Assup probably got beat up on the playground everyday, but was too stupid to realize it was his own fucking fault. His monumental idiocy is one of the many reasons he was voted Dipshit of the Year for 2014.
I would happily kick his ass if he would ever show up at a mutually agreeable place, but he is too much of a little pussy. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer

Don't forget about 2013...
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Assup probably got beat up on the playground everyday, but was too stupid to realize it was his own fucking fault. His monumental idiocy is one of the many reasons he was voted Dipshit of the Year for 2014.
I would happily kick his ass if he would ever show up at a mutually agreeable place, but he is too much of a little pussy. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
You have stood me up twice, Fraud Flintstone. And PMed me entirely unsolicited a number of times, in spite of my request to leave me the fuck alone. You're a sick little midget, BJerk.

My questions are:
  • Would you use your bare fists?
  • Would I have to get on my knees to level the playing field?
  • Would there be 10 second rounds so your wheelchair attendant could turn on your oxygen?
  • Would your wife let you out of your apartment at Golden Acres long enough to do the deed?
  • OR ARE YOU IN ISRAEL AGAIN, BJerk, you cowardly frogmouth motherfucker?

Oh yeah, have you ever been banned for using multiple handles? Yes or no.

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I think Assup has veered very close to forbidden topic land. Again. Wonder how many times it takes?
lustylad's Avatar
You are, without a doubt, the most vapidly drooling idiot that has ever graced this site...

Every response you posted here is nothing but ad hominem vitriol. You offer absolutely no substance whatsoever. In any post, on any thread. You contribute exactly nothing to anything...

Everyone else here usually comes up with some interesting contributions. A few facts, some opinions. Even when I don't agree with those opinions, they at least bring something to the table. Something worth reading, considering, and then responding to.

But not you Assup. The only thing you know how to do is insult, belittle, and act like a 5 year old. That is why I find your Five D's in your signature so ironic. I guess you put it in your signature to use as a crib sheet in case you are ever stumped for a response.

You truly need help. Of the laying on the couch variety, and probably accompanied by a prescription or two. Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh

You just got bitch-slapped, assup. Big time. SOTF sure has your number. You should hire her - to teach you how to post intelligent, substantive comments on this board.

I B Hankering's Avatar
You are, without a doubt, the most vapidly drooling idiot that has ever graced this site.

First, you dismiss the thread topic as a Youtube conspiracy. Now, I will confess my initial reaction was also extreme skepticism. A claim that upwards of 1,400 children had been raped over a 16 year period in England of all places just sounded too outlandish to believe.

Do you know what I did? I went to trusty Google and in about 10 seconds discovered that the story is true. So much for the whole Youtube conspiracy angle.

So what do you do Assup? Every response you posted here is nothing but ad hominem vitriol. You offer absolutely no substance whatsoever. In any post, on any thread. You contribute exactly nothing to anything. If you were to step in a pile of dog crap, you would actually be improved for having some depth and substance until you ruin it by scraping the dog crap off of your shoes.

Everyone else here usually comes up with some interesting contributions. A few facts, some opinions. Even when I don't agree with those opinions, they at least bring something to the table. Something worth reading, considering, and then responding to.

But not you Assup. The only thing you know how to do is insult, belittle, and act like a 5 year old. That is why I find your Five D's in your signature so ironic. I guess you put it in your signature to use as a crib sheet in case you are ever stumped for a response.

You truly need help. Of the laying on the couch variety, and probably accompanied by a prescription or two. Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh

You just got bitch-slapped, assup. Big time. SOTF sure has your number. You should hire her - to teach you how to post intelligent, substantive comments on this board.

