. I don't think that makes me naive or will motivate me to do cof for everyone just because someone likes it. I do what I damn well want to and haven't had many complaints!
thegj's Avatar
  • thegj
  • 06-19-2010, 10:45 PM
Carl,what is the ph levels impact for growing bigger tomatoes- will peeing on them make them redder?

COMMUNICATION BEFORE YOU START- learned that from a wise young lady
BE HONEST- TALK- AND listen, listen, listen.

pondering the raising of the perfect peach
the viceroy's Avatar
One of the hottest sessions I've ever had ended with COF. Two hours of blistering, smoking hot, "holy crap I can't believe this" lustfulness. Her request...while she was burning up the battery on a toy I brought for her. Kissed her while she blew up for about the 6th time. Now I'm sort of a fan of COF.