So who you been hangin with ...

Juan Pablo de Marco's Avatar
i know St Chris.


btw... this thread died a natural death back in august... only to be reborn today.
I have met and was in a Chuck Norris movie, Silent Rage many many years ago....I was in the biker scene and flashed my tits-lol, imagine that!!
pyramider's Avatar
Gordie Howe at a hotel
Elvin Bethea and Curley Culp, and the '78 Houston Rockets at a gym
Gerald Ford on the '92 Republican Convention
Ron Glass at the airport
Wionna Ryder next to me on the airplane, just after her shoplifting incident
pornstar JR Carrington in the KMart in Honolulu
Christy Canyon and Morganna the Kissing Bandit at a strip club
Rita Wilson, aka Mrs Tom Hanks, at a boat dealer
Sen Kay Bailey Hutchinson on a Southwest flight
flowerflower1's Avatar
coached at the 04 olympics met a lot of the US team. got my picture with a lot of athletes including Jennie Finch (hot)... andy rodick plays yatzee with as much intensity as he does tennis....
redhed's Avatar
I have sold a couple of horses to Terry Bradshaw and Toby Keith recently and when the cowboys had training camp in Wichita Falls they all hung out at a certain bar and many times seen Jerry Jones pay a gal to get on the table and do her thing. Payed her well I might add also. BTW, David Lefleur was the biggest asshole I ever met, not to mention he sucked at playing football.

my .02
TexTushHog's Avatar
More Democratic office holders (and seekers) than I have time to mention. The most impressive ones (to others, I would assume) would be Bill Clinton while and after he was President, HRC while Bill was President, and Obama while he was a Senator before he was running for President. John Edwards many times. Nancy Pelosi twice.

But the most impressive that I've met and liked the most was Al Gore. Very, very bright, and contrary to the way he appears on TV, very friendly and fairly witty. Honorable mention goes to one who just passed away. Charlie Wilson -- one of the most interesting political figures anyone could ever hope to meet.

Others of note: Al Franken before and after he ran for Senate. Funny guy, too. Probably about a dozen Senators and 20 - 30 U.S. House Members. Jesse Jackson.

Non Political Figures:

Don Henley at many political fund raisers. Stevie Ray Vaughn, Jerry Garcia, and Michael Jordan, all in elevators at hotels. Eddie Van Halen in a restaurant at the next table (although I suppose I didn't meet him as I let him enjoy his meal in peace. Interestingly, he was extremely polite and patient with everyone who came up to say hello to him.) Phil Collins jogging up and down the hall at the Four Seasons in Cleveland. Karl Malone (a prince of a guy with impeccable manners). Bill Moyers on several occasions. George Foreman a couple of times. Richard Simmons and Gary Busey, on different occasions, but both while checking into a hotel.
mikahranae's Avatar
I hung out at a club with Wesley Snipes last month in Hollywood and I checked Deion Sanders into a room when I worked at a hotel.
cookie man's Avatar
Bumped into Cybill Shepherd at a Dallas movie premier in the 70's. Being the smooth talker I am, I said "Hey you're Cybill Shepherd" to which she replied "Yes I am". She smiled as I held the door open, then she quickly disappeared into a black limo. I saved the blonde hair on my jacket for a long time.
Boltfan's Avatar
Let's see.

Been snow skiing with Robert Redford several times. Rode the lifts with him on numerous occasions at his resort in Utah.

Met Bob Costas at a Laker game when we had floor seats next to the press area. Talk about short. Met several pro sports players when I ran a car stereo shop in Escondido, CA. We were the closest shop to Rancho Sante Fe so they all came in to hook up their rides. Tim Worrell and I became friendly and before he got traded we were his guests at many a Padres game. Also met several porn stars over the years when I was around that scene in LA. Too many to name but they were all pretty casual cool people at the time.
rakuguy's Avatar
i know St Chris. Originally Posted by Juan Pablo de Marco

When I was in college some of my drunk buddies and I got into an elevator at the Rivermont in Memphis with Bob Hope and a couple of his henchmen/bodyguards. Bob was a midget or close to it. Found him again later at some state dinner thing in the banquet room next to ours with various dignitaries wearing sashes and medals that was next door to our drunk fest college convention thing we were having for our group in cutoffs and t-shirts. Many of the coeds in our group staggered into Bob's event and had him signing autographs on coctail napkins. He did so gladly. He dug the babes.

My 1st ex wife looked like Ali McGraw

I got drunk with a dude in the NW section of D.C. in 1980 named Michael that claimed he was Gilda Radner's brother. Searched for 30 minutes trying to find his rental car after the bar shut down but never did. Said he was in town for a wedding.
verygood69's Avatar
I see Charlie Pride and Terry Bradshaw at my work place often. i have seen Yummy Demi moore there also.
JohnBoyjrh's Avatar
Met the Plaster Casters at the Filmore West in the 60's , was a road manager for a band. Hung out with one all evening. Did not get cast , roadies didn't rate high enough, did have some pretty good sex though. For those that haven't heard of the " Plaster Casters " just Google them.
!!Sexy Erotic Morgan's Avatar
I met the Fifth Dimension! I was not terribly impressed, but my parents where.]
Went into a hat shop in Hollywood,CA last week and as I was looking around Cedrick the Entertainer came walking in. Talk about a laid back guy. He was wearing a Walmart T-shirt and has lost at least fifty lbs.!
I know this thread hasn't been posted on since April...but the poll made me find it - so blame it on that.

Met Michael Jordan in HS. I was into sports, so that was a MAJOR deal. I froze when I came face to face with him. (it was after his 1st retirement)

Saw Screech from Saved by the Bell in the Airport in CA. (yikes - even before his self made porn days)

Michael Irvin at a fairly small hotel - with a lady that wasn't his wife. He was a total jackass too.
I did get his autograph, "Playmaker" and his number - was it 22? and then chicken scratch. I think his car was the same one mentioned before - he made sure anyone there when he got there - saw it.

I wish I could remember the comedian's name - but I met her in HS, and I recognized her right away, she was an 80's chic, very curly blond hair, and high voice....and I think a fav of my dad's. No one else where I was working knew her right away, but I did.

Use to see Freddy Krueger LOTS of times/ and met him several. (Robert Englund).

Bette Midler once (passing by).

Use to see Morgan Fairchild at least once a week. Everyone told me, "She looks great for her age...she must have a good plastic surgeon. But always look at the hands. You can't do plastic surgery on the hands - they will always give away the age." So whenever I saw this beautiful, nice woman - I couldn't stop looking at her hands!

I knew Randy White and his family when I was younger. I didn't know he was a big deal until after we had moved. LOL The stupidity of youth, and being a girl, and not caring about football. He and my dad were friends so we went to his house several times.

These are all pre-escort days. Been a few after, but of course....shhhhh.

But I think it funny when I see them on TV or something - that they called/emailed ME when they could have contacted any hottie in Dallas. It does get to your head just a bit. But I feel kinda cool that they also hoped/trusted that I'm not one of those crazies that will run to the media. (good grief!)

My fav of all the above, is my 1st mention. MJ
I'll never, ever forget that moment.
I nearly broke my ankle and my neck getting over to see him, but it was worth it. I just wish I had a pen and paper, or something for him to sign.