. Originally Posted by lustylad
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I think Assup has veered very close to forbidden topic land. Again. Wonder how many times it takes? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Utter bullshit Whiny, and you know it.
LordBeaverbrook's Avatar
What we have here is the evil of multiculturalism. You know, the idea that all cultures are equal and we cannot no judge. I will say this, our culture (western culture) is superior to most Middle Eastern cultures, most African cultures, many Asian cultures, and even some European cultures. We don't recognize the gang rape of women as a strategic initiative like the Russian, Slavs, and Turks. We don't smile at serial rapists like they do in India, the Middle East, and Africa. We don't nod our heads in agreement with the brutal murders of entire villages like the do in the Middle East and Africa, and....there is just too many thing bastardly things the rest of the world does to list.
We believe that everyone has the right to exist for their own pleasure (unless you're a liberal in government) and live their life unimpeded (unless they have a pimp or are Beyonce' or Rice's wife). Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Very well said! And you Timmie's panties in a bunch... Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Ok assup, why don't you tell us who is MORE evil in this sorry affair:

1. The Muzzies who gang-rape their women and children.
2. The UK authorities who look the other way out of fear of being called racist.
3. The progressive multi-culturalists who make it politically incorrect for us to "impose our values" against people who engage in sick, perverted and illegal customs.

If you would want, you can hold them all culpable. Just be sure to tell us how you divvy up the blame - e.g. 25% Muzzies, 25% UK authorities, 50% purveyors of so-called progressive thought, etc. Originally Posted by lustylad
+1 Yeah, 'cause nothin' like that would ever happen in 'Merica, 'specially God-fearing, patriotic, Red state, small town 'Merica like Alaska with their wonderful shining vision of leadership in half-term ex-governor quitter Palin now would it? Could it?

Oh shit, yes it does, sigh. Wrong again and it wasn't them damn Pakkies doin' the rapin' and it wasn't the damn evil progressive multi-culturalists lookin' the other way.

Rape Culture in the Alaskan Wilderness
In the tight-knit communities of the far north, there are no roads, no police officers—and higher rates of sexual assault than anywhere else in the United States.

Damn, whatcha got to say now, Whirly and all his defenders? Your video's idiot claim makes about as much sense as claiming liberals started and carry ebola.

Oh yeah, and that must be why there was so much abuse in the Catholic church... because it was a tolerant and multi-cultural progressive organization, right?
+1 Yeah, 'cause nothin' like that would ever happen in 'Merica, 'specially God-fearing, patriotic, Red state, small town 'Merica like Alaska with their wonderful shining vision of leadership in half-term ex-governor quitter Palin now would it? Could it?

Oh shit, yes it does, sigh. Wrong again and it wasn't them damn Pakkies doin' the rapin' and it wasn't the damn evil progressive multi-culturalists lookin' the other way.

Rape Culture in the Alaskan Wilderness
In the tight-knit communities of the far north, there are no roads, no police officers—and higher rates of sexual assault than anywhere else in the United States.

Damn, whatcha got to say now, Whirly and all his defenders? Your video's idiot claim makes about as much sense as claiming liberals started and carry ebola.

Oh yeah, and that must be why there was so much abuse in the Catholic church... because it was a tolerant and multi-cultural progressive organization, right? Originally Posted by LordBeaverbrook

I'm actually embarrassed for the Ozombies, about you screen-name... you're a FUCKING clown... LMAO

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Dumb as a post, ain't you, Slobbrin?

Hope you and all your "Jew friends" are enjoying this.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
+1 Originally Posted by I B Hankering
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
LLets get real here! Get off your high fucking horse ... Unless you plan to blow him later too! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Nope. Not even close to forbidden territory, Assup. My bad. Rant on!

Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
What we have here is the evil of multiculturalism. You know, the idea that all cultures are equal and we cannot no judge. I will say this, our culture (western culture) is superior to most Middle Eastern cultures, most African cultures, many Asian cultures, and even some European cultures. We don't recognize the gang rape of women as a strategic initiative like the Russian, Slavs, and Turks. We don't smile at serial rapists like they do in India, the Middle East, and Africa. We don't nod our heads in agreement with the brutal murders of entire villages like the do in the Middle East and Africa, and....there is just too many thing bastardly things the rest of the world does to list.
We believe that everyone has the right to exist for their own pleasure (unless you're a liberal in government) and live their life unimpeded (unless they have a pimp or are Beyonce' or Rice's wife). Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Well put Mr. BC