Other hobbies....

inspector farquar's Avatar
I enjoy a good book or a brisk conversation.
Iron Butterfly's Avatar
I have two other hobbies that rival this one, one is music and the other I will keep to myself as it is to well known.

  • 11-14-2015, 05:45 PM
Humm tough one I would say reading ,spending time with my kidos , feeding the ducks , oh yea of corse shopping , also baking Lol ����❣��������
happybanana's Avatar
Hmmm... Love cooking especially grilling and BBQ'ing. ( I have 3 grills... From a small one , a gas one and my baby, a drop box with a 6 cooking foot section and smoke stack- 900 lbs baby) Working in the yard, playing AT golf and messing around in the garage.

budman33's Avatar
Working on cars .. very zen
Cooking ... have a hundred cookbooks and counting
Hacking ... I do it for good and not evil
Star Wars ... Can't go into detail as it would be trivial to figure out who I was in RL
My Son ... he's awesome
Bitches ... because they are fun
Watchin my boys - The Dallas Cowboys - play,which has become painful lately ..lol,reading,yoga,true crime movie buff,and spending time with my little doggie - Sacha.
avalanche16's Avatar
- Gaming
- Sports/Shows/Anime
- Traveling

TemptationTammie's Avatar
I picked up a new one that I'm not going to post on here.
Hiking. Wikipedia. Tennis. Swimming. Analyzing Films. Watching Old Films. Reading Classics. Dancing Alone. Cartoons. Video Games. Learning about Different Cultures. Eating. BBQs. Parks. Bicycling. Masturbation

This is always changing because I have a short attention span and am easily distracted, but the Masturbation is pretty much a staple.
RandB fan's Avatar
F you R&B. Mr Peabody only time travels for research purposes. I am careful not to disturb the space- time continuum. Originally Posted by Mr Peabody
F me? Natasha must have said something about you taking her back....

Nothing wrong with some Jay humor.
Mr Peabody's Avatar
That's just a rumor.

I am in training to be a better person and I realize that hobbies are a luxury.

I am interested in hearing what activities you ladies would want to do if you weren't scrambling to make the months rent or raising your family alone.
In the past, seeing live music and theater would have been at the top of my list. But I've grown into a bit of a home body lately. I'm an avid reader of history and non-fiction and I've been recently falling in love with science fiction and fantasy. I read a few Octavia Butler books consecutively, and I'm now making my way through my first Samuel Delany novel.
sue_nami's Avatar
I volunteer with Dog rescue groups, enjoy hiking on creeks, go see local live music and enjoy dancing 5-6 nights a week oh and poking Bigots with sharp sticks and raising hell at the Capitol.
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
Ah laiks ta butt fukk. An Ah jacks off a hole lot. Butt, Ah'd rathah be butt fukkin'.

Oh, Ah almos' fergot! Ah collects stamps, too!
Passion2015's Avatar
Hobby, hmmmm. Well, hmmmmm. Oh!!! I like to play with the kitty until she's soaked and can't take it anymore
Hmmm, oh!!!! I like to cruise and enter the hairy man contest
Hmmm, oh!!! I like to people watch and strip ladies with my eyes
Hmmmm, oh!!!!! Run and work out a bit. Have to stay in shape for this hobby