winn dixie's Avatar
then find it and post was Democratic policy by HUD under Clinton mandating more minority lending for housing that lit the fuse, just because Bush was president when it blew up doesn't prove it was all republicans.

Obama's handling of the economy is not looked at well by a majority of experts on economics and i can find plenty of them.

Obama, like FDR, tried to spend his way out of a recession and it delayed recovery. same mistake, same results. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Liked the post and give a Rebel Yell!
Game Set Match! These above posted facts cannot be debated!

I miss Trump more and more every day
1. ZERO chance of Nuclear War
2. Strong stock Market
3. Low inflation
4. Low interest rates
5. Low food prices
6. Low energy prices
7. Border Security
8. Strong Police

and that is just the beginning!
If you voted for this Douche Bag, you have no one to blame but yourself

Add to the op's list. Open borders, missiles flying over our allies heads, More divisive rhetoric causing unneeded racial tension. A woke culture causing damage like a plague upon our Nation. As much as I now dislike the orange man. Id rather put up with his mean tweets and big mouth than whats happening now.
It happened after 8 years of Bush, He did nothing to stop it. The warning signs were there all along. But Republicans instead silenced one guy that could have stopped it. "Instead of regulating the banks that had run amok, Bush’s regulators went on the warpath against Spitzer and states attempting to stop predatory practices. Making an unprecedented use of the legal power of “federal pre-emption,” Bush-bots ordered the states to NOT enforce their consumer protection laws."

Clinton was forced to sign the Republican introduced Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, it passed both houses by veto proof majorities.

"The truth is, however, the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act had little if anything to do with the current crisis. In fact, economists on both sides of the political spectrum have suggested that the act has probably made the crisis less severe than it might otherwise have been."
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Still mean to change my style. Not sure how yet.

Who Caused the Economic Crisis?

. . . saying that Democrats killed the 2005 bill "while Mr. Obama was notably silent" oversimplifies things considerably. The bill made it out of committee in the Senate but was never brought up for consideration. At that time, Republicans had a majority in the Senate and controlled the agenda. Democrats never got the chance to vote against it or to mount a filibuster to block it.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
It happened after 8 years of Bush, He did nothing to stop it. The warning signs were there all along. But Republicans instead silenced one guy that could have stopped it. "Instead of regulating the banks that had run amok, Bush’s regulators went on the warpath against Spitzer and states attempting to stop predatory practices. Making an unprecedented use of the legal power of “federal pre-emption,” Bush-bots ordered the states to NOT enforce their consumer protection laws."

Clinton was forced to sign the Republican introduced Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, it passed both houses by veto proof majorities.

"The truth is, however, the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act had little if anything to do with the current crisis. In fact, economists on both sides of the political spectrum have suggested that the act has probably made the crisis less severe than it might otherwise have been." Originally Posted by royamcr

two things ... what does Gramm-Leach-Bliley have to do with HUD mandating more minority lending to people who couldn't afford houses in the first place have to do with the 2008 housing market collapse and what party does Slick Willie Clinton under who's watch this started belong to?
That was 8 YEARS before the crash. Duh. Actually more like 9. Even if he would have vetoed the bill it would have easily been overridden... Do your own research on that bill. Bush dropped the ball every step of the way up to the crash. Stupid to pin that on clinton...
Precious_b's Avatar
8 trillion over 8 years. And the first part of Obama's presidency was cleaning up Republican fuckery. Trump did 8 trillion over 4 years. Originally Posted by royamcr
what republican fuckery? you keep claiming that yet where's the beef .. er proof?

again, 2-3 trillion during Trump was strictly covid related and the democrats as always loaded it up with their usual brand of fuckery, pork barrel crap. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
So roy, why do you get called out to post the beef but the party doing the yelling ain't doing the same?
Y'all fuckin brought clinton into this, I didn't. Seems to me you are the experts in it. At the time Clinton signed the bill the economy was great so maybe it made sense. Then bush disregarded or who knows maybe he knew about 9/11 and let it happen. That was the first blow to the economy. Things went to shit after that which is par for the course for Republican presidency. trump rode on Obama's coattails and trump royally fucked that up. Then y'all wanted 4 more years of that fuckery. So stupid it is pathetic.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Y'all fuckin brought clinton into this, I didn't. Seems to me you are the experts in it. At the time Clinton signed the bill the economy was great so maybe it made sense. Then bush disregarded or who knows maybe he knew about 9/11 and let it happen. That was the first blow to the economy. Things went to shit after that which is par for the course for Republican presidency. trump rode on Obama's coattails and trump royally fucked that up. Then y'all wanted 4 more years of that fuckery. So stupid it is pathetic. Originally Posted by royamcr

no, you brought up the 2008 financial crisis and tried to blame it all on republicans just because G Bushy II was in office when the bill came due by a Slick Willie Blythe HUD initiative.

thank you valued poster
Wacco brought Clinton into this. Didn't even remember what that was about so had to look up what the fuck that had to do with anything... It's stupid to bring things like that up anyway without looking at the big picture and the economy of the time. Decisions are made with what we know at the time. 911 may not even have happened if gore won in 2000. If there was ever a stolen election it was that one. At least gore took it it like a man and didn't cry about it for years like whiney sore loser trump.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Wacco brought Clinton into this. Didn't even remember what that was about so had to look up what the fuck that had to do with anything... It's stupid to bring things like that up anyway without looking at the big picture and the economy of the time. Decisions are made with what we know at the time. 911 may not even have happened if gore won in 2000. If there was ever a stolen election it was that one. At least gore took it it like a man and didn't cry about it for years like whiney sore loser trump. Originally Posted by royamcr

if you say so
Thanks for agreeing.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Thanks for agreeing. Originally Posted by royamcr

thank you valued poster
eccieuser9500's Avatar
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To Return to the Original Topic . . .
#6 - Respect the topics presented by those who start a thread. Attempts to derail a thread or change it's direction is referred to as thread hijack and will be discouraged. Attempts to guide a thread in the right direction are appreciated, while responses to posts which hijack a thread are not.
Economy is part of the original topic and that is where we are.