Obama's Gift to Taxpayers - Continued

jhende3's Avatar
Republicans probably could beat Obama if they wouldn't be putting up retards to run against him. I think Whirlaway there is a reason why anyone who could have beat him isn't running against him. And I believe people like you are that very reason. They would have to go so far right they would destroy themselves in the political world. The Tea party types demands you sign on to extreme beliefs about the President and this country. I want you to start working on your future post entitled

" How the Communist won the election for Obama"
" How the Illegals stole the election"

I think your going to need them.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 07-02-2011, 06:38 PM
He fooled many in the 2008 campgain, thinking he was going to be a moderate who built concensus. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
How do you build consensus with people who say one thing, then when Obama states his agreement, they change their mind and say the opposite?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 07-02-2011, 07:55 PM

Did you see Obama's budget he sent to Congress? Even the Democrats couldn't sign on to the spending frenzy he was proposing - the Senate rejected it 97 to 0. Yep, Obama's spending was so gross, even Bernie Sanders couldn't vote for his budget!
http://thehill.com/homenews/senate/1...t-obama-budget Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Do you even read the links you supply and if you do , do you understand them? Reread it and you might understand it is in fact nothing like you presented. This from your link:

--The president’s budget called for ending tax cuts for the wealthy and a three-year domestic spending freeze, saving an estimated $1.1 trillion over 10 years. Democratic senators at the time called it “an important step forward”, “a good start” and a “credible blueprint.”
No Democratic senator was willing to support it, however, after Obama discussed a more ambitious plan at George Washington University to save $4 trillion over 12 years. Republicans criticized his speech for lacking detail.
The White House Office of Management and Budget declined to comment on the president's budget receiving zero votes in the Senate.
The Senate also rejected the House-passed budget sponsored by Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.), which failed on a 40-57 vote.--
wellendowed1911's Avatar
The Iraq war had bi-partisan support so who are you blaming for the cost? You want me to agree that we flushed a fortune down the drain in Iraq, well, I agree. That doesn't speak to the incompetance of Obama.

I get that you guys love your Obama. I am thinking that the rest of America agrees with me; at least that is what the recent polls are showing. He will be a one term president, just like Carter.

Americans voted him in and they will vote him out. He fooled many in the 2008 campgain, thinking he was going to be a moderate who built concensus. He is still trying to rope a dope the electorate, but it won't work this time around. The reality set in quickly when Pelosi-Reid ran his agenda (and America) into the ground, he put extremists into his administration, ran up unnecessary debt, pushed Obamacare on us in an overnight vote, yada yada.....

We will see in 2012. Meantime, he is playing golf and fiddling, while some in Congress are trying to save this country from drowning in debt.

Did you see Obama's budget he sent to Congress? Even the Democrats couldn't sign on to the spending frenzy he was proposing - the Senate rejected it 97 to 0. Yep, Obama's spending was so gross, even Bernie Sanders couldn't vote for his budget! I had a few girlfriends in my life who would recklessly spend my money; it never last long before I booted their asses out. That's what will happen to Obama.

