Deal Breakers for providers

gimme_that's Avatar
I still have that email....... Originally Posted by Lacey Companion
No discretion and a risk to potential gents. Take notice people. That is a reckless habit to do. I thought providers deleted everything after out gents.

and will gladly share it with any mods or girls. Originally Posted by Lacey Companion
I'm sure no mod would even care. I contact you probably a year and some several months its pretty worthless.

But definitely helpful to new clients of yours that their information is not protected or deleted. That's reckless. And shows a lot.

And any girls who base their decisions off of yours and add me to their ban list based on your intellect I definitely don't want to see....y'all would match all too well to me.
Sweet N Little's Avatar
Did someone say all night bangfest? Count me in Gimme!!!!
Naomi4u's Avatar

Did someone say all night bangfest? Count me in Gimme!!!! Originally Posted by Sweet N Little
awl4knot's Avatar
I won't see a man unless I can talk to him on the phone first, not even if he has 100 P411 OKs and references from every girl in Oklahoma. I trust my gut more than anything else, and to get a gut reaction I have to talk to him. Originally Posted by AngelOK
Has an STD. refuses to talk on the phone, texts are fine, but eventually I want to hear a real person. Originally Posted by SarahAndFriends
I was a bit surprised by this reliance on telephone screeing. It makes perfect sense but in my experience it is rare to even speak to a provider beforehand. I use P411 and I have an extensive profile that apparently conveys enough info for me to pass muster. Otherwise I use emails and occasionally speak to booking assistants, but not the busy providers.

The last time I remember speaking to a provider on a pre-booking, get-to-know-you basis we talked for over an hour. She was a delightful chatterbox. When we met there was no awkwardness and we were both eager to go.


The last time I remember speaking to a provider on a pre-booking, get-to-know-you basis we talked for over an hour. She was a delightful chatterbox. When we met there was no awkwardness and we were both eager to go.

A4K Originally Posted by awl4knot
I love to talk on the phone,especially with new clients. I get a lot of compliments on my openness and personality. Definitely eases the nerves before meeting!
Oh I've all ready said I keep the emails from cops and assholes I don't want to see. That is my DNS list... lmao. My clients are protected behind you pawns. Guys I agree to see go directly into my private phone and everything else is destroyed. If you make it into my phone, you are golden. That's one thing you don't get that people who know me know and why the people who matter to me can see right through your bs.

Good night Darlin. Happy New Year and you gotta couple of cute girls flirting with you now so you can stop obsessing over me for a minute. You shouldn't be all upset anyway, "Don't start no shit, won't be no shit". If you can't stand the heat, don't turn on the oven! Like you said, it's been 2 and a half years... and you are still going at it... but I'm the one that's bat shit crazy. The proofs in the pudding Honey. And if you have searched for "crazy and bat shit crazy" anywhere, you have too much time on your hands. Another lie? or True? CHECK!
I won't see a man unless I can talk to him on the phone first, not even if he has 100 P411 OKs and references from every girl in Oklahoma. I trust my gut more than anything else, and to get a gut reaction I have to talk to him. Originally Posted by AngelOK
Great thought!

You know, when push comes to shove, when you and I are (hypothetically) alone behind a locked door -- it is your wellbeing and my wellbeing that are at risk, and nobody else's.

Nobody has a greater investment in the outcome than you and I. Therefore, nobody else's judgment in making such a decision is superior to ours.

I do not let reviews substitute for my own personal judgments of a woman; and while P411 okays and references can be *helpful*, they are no substitute for a woman making her own personal judgment of things.

Someone with a trained ear can tell a lot in a phone conversation.

While I've never had anyone set that requirement explicitly, come to think of it, I have definitely had a couple of providers ask to talk on the phone prior to meeting. Likely, this was part of their screening and I didn't really give it much thought at the time.

Great Thoughts!
So I'm assuming you won't mind if I cover the bed with spinach and have a small choir performing in the corner of the room? Originally Posted by FLWrite
I don't need to understand this to love it.
Sweet N Little's Avatar
Great thought!

You know, when push comes to shove, when you and I are (hypothetically) alone behind a locked door -- it is your wellbeing and my wellbeing that are at risk, and nobody else's.

Nobody has a greater investment in the outcome than you and I. Therefore, nobody else's judgment in making such a decision is superior to ours.

I do not let reviews substitute for my own personal judgments of a woman; and while P411 okays and references can be *helpful*, they are no substitute for a woman making her own personal judgment of things.

Someone with a trained ear can tell a lot in a phone conversation.

While I've never had anyone set that requirement explicitly, come to think of it, I have definitely had a couple of providers ask to talk on the phone prior to meeting. Likely, this was part of their screening and I didn't really give it much thought at the time.

