
Les Grossman's Avatar
I see what I was saying has been overlooked.
There are some 'fair skinned'
people who birthed racism so therefore they would never understand what certain conversations are about.

IJS Originally Posted by Seeking ~P
That's racist!

Being a negro I guess you would never understand that. See how that works?

A d can never please you or alleviate your bitterness because it is indeed a p you seek.

You are obsessed with hygiene/cleanliness because you feel dirty inside and disgusted with yourself.

I want you to talk more openly about these issues rather than mask them by lashing out.

Inb4 oldgent
Les Grossman's Avatar
cinderbella's Avatar
I don't eat out at restaurants much, but the past two times I have I have noticed two different people that I know socially have been unreasonable with the waitstaff. I have never waited tables, but I would have a tough time dealing with the overt rudeness that must occur given that I have witnessed it myself. Personally, if ANYONE waits on me be it a waiter/waitress or cashier, etc. I just smile and thank them. Even if the service is sub par, that person showed up for work and because they showed up to work, I am getting service. I am not there to judge the level of the service, I am just glad that they are there.

The waitress did her job, she brought you your order. You chose to be offended by her indifference toward you. NEWS FLASH: I get ignored and slighted all the damn time by people, and I don't deserve it. How you and I react to it is on us. Rise above it, transcending is your friend. You can't always get what you want......

In comment #31 She mentions she likes to receive a tip and she provides
excellent service. Her comment tells me she appreciates the gent coming and provides him
a service. She obviously speaks to the gents when they enter her home and she doesn't ignore them.

Comment #49 - The waitress is in the service industry as you and I are. I was not offended but I did wonder what was
going on at first but it came to me exactly what was happening.
When a gentleman walks through my door I greet him w/the most enthusiastic greeting.
I appreciate him coming to see me,
because he chose my establishment to visit when there were many other choices he could have chosen from.
At a 5* restaurant, it's much more than just because the wait staff shows up it means she's doing her job by ignoring a patron.
She was not doing her job but I see you're not open to what was happening and you've already sized up
the situation by saying you've witnessed a waitress having a tough time dealing with the overt rudeness. Did you mean
a POC giving wait staff a tough time? I was not rude to her or do you think I was rude b/c I didn't leave a tip?
BTW I wasn't at Denny's or IHOP.
It's not a privilege to get a tip. It's something that u work for and that is why
she showed up for work, to do her JOB and greet the patrons and to work for the tip! I'm pretty sure
she wasn't volunteering her time there for free.

I am in the service industry so I know the job pretty well.
When a client walks through my door I am going to be friendly,
tolerant and inviting even if the appt is just for 30mins
he is gonna get 5* treatment from me and the only time I will be
ignoring him is when I am devouring his tools and something is in my mouth.

When commenting I see that a lot of you can't take the delivery
because it's not sugar coated to your liking and you all become symptomatic.
In exchange for my truthful comments, I'll take all your hits.

For those of you 'fair skinned' folks who believe you GET IT - you don't.
You have to live it to get it!!!!

#46 If you were a real handle you'd need a tube of Neosporin for the burn if I replied.
Les Grossman's Avatar
Am I #46 lol?

You don't have to live anything to understand it or GET IT as you say. For you to think only black people GET racism is ignorant. You say racist stuff all the time (which proves my point) yet cry about it when it happens to you.

Nothing you put in your original post indicated any racism. Maybe you're over sensitive, maybe you still have some growing up to do (probably the case). Maybe you're uneducated. Maybe that awesome pussy you got is so hot it sucks all the blood from your brain.

I'm not picking on you or trying to hurt you. Everyone deals with racism. Life isn't fair for anyone. Most educated adults understand this. You always feeling sorry for yourself and being bitter about it causes your own misery.

I get it you were there alone, probably lonely (nothing wrong with that) so you wanted to chat it up a little and to make things worse she purposely chatted with other people to rub it in your face. It sucks but it happens to everyone. Not just black people. Try being a man and getting rejected in a bar its ten times worse, women can be real cunts.

Me personally I would have made a joke or tried to strike up a conversation instead of sulking and I would have left a tip, not a large tip but a tip.

All you did was solidify a stereotype if that were the case.

People are also giving you good advice but you can never accept that, you just lash out because they don't understand. Have you ever stopped to think, wait a second, maybe I'm the asshole here, maybe I'm the one who doesn't GET IT. I'm not sure if you've notice but you're very rude here. Do you think it's even a little possible you might have been rude to her?

Try being black in Italy, try being white in Latin america, it's the same thing everywhere. It's how you deal with situations that make you happy or unhappy. It's all up to you.

BTW neosporin isn't the best for burns, there is a special cream and spray that works really good but I don't remember what it is.
cinderbella's Avatar
Kind of off subject but kind of fun for me to recall: I had 2 extremely right wing GOP jerk clients who have taken me out to dinner in the past. I am pretty liberal, so my idea for revenge was to make a huge fuss over the waitress who served us. For some reason, I was able to strike up a deep conversation all three times with 3 different waitresses at upscale places. One of the waitresses was hugging me and practically crying from the kindness I showed her. Another waitress told me all about her children and her difficulty finding childcare for late shifts. The third one took the time to write me the longest and sweetest thank you note, she told us she never waited on anyone who was so nice. I have no idea what tip the dudes left, I hoped it was decent but I know that they had to smile thru their gritted teeth going along with all the care and compassion I was subjecting them to.