http://thehill.com/homenews/senate/1...t-obama-budget Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Whirlaway where was Bush during Katrina? Bush took far more vacation days- but I won't get into that and you tell me what President didn't take vacation days? Does my CEO of my company need to be in his office every single day- can Obama have a life too? He's not holding up the debt ceiling procedures it's the inept congress. Also what poll are you reading- every poll that I have seen with Obama matched up against Romney, Palin, Bachman, Pawlenty, and Paul have Obama slaughtering each one of them- believe it or not the one GOP guy who did the best in "hypothertical" match up against Obama was you guessed it our own Rick Perry and that's if he runs.
The only way a candidate is going to beat Obama is if the candidate on the GOP moves to the center and none of them will: Paul( age is a factor and has far right views such as legalizing illegal medicine and prostitution)-
Romney- Obamacare is so close to Mitt Romney's plan that it's not even funny and he's also Mormon- just the facts.
Palin- what a joke
Bachmann- what a joke
Honestly Whirlaway who does the GOP have that will offer something better? Do you want some of them ass clowns who supported the Ryan plan? A plan to give vouchers to medicare people and destroy the program BUT at the same time give tax breaks to big corporations????
Whirlaway Obama isn't perfect in fact no President is but trust me his policies benefit you far more than the GOP policies do unless in your private life you are a CEO of some major fortune 500 country or that you are super rich. Whirlaway I don't know your age just a rough estimate- but ask your love ones that receive Medicare would they rather trade it in for a voucher program that the GOP wants-it's a no-brainer. Whirlaway do you still think that Reagan trickle down economics is working today? Tel me what GOP major policies benefit you are the middle class? The Gop still wants to give tax breaks to the rich in order to make the economy grow- not one of the GOP policies will strengthen the middle class- you watch if we get a GOP in the office sooner or later there will be the super rich and the poor. I really laugh when I hear a middle class person support the GOP- the GOP's policies are so anti- middle class that it's not even funny.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 07-03-2011, 08:30 AM
Whirlaway where was Bush during Katrina? . Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Katrina wasn't Bush's fault, he was on vacation!
Katrina wasn't Bush's fault, he was on vacation! Originally Posted by WTF
But he did offer a passing glance out the window of Air Force One a few days later!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 07-03-2011, 09:12 AM
But he did offer a passing glance out the window of Air Force One a few days later! Originally Posted by bigtex
I think the plan amounted to dropping them a case of lifesavers from 10k feet.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
How do you build consensus with people who say one thing, then when Obama states his agreement, they change their mind and say the opposite? Originally Posted by Doove
This statement is so true- look at the health care debate the GOP had every chance to come up with a reasonable version and all they kept doing is same NO and not offering any solutions- I honestly feel that if McCain had won we would be in a depression. I don't trust the GOP at all.
Whirlway serious- I bet if I were to look at your w2 filed this year and compared to any year you filed them under Bush that you got a bigger break. Whirl have you ever priced health insurance? Are you still going to believe the GOP that health care isn't needed? Have you asked anyone with Medicare if they would rather trade it in for the Ryan plan that the GOP support? So let me get this right we take away Medicare from the elderly and at the same time give tax breaks to corporations and cut education- wow talking about looking out for the future of America. Whirl do you think a 7000 dollar oucher is going to go far in one year? One operation could knock that out easily.
So the big thing that I don't like about the GOP is that they are rich loving hypocrites - see I don't mind paying more taxes to help those who are less fortunate especially in the area of healthcare. Whirlaway I am a Pharmacist by profession and sadly I see hard working people come into my Pharmacy who are sick but really can't afford their meds and sometimes can't afford to even go to the Dr these are not lazy non working people they are people who have real jobs but just can't afford the premiums that these HealthCare agencies charge- now the GOP idea is if you can't afford health care that's your problem because we aren't helping you got to help yourself. GOP policy is hey if you are gay you are the filth of this earth and have no rights- if you are poor it's because you haven't worked hard. If you can't afford to go to college tough you should have been born to richer parents. If you are for Gun control or if you are anti-war than you are un-american and not a true patriot- this is been the philosophy of the GOP the last 12 years and I just can't bring myself to vote for one.
Whirl, when you go to a site for what you call facts, try to at least find one that has them. The article that backs your so called "argument" is based on speculation. Read the title, "Poorly-Timed SPR Oil Release Could Cost U.S. Taxpayers $1.5 Billion." Having the word "Could" in the title automatically says to me, "We're not sure."

Also, for such a right-wing, anti-Obama, anti-socialism, seemingly teabagger, like yourself, why would you be using a London based socialist daily for your information?
You can have your opinion but the experts disagree; Libya is a major exporter and the non war is definetly affecting oil prices...here is a reference. If you have an actual reference to support your theory please post it. Otherwise your opinon is just blabber.

http://www.dnewsglobal.com/libyan-wa...ices/3802.html Originally Posted by Whirlaway

Please see the post above.

As for your stating Lybia being the 11th ranked exporter makes it a major player in your opinion, perhaps you should compare that to where it ranks in world production. When Lybia produces less than 2 percent of the worlds oil and exports 1.5 percent, that is by far anything but MAJOR. If you believe speculators do not have an affect on markets and oil prices and futures, no facts I link to would make a difference in altering your position.

When you use facts, at least try to use the ones pertinent to your argument instead of the misleading ones
When you use facts, at least try to use the ones pertinent to your argument instead of the misleading ones Originally Posted by surcher
But...........were it not for Whirly's "misleading" (so called) facts than he has nothing left to rely upon!

