Jennatx23 awful session

Ms. Elena
but this should NEVER have been brought to the board.

Say what you will and anyone else. I only brought this up because she said that if I thought of bashing her, she is friends with a mod. What the heck else is she implying? That I better not say anything because it won't matter. Threats of anyone kind are not kosher in hobbyland IMO. I have NEVER threatned anyone with not saying a word about an encounter with me. I have been in the P4P game for a decade and a half now. I have NO reason to lie. I am not trying to save business. If someone does not want to see me now, what can I do? I have over 20 ok's on P411. I am willing to bet there is not one person who could complain about me BCD. I have never been denied an OK.

Ms. Elena, you also did not pay attention to what I have posted. I have stated many times, that she knew my state BEFORE she came over. I text her that and told her over the phone PRIOR to her arrival. Goodness, I must be the only one client and provider who has had some things to drink prior to a session. I could have easily have omitted that I had been drinking from this alert. But, I am a straight up person and KNOW I was not in the wrong. Originally Posted by sixxbach

I'm sorry, but in a situation like this I tend to believe a little of what both parties say and not the whole story. As I said, there's always three sides to EVERY story.

This has turned into a "he said/she said" thing now and the only thing that is coming out of this is the sheep mentality of the guys, the "bros before hos" thinking. Which truly saddens and disturbs me.

I don't care if you drink Sixx, but if you know its going to effect your performance, then might I suggest NOT calling a provider and wasting your money. I've seen clients who have had a couple of cocktails, but if I feel that they're drunk, I won't continue the session. Why? Because it ALWAYS effects performance and the client gets a little more "grabby" than usual.

Each party needs to own up to their mistakes.
Is it safe to say shame on both parties....

Some men who drink its like Viagra to them, and some men, well not so much. I was not there, but from reading the thread, you are out of cash and disappointed. And Jenna is probably feeling embarrassed or something.

Not taking sides here.

To the gentlemen who says that she should not have gotten paid. Damn. Tough crowd.
Skip_8's Avatar
Justify it all you want.

It does not excuse your irresponsible decision to see a lady when you were not sober. Originally Posted by Mokoa
It's a good rule a thumb not to see a provider when you are drunk, for your safety. I agree, someone that is drunk as skunk shouldn't be seeing a provider. As to how drunk sixx was that's debateable and subjective. But I don't think this issue had to do with him being drunk as much as the treatment he received. I know Sixx is not a bbfs hound nor is he one to be vindictive nor manipulative.

However, I'm willing to bet that a good deal of hobbyists get the urge after a few drinks and will call either a favorite or new to them provider. It happens and I'm sure that plenty of ladies don't mind the opportunity to make some money. I'm also sure a lot of ladies see inebriated hobbyist, but may draw the line at sloppy drunk. That's the provider's call. Lastly, to blame a hobbyist for seeing a provider while being a little drunk is kinda like blaming a married hobbyist for seeing a provider at all.
Sir Hardin Thicke's Avatar
you have no room to judge or make comments based upon what one person in this horror story has said
Listen here kitty, I'll say what I want, when I want and to whom I want on this board. I have plenty of room to make comments consider that this board is set up to make comments about providers, reviews, alerts, and anything and everything in between. I commented on Sixx's experience with Jenna because of her comment about using a "Mod" to her advantage, and to the fact that she did not keep to her commitment for a BBBJ, as told by Sixx. It's a comment and ONLY a comment about the experiences between two consenting adults.
Listen here kitty, I'll say what I want, when I want and to whom I want on this board. I have plenty of room to make comments consider that this board is set up to make comments about providers, reviews, alerts, and anything and everything in between. I commented on Sixx's experience with Jenna because of her comment about using a "Mod" to her advantage, and to the fact that she did not keep to her commitment for a BBBJ, as told by Sixx. It's a comment and ONLY a comment about the experiences between two consenting adults. Originally Posted by Sir Hardin Thicke

You obviously skipped over a good portion of my post. How do you know for a fact that was said to him? Because he said so? Do you always take people's word as gold? Do you know him personally and can vouch for his word? If you answered NO to any of my questions, then my original post still stands.

You seem to be taking his side of story instead of trying to get the whole story. In my experiences, its best to get both sides of the story instead of only listening to one side. Has either one given the whole story? I don't know because I wasn't there, just like the rest of you. We'll never get the whole story for that same reason. Again, the sheep mentality has kicked in and its the bros before hos thinking.

