Are People Really Voting For “Kabama”?

^^^ Good point. I prefer to vote for a candidate who does not send a mob of retards after someone simply because he is just doing his job. If Kamala has ever instigated such a cowardly and revengeful act, please advise Trumpettes and I won't vote for either. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
I tend to support the underdog here. A mob of retards that have no political power going after a mob of retards that do, commonly known as Government.
Precious_b's Avatar

LOL. How is wait until election day relevant to the topic which has everything to do with election day and VOTES? You really don't understand how that has to do with whether people will vote for Kamala and how that is 100% on topic but with some "Salty" humor?

Don't try to call people offsides just because you don't like their post. That's weak sauce... even without the humor, he is correct. Election day will show how many people will be voting for Kamala. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
Come on Lucas. You know how thin skinned these sycophants of Maga the Hutt are. One precieved slight and they are crying to the nurses aid station for someone to kiss the boo boo to their ego.