Just sayin'
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 07-04-2011, 04:43 PM

When you use facts, at least try to use the ones pertinent to your argument instead of the misleading ones
Originally Posted by surcher
But...........were it not for Whirly's "misleading" (so called) facts than he has nothing left to rely upon! Originally Posted by bigtex
Substitute the word "facts" for "luck" and it kinda reminds me of this Hee-Haw gem - with Whirly, DFW5, IB Hankerin' & Marshall as the singing quartet.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Oil prices continue to spike under Obama....

Today's WTI crude oil price: $95.03

When Bush left office: $35.31

This inept slacker is driving our economy into the ditch...and he wants the keys to the car for four more years???

As always my source: http://www.eia.gov/dnav/pet/hist/Lea...PET&s=RWTC&f=D Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Wrong again?

True to form, he can’t copy numbers off a chart he provides. The price he quotes ($35.31) is found on one day between 1985 and the present. Halloween of 1990. The day Bush left office the price was $38.57. From Sept 2007 to Oct 2008, the average price was over $90.

And from your source, using annual averages, the average price of oil for Bush’s last 4 years in office was $73.675. The average price for the 2 full years of Obama’s administration? Read it and do whatever it is that conservatives do when they are wrong again even using their own data source. The price is $70.715 under Obama.

Bush’s 8 year average is $52.43. Clinton’s 8 year average was $20.11625. After invading Iraq, whose oil was supposed to repay some of our war expenses and give us a cheaper supply of oil, oil prices increased over 150%.

And on top of all of this, you don’t research your own links. You grab at any straw….I mean “fact” that supports your untenable positions. From now on, your “facts” will be examined closely. Feel free to hold mine to the same standard.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
This statement is so true- look at the health care debate the GOP had every chance to come up with a reasonable version and all they kept doing is same NO and not offering any solutions- I honestly feel that if McCain had won we would be in a depression. I don't trust the GOP at all.
Whirlway serious- I bet if I were to look at your w2 filed this year and compared to any year you filed them under Bush that you got a bigger break. Whirl have you ever priced health insurance? Are you still going to believe the GOP that health care isn't needed? Have you asked anyone with Medicare if they would rather trade it in for the Ryan plan that the GOP support? So let me get this right we take away Medicare from the elderly and at the same time give tax breaks to corporations and cut education- wow talking about looking out for the future of America. Whirl do you think a 7000 dollar oucher is going to go far in one year? One operation could knock that out easily.
So the big thing that I don't like about the GOP is that they are rich loving hypocrites - see I don't mind paying more taxes to help those who are less fortunate especially in the area of healthcare. Whirlaway I am a Pharmacist by profession and sadly I see hard working people come into my Pharmacy who are sick but really can't afford their meds and sometimes can't afford to even go to the Dr these are not lazy non working people they are people who have real jobs but just can't afford the premiums that these HealthCare agencies charge- now the GOP idea is if you can't afford health care that's your problem because we aren't helping you got to help yourself. GOP policy is hey if you are gay you are the filth of this earth and have no rights- if you are poor it's because you haven't worked hard. If you can't afford to go to college tough you should have been born to richer parents. If you are for Gun control or if you are anti-war than you are un-american and not a true patriot- this is been the philosophy of the GOP the last 12 years and I just can't bring myself to vote for one. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Thank God I am 56
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Point to one fact in your statement please. You accuse me of not having any (which I do) but you don't offer up any countering information, just BS. I had the government links to the petroleum prices at the times I referenced. But just like a typical liberal you ignore the facts, and rant on about your feelings. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Does the phrase, "Hoist with his own petard" mean anything to you? If the term "typical liberal" isn't anecdotal I don't know what is.
You didn't use any facts from your link. Bush left office on Jan 20, 2009. The price you mentioned shows up ONE time in 26 years, Halloween, 1990

Do you dispute the prices that are listed on the US Energy Administration link I provided?

It's ok to call BS on me; but please have your facts, not some antedoatal remberance of them........
What the fuck does "antedoatal" mean?

A reply with some factual references that you rely on to call my statement BS would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance, Originally Posted by Whirlaway
No dispute with prices listed on link. Just wondering why you didn't use or reference the correct one. For factual reference, please see my post that begins with "Wrong again" All my numbers come from the link you provided.