Great Thoughts! Originally Posted by Laurentius
+ 1 ...I always prefer to talk on the phone even if only a breif conversation because theirs no subsitute for what the ear knows is right or not right. It makes the comfort level go way up which makes more for a better initial encounter.
Gimme that's what you don't understand: people who know me know that I keep cops and rude guys in my email as my DNS list and my clients are in my phone which I keep pretty private. So you really are not doing yourself any favors cause you are telling lies and it's obvious to quite a few people. Now when you make it to a level of seeing the girls that I trust to take screening from... London, Tia, Leah, EW, Anne of Pensacola, Kennedy, Summer, Paige, Cammie, Cammie 37, Allie or about 15 others... then I might get nervous that you may hurt my reputation. For as long as guys in that top level of the hobby love and respect me, I could give a shit about you drama kings in the locker room. And if you really search "bat shit crazy" on this site, you have too much time on your hands. This is when I said "I refuse to have a battle of the wits with an unarmed person". Good clients don't read drama, don't trust guys that constantly complain or start shit, don't spend all their free time on these boards (unless they are a mod), can recognize intelligence in a woman and would never trash a provider. They just don't say anything at all about some ladies cause they are gentlemen who leave them ladies to entertain guys like you. You guys with vendettas that obviously think the world owes you a ton of attention do not qualify as a reliable source to REAL men. You can't even dispute my reviews cause the quality of my reviewers is apparent from reviewing other quality providers too.

You can measure my concerns for you and your reject drama club in micro give a shits and that's why I haven't said much about it over the last 2 years. You guys always review new girls cause they are the only ones that will see you. That too, is apparent from the reviews you do and the all the complaints some girls continually have about you guys. Girls that need business will always butter you up, do whatever they can to please your demanding ass and learn the hard way. Then they either get out of the biz or become more experienced and learn that guys that attack girls have been rejected for good reasons and are pissed because they are insulted.

Now that's All of the attention I am going to give you. Play with the new girls. They need the experience of dealing with you guys who review them so graphically as to show off how much you can get away with for some chump change. After all, it's what makes you cool to each other. I believe London touched base on that one all ready in her DNS response. You should pay attention to Laurentius. It's easy for a girl like me to see he's a quality hobbyist who respects women and only speaks to be helpful. His lack of reviews shows me that he is more private than new. THAT is a gentleman who passes screening easily and gets to see the girls he wants. I know this much just based on my own experience as I really have no connection to him except reading a very few of his posts. See the logic there? Live and learn.

DickEmDown's Avatar
Oh hell, bigger than 6 inches,....and if he lives in Texas lmao! Originally Posted by London Rayne
Well, DAMN
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Eat your heart out DED lmao
Okay I am goodnfugged up now and everybody else passed out...darn. I love plum wine and candles. I will admit I'm not trying to fug a guy for 10-12 hours straight. That's bs; especially for a hundred bux an hour. Oh shit I snort laughed... AAAAaa! rof. But I confirmed that I still have that email but will only show it to mods by request. I kinda figure, if you wanna take your chances... go for it. I don't really care who believes me or not. I think its sad and too bad for the few nice guys that are easily misled but I do talk to my cats but not while I'm on the phone. What's the point there. And he never got passed screening so he wasn't on my phone. I talk to them when I play with them, give em a bath or feed them and they have their own room and I don't take my phone in there. Not only do I respect my clients to not divide attention but I respect my cats too. They are beautiful and I love them immensely. Why would he disrespect my cats like that anyway? He's never met them either. Calling me ignorant all the while being disrespectful. Baby don't ya get that acting the way you do is more ignorant than loving your pets? It's amazing how much some people try to dog me over my babies but the guys that have actually seen them still love me. At least I am capable of love and lots of it. Hell, they love my cats too. My Mom hates cats and so she just doesn't get it either. But she can't understand me being in the hobby either. Why is it you drama people can't insult me without bringing up my cats? Obviously cause it's the best info you have cause you think because it's true I have them somehow it makes the rest of your bs more believable. Okay, carry on. I can definitely live without you. I feel sorry for you. I'd rather play with my cats. And if a guy doesn't want to see me cause I am an animal lover, that's all good cause it takes a special person to love animals and I prefer special people. This is all just too immature for my taste hatin on animals and telling lies. Bye. I'm gonna go play with my babies and just be glad they don't have to deal with some of you. Thank God! I would go crazy on your ass then. Believe that! Insulting lil fur balls of love just to glorify yourselves and degrade someone else. That's too low. I am so glad I never met you. Gimme why don't you post that email, I won't get mad. Go ahead... Oh shit, another snort laugh. I am buzzed. Okay, to the kitty room. Actually I think I let them out for the night. It's a big nice kitty room but they like to run and it's dark out. They are good kitties. They stay in the yard and play so happy. There is nothing more beautiful in this world than happy kids and animals. If you drama people didn't have clouded judgment, you'd agree. I guess keepin up with bs doesn't leave much time for love. Sux to be you! I'm all happyespecially after I had such a nice Christmas.
I was a bit surprised by this reliance on telephone screeing. It makes perfect sense but in my experience it is rare to even speak to a provider beforehand. I use P411 and I have an extensive profile that apparently conveys enough info for me to pass muster. Otherwise I use emails and occasionally speak to booking assistants, but not the busy providers. Originally Posted by awl4knot
Someone with a trained ear can tell a lot in a phone conversation.

While I've never had anyone set that requirement explicitly, come to think of it, I have definitely had a couple of providers ask to talk on the phone prior to meeting. Likely, this was part of their screening and I didn't really give it much thought at the time. Originally Posted by Laurentius
I started as an agency girl and owned my own agency for six years; during that time I had four really bad customers, of whom three were set up by someone else, and after that I never allowed it again. I always insisted my girls talk to the gentlemen on the phone and if they said, "Oh, I trust your judgment, Angel" I would reply, "Well, you shouldn't!" A woman's intuition is her best friend in this business.
Naomi4u's Avatar
A woman's intuition is her best friend in this business. Originally Posted by AngelOK