PS. I don't like condescending comments being made to me. Talk to me with respect or don't talk at all. I talk to people, not down to them.
harkontume's Avatar
You obviously skipped over a good portion of my post. How do you know for a fact that was said to him? Because he said so? Do you always take people's word as gold? Do you know him personally and can vouch for his word? If you answered NO to any of my questions, then my original post still stands.

You seem to be taking his side of story instead of trying to get the whole story. In my experiences, its best to get both sides of the story instead of only listening to one side. Has either one given the whole story? I don't know because I wasn't there, just like the rest of you. We'll never get the whole story for that same reason. Again, the sheep mentality has kicked in and its the bros before hos thinking.

PS. I don't like condescending comments being made to me. Talk to me with respect or don't talk at all. I talk to people, not down to them. Originally Posted by MsElena

gosh golly gee! Welcome to Austin Elena! Is it that boring in Idaho (or wherever) that you like to virtually visit Austin?
Or maybe you are considering relocating? Nah! After these posts it probably wouldn't be prudent.
Sir Hardin Thicke's Avatar
I didn't skip over any portion of your COMMENT. As stated before MsElena, I am commenting on the activities between two consenting adults regardless of who is right and who is wrong. If I can't comment about the activities between two consenting adults on ECCIE then what is the purpose of this board?

Others made comments to Sixx about their opinion on his decision to go forth with a session while under the influence. You even commented that he should not call a provider if he's been drinking. The only side I'm on is the side of free will, meaning that if Sixx wants to call a provider while under the influence then it is his liberty to do so. Further, if, and I'll say a big IF, the provider "allegedly" agreed to BBBJCIM then decided to to change the agreement, I'll comment on that too based on what is being posted on this board. I'll agree with you MsElena that I wasn't threre to fully witness the activities and the negotiations between the two of them, but that doesn't mean I cannot express MY opinion on the matter based on the discussion brought forth by those involved.
You obviously skipped over a good portion of my post. How do you know for a fact that was said to him? Because he said so? Do you always take people's word as gold? Do you know him personally and can vouch for his word? If you answered NO to any of my questions, then my original post still stands.

You seem to be taking his side of story instead of trying to get the whole story. In my experiences, its best to get both sides of the story instead of only listening to one side. Has either one given the whole story? I don't know because I wasn't there, just like the rest of you. We'll never get the whole story for that same reason. Again, the sheep mentality has kicked in and its the bros before hos thinking.

PS. I don't like condescending comments being made to me. Talk to me with respect or don't talk at all. I talk to people, not down to them. Originally Posted by MsElena

Ms Kitty,
I guess the same questions could be asked of you. Do you know either of the parties involved? Do you know the history of either party (cause it is all that we have in lieu of truly knowing any of the persons on a board)? No, I do not "know" either party, personally, but consider that the provider has a certain reputation where her TCB is concerned. This is well documented if you choose to do a search. The hobbiest involved is also well "known" on this board and others both current and past. He has 818 posts and 29, yes that's right 29 reviews on this board alone. Both parties have commented in the thread. I feel that it is a little harsh to question any person on the board's "word" until they have proven through their actions that their word is no good. One thing you could have learned about Sixx (had you done a search on him and maybe you did do said search) is that he tells it like it is and let's the chips fall where they may. I think that the one thing about Sixx, that few if anyone would question is his word, drunk or sober.

Now you will notice that I am not taking a side, or commenting on what may or may not have happenned in this situation. I will comment on your statement " I don't like condescending comments being made to me. Talk to me with respect or don't talk at all." I think that that statement is universally true for most of us. But in order to get respect, one has to give it as well, and when you blatently disrespect the male members of this board by this statement " Again, the sheep mentality has kicked in and its the bros before hos thinking" (which you made in 2 different posts), it is hard for people that have been accused of having nothing more than a "sheep mentality" to be repsectful in return. I have found that seldom do all of us sheep agree on a given subject, and I think that it is displayed in many instances in this very thread. I appreciate your point of view with the "he said, she said" but I didn't appreciate your condescending comment about us sheep!

Sixx sorry to hijack the thread, I am now returning control of your aircraft to the captain!
screwey's Avatar
Sixx - Thanks for what has turned into the most entertaining thread for some time. Sorry you had to TOFTT and I believe its prudent to have posted the inappropriate use of a supposed mod friendship as well as the "bait and switch" which allegedly took place.

Were I the mod in question, I might review my "friends" list a little more closely.

