Al Bore says illegals at the boarder because of climate change...WTF!!!

winn dixie's Avatar
Saying the Sun is the biggest influence on earth is stating the obvious . Be like saying your parents fuck is the biggest reason you're here. Originally Posted by WTF
Clearly you're not seeing his definition. As it were.
winn dixie's Avatar
Where do you get your numbers besides from your fingers and toes?

From 2009 to 2014, 1 million Mexicans and their families (including U.S.-born children) left the U.S. for Mexico, according to data from the 2014 Mexican National Survey of Demographic Dynamics (ENADID). U.S. census data for the same period show an estimated 870,000 Mexican nationals left Mexico to come to the U.S., a smaller number than the flow of families from the U.S. to Mexico. Originally Posted by WTF
And its obvious you believe these numbers! The govt cannot even accurately estimate the actual number of illegals are here. Just walk around anywhere and one can see that these numbers are to low! More b/s numbers. Illegals come and go like we go to the store. Your numbers also reflect Better border presence due to Trump. And your numbers also reflect deportations because of Trump! You are just to easy wtf. Try harder. Please. I do not pm so yeah. tm makes better arguments!
Saying the Sun is the biggest influence on earth is stating the obvious Originally Posted by WTF
And the Sun spots are a direct correlation with the temperature on earth...less Sun spots lower said this was junk science...talking out of both side of your mouth again!!
No Sun spots in February and this is an 11 yr trend so your rising temps will have to wait.
Please post some more ridiculous crap so I can debunk it!!
Where do you get your numbers besides from your fingers and toes?

From 2009 to 2014, 1 million Mexicans and their families (including U.S.-born children) left the U.S. for Mexico, according to data from the 2014 Mexican National Survey of Demographic Dynamics (ENADID). U.S. census data for the same period show an estimated 870,000 Mexican nationals left Mexico to come to the U.S., a smaller number than the flow of families from the U.S. to Mexico. Originally Posted by WTF
That is like one broke into my home so I'll leave the doors unlocked...GOTCHA!!!
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  • WTF
  • 02-28-2019, 03:49 PM
And its obvious you believe these numbers! The govt cannot even accurately estimate the actual number of illegals are here. ! Originally Posted by winn dixie
The God Damn link I provided explained its reporting. That vs your wandering around and observing. That is your scientific data!

winn dixie" I wondered around and by golly , I think there are more Mexicans staying than leaving? "

WTF "You wondered around and figured that out? And you think your data is better than the scientific data?"

Measuring migration flows between Mexico and the U.S. is challenging because there are no official counts of how many Mexican immigrants enter and leave the U.S. each year. This report uses the best available government data from both countries to estimate the size of these flows. The Mexican data sources — a national household survey, and two national censuses — asked comparable questions about household members’ migration to and from Mexico over the five years previous to each survey or census date. In addition, estimates of Mexican migration to the U.S. come from U.S. Census Bureau data, adjusted for undercount, on the number of Mexican immigrants who live in the U.S. (See text box below for more details.)
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  • WTF
  • 02-28-2019, 03:52 PM
That is like one broke into my home so I'll leave the doors unlocked...GOTCHA!!!
Genius!! Originally Posted by bb1961

Actually it is like saying"If you want a wall that your leader said Mexico would pay for....your dumbass should pony up and pay for it and not expect me to.''

Understand Amigo?
winn dixie's Avatar
The God Damn link I provided explained its reporting. That vs your wandering around and observing. That is your scientific data!

winn dixie" I wondered around and by golly , I think there are more Mexicans staying than leaving? "

WTF "You wondered around and figured that out? And you think your data is better than the scientific data?"