I learned in all 3 cases that working in an upscale/fancy restaurant does not mean that they make very much. I have heard of waitresses working at casual hole in the walls making bank because the tables were busier. Just an observation.
Well stated ~P

In after fukup whitesheet peckerwood
Bringing politics into a service such as this isn’t smart. Politics shouldn’t be be discussed when visiting. It’s just going to add painful stress if not in agreement.
No. Good Uber drivers deserve to be tipped. But their pay structure is not based on requiring tips to make more than minimum wage. Different than your racist waitress scenario. Xoxo Originally Posted by B Three
Anyone on any service industry who is courteous and does well deserves a tip. I tip the lady who cuts my hair every time. Of course the fact that she’s really hot may have something to do with it :-)
Les Grossman's Avatar
Well stated ~P

In after fukup whitesheet peckerwood Originally Posted by OldGent
You mad bro? What's with the racist slurs?

I've been mistaken for one but I'm not caucasian BTW
I feel like I have been thrown under the RTA and MARTA lately, and for what?? Because I am a woman of "fair Skin".....

On one hand you say you are my friend, and on the other you bash me because I haven't "lived it", so therefore I just don't (cannot possibly) "GET IT", as you say.

I am post #31 you are referring to....I have a name, and it is Melissa!! I am not SHE, I am Melissa, the one who has been in your corner from day 1. Have I not??

You think I tried to make that post "all about me", because I said I treat gentlemen good, and I appreciate the ones who TIP me to show appreciation for my good service skills...

You simply cannot have it both ways, either you are for me, as my friend, or you are against me as my enemy. DNA. I was born Caucasian, and that is all I can ever be, but that still doesn't change the fact that I can sympathize for and with people of beautiful shades of brown skin.

You seem to always make it a point to say to me, that men of brown skin won't screen for you or shower for you, but they are readily able to give screening info. and shower for "fair skinned" ladies and that upsets you.
I cannot help that either.


If you are upset at a restaurant, do like I do, call the MGR. over and voice my concerns. If the MRG. doesn't know a problem exists, they cannot rectify the situation. If you say nothing nothing get's done. Doesn't matter if you were at Denny's, IHOP, or a 5 star restaurant, if something is wrong, you voice your opinion to the MGR. Did you forget you and I were at Denny's and your burger wasn't prepared correctly, and the waitress offered to re do it for you, and you were so upset, you refused... I tried to accommodate you as I was the one treating you out.Sometimes cooks make mistakes, and instead of getting a new burger, you just went into a sour mood, and made me feel bad....I ate my food feeling bad, because mine was fine, I listened to you vent the entire time. I still TIPPED the waitress because it wasn't her fault the cook messed up the burger.

And let me clarify to everyone, ~P and I don't always agree on everything, but for the most part I felt as though we were/are friends. I would never intentionally throw her under the RTA or MARTA ....

I hope you figure this thing out, because just like white is in my DNA, so is KINDNESS, FORGIVENESS, EMPATHY and LOVE towards other human beings...
And so is TIPPING people for their services....
Zenovia's Avatar
About last night...
Treated myself to a well deserved Steak & shrimp dinner.
Mind you, I don't do this very often but when I do, I'd like for my experience to be superb especially for the price one pays when fine dining occurs.
To say the least, my waitress wasn't on point with her service this night, but I did notice another waiter few tables down from mine. Who always had a smile on his face and so very enthusiastic when servicing his tables.
Although he wasn't my server, I couldn't help but appreciate what I seen him doing. So I called him over, asked him his name, thank him for his attentive, punctual service, and gave him a tip that put a humongous smile on his face.
I still tipped my absent waitress but not near what I tipped her coworker.

Maybe she'll get it next time!!
woody4eroticfun's Avatar
About last night...
Treated myself to a well deserved Steak & shrimp dinner.
Mind you, I don't do this very often but when I do, I'd like for my experience to be superb especially for the price one pays when fine dining occurs.
To say the least, my waitress wasn't on point with her service this night, but I did notice another waiter few tables down from mine. Who always had a smile on his face and so very enthusiastic when servicing his tables.
Although he wasn't my server, I couldn't help but appreciate what I seen him doing. So I called him over, asked him his name, thank him for his attentive, punctual service, and gave him a tip that put a humongous smile on his face.
I still tipped my absent waitress but not near what I tipped her coworker.

Maybe she'll get it next time!! Originally Posted by Zenovia
This ^ is the definition of a classy lady ! Well done Zenovia
Zenovia's Avatar
This ^ is the definition of a classy lady ! Well done Zenovia Originally Posted by woody4eroticfun
Thank you mi amor!!
I love the feeling I get when I'm able to put a smile on another persons lips.. simply amazing

Speaking of smiles.. I'm sooooo looking forward to having you cheeeeese all day!! We are both wayyyyyy over due
Besitos guapo