And I'd like to thank MsElena for being the "Holier than thou drama queen", providing entertainment to all... I guess in more ways than one.
Skip_8's Avatar
I didn't skip over any portion of your COMMENT. As stated before MsElena, I am commenting on the activities between two consenting adults regardless of who is right and who is wrong. If I can't comment about the activities between two consenting adults on ECCIE then what is the purpose of this board?

Others made comments to Sixx about their opinion on his decision to go forth with a session while under the influence. You even commented that he should not call a provider if he's been drinking. The only side I'm on is the side of free will, meaning that if Sixx wants to call a provider while under the influence then it is his liberty to do so. Further, if, and I'll say a big IF, the provider "allegedly" agreed to BBBJCIM then decided to to change the agreement, I'll comment on that too based on what is being posted on this board. I'll agree with you MsElena that I wasn't threre to fully witness the activities and the negotiations between the two of them, but that doesn't mean I cannot express MY opinion on the matter based on the discussion brought forth by those involved. Originally Posted by Sir Hardin Thicke
atxbrad's Avatar
DAMN IT!!!!!

Someone please show 6 how to use the quote button, its starting to erk me. Sorry, Im a grumpy bastard today.

Please learn how to quote someone on ECCIE.
Sir and Space....thanks for the responses and thank you for keeping it civil. I can't apologize for anything I have said because its the way I feel and the way I saw things going. Could I be wrong? Sure, but so could everyone else.

As for the others who commented to me, this board is free for anyone to roam, in which I do when I have some down time.

I'm a Texas girl, born and raised. No, life isn't boring in Omaha not Idaho as someone had mentioned. I guess some can't handle a woman who is willing to speak her mind or opinion.

The following is an email I received from someone, who it is I don't know. But, I hope ever it is doesn't kiss their mother with that mouth. Karma's a bitch.

nuglet's Avatar
Sorry to heap more on ya hon, BUT, quoting PM content, I believe is a major NO-NO. That's why it's called P(private) M...
Just hoping to save you some grief..
I know the below was an Email, but it was an Email to YOU, not the public. That's just bad form, even though the cretin was out of line, it's still private ....

Sir and Space....thanks for the responses and thank you for keeping it civil. I can't apologize for anything I have said because its the way I feel and the way I saw things going. Could I be wrong? Sure, but so could everyone else.

As for the others who commented to me, this board is free for anyone to roam, in which I do when I have some down time.

I'm a Texas girl, born and raised. No, life isn't boring in Omaha not Idaho as someone had mentioned. I guess some can't handle a woman who is willing to speak her mind or opinion.

The following is an email I received from someone, who it is I don't know. But, I hope ever it is doesn't kiss their mother with that mouth. Karma's a bitch.

______________________________ ______________________________ ______________ Originally Posted by MsElena
You obviously skipped over a good portion of my post.

PS. I don't like condescending comments being made to me. Talk to me with respect or don't talk at all. I talk to people, not down to them. Originally Posted by MsElena
Sir and Space....thanks for the responses and thank you for keeping it civil. I can't apologize for anything I have said because its the way I feel and the way I saw things going. Could I be wrong? Sure, but so could everyone else.

As for the others who commented to me, this board is free for anyone to roam, in which I do when I have some down time.

I'm a Texas girl, born and raised. No, life isn't boring in Omaha not Idaho as someone had mentioned. I guess some can't handle a woman who is willing to speak her mind or opinion.

The following is an email I received from someone, who it is I don't know. But, I hope ever it is doesn't kiss their mother with that mouth. Karma's a bitch.
______________________________ ______________________________ ______________ Originally Posted by MsElena
Perhaps you should take your own advice and read my entire post. I never asked you for an apology. Nor did I say that a woman shouldn't speak her mind or have an opinion.

I was simply trying to point out that while you were "ordering" someone to talk to you with respect or not at all, you should think about trying it yourself as your statement about sheep was condescending and disrespectful. Again to get respect one has to give it, so don't expect to receive what you are not willing to give to others.

BTW, I am NEVER wrong! If you don't believe me, just ask me I will tell you it is so!

You mistook my post or I didn't write it out the way I wanted it to come across.

I know you didn't ask for an apology, I was just saying that I can't/won't apologize. I understand what you have been trying to say and have taken it to heart. Thank you.

"BTW, I am NEVER wrong! If you don't believe me, just ask me I will tell you it is so!" - I will ALWAYS let you believe you're right, even when you're wrong.