Measuring migration flows between Mexico and the U.S. is challenging because there are no official counts of how many Mexican immigrants enter and leave the U.S. each year. This report uses the best available government data from both countries to estimate the size of these flows. The Mexican data sources — a national household survey, and two national censuses — asked comparable questions about household members’ migration to and from Mexico over the five years previous to each survey or census date. In addition, estimates of Mexican migration to the U.S. come from U.S. Census Bureau data, adjusted for undercount, on the number of Mexican immigrants who live in the U.S. (See text box below for more details.) Originally Posted by WTF
Yeah i can see you're mad because your ass has been handed to you!.Someone says the ski is blue don't you go outside and look to confirm?
You actually trust mexicos ? Well anything? Damn i got some things for you to buy and sign. Speaking of signs?
Heres your sign! bahahahahahahahahahahaha
I love it when others numbers make my case, bahahahahahahahahahaha

Are you going to accuse me of using the wrong definition here too? bahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
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  • WTF
  • 02-28-2019, 04:04 PM

Are you going to accuse me of using the wrong definition here too? bahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha Originally Posted by winn dixie
That was my mistake to think you had enough sense to understand a nuanced position.

I'll stick to Johnny Reb verbiage when conversing with you from now on.

Now run along go burn a cross at the high school formerly known as Reagan High.
winn dixie's Avatar
That was my mistake to think you had enough sense to understand a nuanced position.

I'll stick to Johnny Reb verbiage when conversing with you from now on.

Now run along go burn a cross at the high school formerly known as Reagan High. Originally Posted by WTF
No you and yours try to change definitions. narratives and history to help your arguments. And you still come up short!
Thats o.k.. I will give you a participation trophy!

NOT bahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahaha
winn dixie's Avatar

This better suits wtf's positions.. bahahahahahahahahahaha
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  • WTF
  • 02-28-2019, 04:22 PM
No you and yours try to change definitions. narratives and history to help your arguments. And you still come up short!
Thats o.k.. I will give you a participation trophy!

NOT bahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahaha Originally Posted by winn dixie
Nobody tried to change a definition....they tried to explain that there are two definitions and you should consider the alternative.

That seems to have gone over your head.
Actually it is like saying"If you want a wall that your leader said Mexico would pay for....your dumbass should pony up and pay for it and not expect me to.''

Understand Amigo? Originally Posted by WTF
I'm not your Amigo...
I have said many times that a tariff on monies sent back to Mexico would pay for the Wall many times over...that is how Mexico pays for it. You fucking can't debunk that!!
You do want Mexico to pay for it right...
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-28-2019, 04:38 PM
I'm not your Amigo...
I have said many times that a tariff on monies sent back to Mexico would pay for the Wall many times over...that is how Mexico pays for it. You fucking can't debunk that!! Originally Posted by bb1961
Yes, you are my amigo just like Mexico will pay for the wall. Had he said ''Mexicans will build the wall''....he stood a chance of not lying.

As of now there is nothing to debunk as that is not wtf is happening....right now they are trying to rob other branches of taxpayers funded money to pay for this wall.

So come back at me Junior amigo when that dream of yours is realized.

Wait...are you a saints fan?
Yes, you are my amigo just like Mexico will pay for the wall. Had he said ''Mexicans will build the wall''....he stood a chance of not lying.

As of now there is nothing to debunk as that is not wtf is happening....right now they are trying to rob other branches of taxpayers funded money to pay for this wall.

So come back at me Junior amigo when that dream of yours is realized.

Wait...are you a saints fan? Originally Posted by WTF
In the biblical...yes most definitely!!
All Gumment is tax payer funded...the Gumment don't create nothing..."robbing" other branches to use unspent money...ooooooh the horror of it!!
So you're not in favor of tariff on monies sent to Mexico...
It is a win-win...who wouldn't be in favor of that...Mexico??
winn dixie's Avatar
Nobody tried to change a definition....they tried to explain that there are two definitions and you should consider the alternative.

That seems to have gone over your head. Originally Posted by WTF
Bull shit now you are trying to tell me about myself? Gotcha hypocrite! Thats even insulting to me! Thats o.k.. I can take it!
Two definitions?? bahahahahahahahahahahaha BULLSHIT>>
Take that lame argument elsewhere! We all know what was meant and insinuated by expression! You would be laughed out of court with that statement!