the Texas Rangers and Cole Hamels... any Playoff Chance This Year?

Every time I see this thread title I think it says Camel Toe at first. Lol. Maybe it's just the mobile version.
I think they are going to be celebrating the division title in front of the Angels in the last homestand. Originally Posted by davidfree986
if Napoli misplays a ball, and it goes for a double or two-base error, that is the same as taking an at-bat from Napoli, and changing his own double into a strike-out.. I'm not sure the risk-reward is in the Rangers' favor.. I would think Moreland is better in left field, with Napoli at first?

I think one win in Houston this weekend seals the deal.. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
I think you are right, Chung, as Moreland did play in the outfield a few years ago when he was brought up while Smoak handled the first base duties.

The Rangers and now 2 games ahead of the Angels and 2.5 of Astros. Not out of the woods for the division title, but they still control their own destiny. I think my prediction will come true about celebrating the division against the Angels, and I am hoping it will be no later than game 3 against them. Winning tonight will almost cement it, especially if the As beat the Angels.
Chung Tran's Avatar
Every time I see this thread title I think it says Camel Toe at first. Lol. Maybe it's just the mobile version. Originally Posted by thathottnurse
Ha! I don't think it's Mobile, I think your mind is in the gutter

The Rangers and now 2 games ahead of the Angels and 2.5 of Astros. Not out of the woods for the division title, but they still control their own destiny. I think my prediction will come true about celebrating the division against the Angels, and I am hoping it will be no later than game 3 against them. Winning tonight will almost cement it, especially if the As beat the Angels. Originally Posted by davidfree986
I think your prediction will come true, hopefully by game 2.. last night's game was odd, an explosion of runs by both teams, followed by 4 innings of shutdown.. at least the Rangers squeaked by with the win.. had they lost.. well, I wouldn't want to ponder what could happen this weekend.
Boltfan's Avatar
National pundits are dipshits. The Dodgers have Kershaw and Greinke. Two aces. Originally Posted by broes
Who have shown they suck in the postseason.
The division clinch can be as early as the first game with the Angels, which is tomorrow, depending upon if the Rangers win tonight and both the Astros and Angels lose tonight. The Angels will be 3 back and Astros 3.5 back, the magic number will be down to 2, then if they beat the Angels in game 1, that eliminates the idle Astros and the Angels as both will be 4 back with 3 games to play.

As far as Hamels goes, he needs to sharpen real quick or the Rangers will be done in the division series. The Rangers are winning despite his poor performances, but he is not getting paid 25 million a year to give up as many runs as he does and the Rangers are not going to score 7+ runs a night for him. In the post season, he needs to win 1-0 and 2-1, not 10-9 and 7-6.
Chung Tran's Avatar
As far as Hamels goes, he needs to sharpen real quick or the Rangers will be done in the division series. The Rangers are winning despite his poor performances Originally Posted by davidfree986
he has been a disappointment, I don't know what is wrong, exactly, but yes, a fast turnaround is essential.. oddly enough, the Rangers sort of took off right after his acquisition, despite Hamels' poor outings..
he has been a disappointment, I don't know what is wrong, exactly, but yes, a fast turnaround is essential.. oddly enough, the Rangers sort of took off right after his acquisition, despite Hamels' poor outings.. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
yep, that indirectly goes into his pay scale as well. What is also odd is all but the first two starts he has had for the Rangers, the Rangers have won those games. He is 6-1, with 3 no decisions, Rangers are 2-1 in those three.
Looks like the Rangers could be celebrating twice against the Angels. If the win tonight, they will get in as at the very least a WC, then if they win again or Houston loses once, they celebrate the division title.
Boltfan's Avatar
Big shout out to Arte Moreno . We appreciate ya guy.
Boltfan's Avatar
Did I jinx it?
Boltfan's Avatar
27 outs. Brass balls start by Hamels and Hamilton contributes big again!
Big shout out to Arte Moreno . We appreciate ya guy. Originally Posted by Boltfan
we sure do! Of the money that is owed to Josh, the Rangers pay nothing in 2016 and 2 million in 2017............Thanks Arte!
Boltfan's Avatar
we sure do! Of the money that is owed to Josh, the Rangers pay nothing in 2016 and 2 million in 2017............Thanks Arte! Originally Posted by davidfree986
I almost jinxed it.
blowmypop23's Avatar
he has been a disappointment, I don't know what is wrong, exactly, but yes, a fast turnaround is essential.. oddly enough, the Rangers sort of took off right after his acquisition, despite Hamels' poor outings.. Originally Posted by Chung Tran

Hamels had a huge impact on the team. Baseball is a lot about superstition and attitude. His record was solid and the team played better with him out there. Also the other pitchers benefited from dropping down a slot to face lessor guys as Cole took on the big dog.

They got Cole for the playoffs and the playoffs is where he shines
. They got Cole for the playoffs and the playoffs is where he shines Originally Posted by blowmypop23

I think Cole takes the mound Game 2 on Friday, right? Hot damn, can't wait!

Just hope Gallardo can give us 5, maybe 6 strong (shut out, dare I say) innings tomorrow....then hand it over to a well rested pen. Yeah, that's how I'd draw it up.

One game atta time....