Raquel Ryder RAFFLE is a scam people!!!

junglemonkey's Avatar
These whores never cease to amaze me. Im not even mad at her scam, im actually amazed people paid for a ticket lol.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Hummm, FYI, conducting a raffle if you aren't a 501 (c)3 has a much more serious penalty that a lot of other activities alluded to here on this board... Originally Posted by B Three
As a CPA, I would advise her to be much more concerned about the other illegal income she probably doesn't pay taxes on that she doesn't claim. She's a hooker. She's not a nonprofit which is obvious. She does not claim to be one. Raffle or not, that's the least of her concerns with the IRS as far as the code you cited.
LexusLover's Avatar
Perhaps she does claim ALL of her income. It's not relevant to this thread.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Perhaps there is a tooth fairy as well. What's relevant to this thread is the title of this thread and the subsequent comments on topic. You're not in the political forum where it's tattletale time for no reason in there because you dislike someone.

And just FYI, if a hooker is charging tricks money for references because she needs extra money that badly, her ass is not paying taxes. That's common sense to anyone IMO. But maybe you still believe in the tooth fairy
The penalty I refer to is criminal. A Class A misdemeanor.

Lucas McCain's Avatar
The penalty I refer to is criminal. A Class A misdemeanor.

https://www.texasattorneygeneral.gov...nopoker-nights Originally Posted by B Three
I work for a firm with over 200,000 people. They have dumb shit going on every week that I don't participate in because I don't remotely give a shit, but they are raffles. It's easy to get around what you are referring to in a legal sense. I'm not going to bore people about how to do so because I'm ashamed to even admit that I have a CPA license...talk about boring as fuck. I've never worked as an accountant though. I just needed to speak their language when it comes to closing deals.
LexusLover's Avatar
Perhaps there is a tooth fairy as well. What's relevant to this thread is the title of this thread and the subsequent comments on topic.

And just FYI, if a hooker is charging tricks money for references because she needs extra money that badly, her ass is not paying taxes. That's common sense to anyone IMO. But maybe you still believe in the tooth fairy Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
So a CPA KNOWS hookers don't pay taxes. You all do a lot of work for "hookers" here among the 200,000 employees? Or are you just making up shit to vilify someone?
Lucas McCain's Avatar
With the new civilized rules on this board, you know I can't tear you apart like I would have before. Again, you are not in the political forum. Nice try though. You have fun on here all day and add to your 42k+ post count. I'm going to spend time with my family today though. Good talk as always. It's just a shame that I can't have a similar talk with you before the rules changed. You're like talking to my youngest kiddo now and I have to watch my language.

I never spoke in absolutes about hookers and taxes. I mentioned the subject of this thread. Again, you're like dealing with a kid. Your logical and reasoning skills remind me of my youngest. But my youngest is a lot smarter and mature. And the kid is in 3rd grade.
LexusLover's Avatar
With the new civilized rules on this board, you know I can't tear you apart like I would have before. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
Sorry, I didn't notice, but you can always believe in a tooth fairy. Please be my guest, to be a legend in your own mind or a tooth fairy, which ever suits your cpa-fancy.

Your "assumption" that she doesn't pay taxes is merely your biased assumption.

My general assumption is that she pays taxes, although she may not insert "hooker" in the occupation space on the tax form she submits, but something that would suggest a companion or consulting activity ... .you know, like CPA.
JJ8901's Avatar
the chick that comes up with questionable raffles and charged people $30 for a reference......would voluntarily give 25% of her income to the gubmint???? perfectly rational.......

yeah.....hookers always be asking me to send them a 1099 so they can send gubmint a check.....

her raffle was very profitable for her. if 20 guys buy in, $600. profitable....but she could easily just work an extra 2 hours and get the same result....without all the drama....
LexusLover's Avatar
the chick that comes up with questionable raffles and charged people $30 for a reference......would voluntarily give 25% of her income to the gubmint???? perfectly rational.......: Originally Posted by JJ8901
Is that kinda like a CPA charging a client for the spreadsheet materials for printing out and binding spreadsheets? Or lawyers charging for fax charges and mileage to the courthouse? Please don't feed the trolls.

My point is: Accusing someone of tax evasion with no evidence is UNPROFESSIONAL at least.

And it has NOTHING TO DO WITH THE OP TOPIC! Trans "scam" complaint, which she answered.
VitaMan's Avatar
Great to see everybody back at it again (in subdued fashion).

Let's talk about Michael Avenatti:

- becomes famous for representing a hooker (who took hush money)

- considers a presidential bid in 2020
- arrested on abuse allegations
- law firm evicted for not paying rent

Only in America ? Could be the next tv series
Lucas McCain's Avatar

My point is: Accusing someone of tax evasion with no evidence is UNPROFESSIONAL at least.
. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Who thinks a man posting his opinion on a whore board has anything to do with being professional? Last time I looked, I've never seen a check for neither my salary nor my bonuses having jack shit to do with ECCIE. If I'm going to be professional, I have to be paid for that. Otherwise, you get what you get at my discretion.

Edit: Congrats to the Texans fans for the win today. Now the Cowboys are only one game back. I'm not sure why I even care. It's not like the Cowboys will do anything if they make the playoffs.
Let's keep the thread on track......................... ...
  • pxmcc
  • 11-19-2018, 01:30 AM
^^ya the thread is about a hooker's raffle scams et al..