OMG just got laid at Massage Envy!

LovingKayla's Avatar
Lol this thread has been throughly hilarious. I have to say though, I don't think many providers will DFK you after this post.
GingerKatt's Avatar
The OP is obviously just a total loser living in his mother's basement and he's getting a kick from all the attention his thread is getting. It most likely makes him feel important. Since he's getting off on the attention, and the disagreements between several members of our board, we should all just ignore him; treat him like the nothing that he is. He no doubt has the personality and intelligence of a doorknob. After all the years he's been a member, he finally got the courage to write a post, which was meant to stir up controversy. He just sat back and watched. Never defended the veracity of his story at all. So he got even braver and posted a thread in ISO last night. It's not even an ISO, it's just a question: "which is better, an anal creampie or a vaginal creampie? It's not worth a response and it would make him too happy to get any heated responses on it, so I think we should just ignore both threads, and not feed his sick need for any kind of attention, even negative attention.
Uncle_Tony's Avatar
Subway....put my five dollar footlong in an 18 yr old sandwich maker, while she served other customers. I got a lot of dirty looks from patrons.

One customer reached over the counter and put a little spank on me for being a naughty boy!!!

I hope my story was as accurate and truthful as yours. (cough cough)