Virginia Governor vote warning

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Racism won?
bambino's Avatar
Racism won? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Racism lost. And will continue to lose.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-03-2021, 07:43 AM

I can just hear the leaders of China and Russia saying "Ah, shit", I thought we might be able to keep around the fools that put billions in my pocket by shutting down their own energy industry in favor of giving Saudi Arabia and Russia money that could be made and spent in America".

Xi and Putin on the phone "shit man, I really thought we could play this out for more than 9 months". We almost had them believing that Saudi and Russia oil and gas is less polluting otherwise, why would they stop producing their own and want us to make more money buy selling them what they already have.

Pt. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
Biden shutdown America's oil industry in MARCH of 2020?

You do realize that Trump was President at the time?

You think China wanted high gas prices?

High oil prices will increase oil production in this country.

High oil prices are good for oil producing states but bad for the party in charge nationally. In 2018 , it was Republicans.

Biden won because of mainly the economy. Not that it was Trumps fault but the MoFo in charge gets all the credit or blame.

It is always "the economy stupid" I believe it was Clinton.

That is all Americans care about. High gas prices will fuck the party in power. Period, stop, end of story.

This win has nothing to do with CRT or abortion or any other peripheral bs.

If oil prices aren't trending down in the next 9 months...Democrats will get slaughtered at the booth. I'm betting that prices will still be high because our production ramp up will be able to offset OPECs cuts and demand increases.
HedonistForever's Avatar
NOVEMBER 2, 2021

Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America

It is looking like Terry McAuliffe's campaign against a certain person named “Trump” has very much helped Glenn Youngkin. All McAuliffe did was talk Trump, Trump, Trump and he lost! What does that tell you, Fake News? I guess people running for office as Democrats won’t be doing that too much longer. I didn’t even have to go rally for Youngkin, because McAuliffe did it for me. Thank you to the MAGA voters for turning out big!
Originally Posted by bambino

My guess, from hearing the Democrats talk during and after the election since I watched CNN for the whole cycle so I know first hand what they were discussing and to say they were "dazed and confused" would be an understatement but they were still harping on Trump, they can't stop their addiction and will continue on a losing issue just like McAuliffe did.

They will continue to raise the issue of Trump from now till 2024.

They simply can't help themselves. But what might happen is, many moderates in the Democrat party may use this as an even bigger reason to pull away from the Progressives, who tonight, are saying the reason the Progressives lost so bad was because..... Ready for this?..... They weren't Progressive enough and they just couldn't get their message out in time to "really" affect the race!

Just how stupid are these people? Thankfully they are just as stupid as I predicted the day Biden was elected. I'll paraphrase my own comment "don't worry, Democrats will fuck this up so bad that it will bring back power to Republicans in 2022". Didn't realize it would come sooner. Ten months of Biden, Pelosi, Shumer and AOC and squad, has pumped new life into the Republican party and it can only get better for Republicans as long as that group keeps talking.

The best part of this whole thing for me, because who the Governor of Virginia is, doesn't really matter to me, the House Representatives and Senate, does matter. But the best part by far was watching Biden. Obama, Harris and Abrams, all get bitch slapped and had their "reputation" taken down a notch.

And one of the funniest lines of the night, once again came from the poet laureate Camel Harris, while standing next to the "former" Gov. McAuliffe said "we aren't going backwards, were moving forward" while the last Gov. is standing right there beside her. Then she doubles down and says "take note because what happens here tonight will reverberate through the mid terms and 2024.

Well, you finally got one right sister.
winn dixie's Avatar
Virginia turned out to be a blood bath. Red Wave! Youngkin is Gov!

Too close to call in NJ! No matter how this race turns out. This is big! 1 million more registered dems in nj and race is to close to call. Very embarrassing for biden and the dems!
and then there's austin texas
rexdutchman's Avatar
Hmm dems and the push for racism lost
HedonistForever's Avatar
Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

Never have truer words been spoken.
winn dixie's Avatar
and then there's austin texas Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
yep. Our lowlifes who depend on law enforcement voted down prop A. Which would have added officers and funded the Police Dept.. Idiots
  • Tiny
  • 11-03-2021, 11:40 AM
I woke up this morning, turned on CNN and cried. Tears of joy. OK, I'm exaggerating, but it was great to see Republicans sweep the state wide offices in Virginia, and the Republican a cunt hair away from winning New Jersey. Murphy will win in the end, but still a great outcome for the Republicans. The teachers unions are probably shitting bricks in Virginia.

The Democratic Party pundits on CNN were taking away the wrong lesson. They said if Congress had only passed the original $3.5 trillion Build Back Better bill and the $1.2 trillion Infrastructure bill, McAuliffe would have won. MSNBC trotted out Pramila Jayapal, the ugly, intelligent version of AOC, to make their case. I'll call bull shit on all that. Maybe instead Americans were tired of the crazy spending and the inflation.

One thing one of the pundits did get right. She said if the Democrats would have run a person of color or a woman for governor, maybe they would have won in Virginia. Because it's harder for a white man to excite the Democratic Base. Contrast this with Republicans. I believe if Republicans put someone like Tim Scott or Nikki Hailey up against Biden, they'd wipe the floor with his incontinent ass. Republicans don't have problems turning out for women and non-whites, as long as they're Republicans.
  • Tiny
  • 11-03-2021, 11:49 AM
And something else, that the brain trust on eccie has dead wrong. Trump was not responsible for Youngkin's win. Trump and Youngkin never appeared on stage together. I challenge you to find a single photo with Trump and Youngkin together that's not photoshopped. Or a recording of this alleged teleconference that they purportedly participated in together a couple of nights ago. Youngkin ran the other way from Trump, but without actually rejecting him. He picked up a lot of suburban voters. And it was a good strategy. Exit polls showed 42% approval for Donald Trump, and in excess of 50% approval for Youngkin.

Trump however, for once, did what he should have been doing ever since he lost the election in November last year. He tried to turn out his supporters for a Republican candidate who wouldn't kowtow to his fantasies of election fraud. And the result was magnificent. If he continues with this, the Republicans have a damn good shot at taking the House and Senate next year.

I was kind of laughing a couple of weeks ago when I said here that I thought Youngkin could win this, and some here were poo pooing me because they just knew the Democrats would steel the election through fraudulent means. I'm laughing harder now.


“Big Republican turnout and the suburbs move back to where they were pre-Trump,” said Jared Leopold, a former Democratic Governors Association spokesman.

Food for thought. Remove Trump from the equation, or just have him on the sidelines encouraging people to vote, and Republicans win.
  • Tiny
  • 11-03-2021, 11:52 AM
That is all Americans care about. High gas prices will fuck the party in power. Period, stop, end of story....
If oil prices aren't trending down in the next 9 months...Democrats will get slaughtered at the booth. I'm betting that prices will still be high because our production ramp up will be able to offset OPECs cuts and demand increases. Originally Posted by WTF
WTF, I agree with you that the economy is far and away the most important issue. However, it's not just the price of gasoline and natural gas that's going up. Food and a lot of other things are too. This inflation is not good for Democrats' prospects.
And something else, that the brain trust on eccie has dead wrong. Trump was not responsible for Youngkin's win. Trump and Youngkin never appeared on stage together. I challenge you to find a single photo with Trump and Youngkin together that's not photoshopped. Or a recording of this alleged teleconference that they purportedly participated in together a couple of nights ago. Youngkin ran the other way from Trump, but without actually rejecting him. He picked up a lot of suburban voters. And it was a good strategy. Exit polls showed 42% approval for Donald Trump, and in excess of 50% approval for Youngkin.

Trump however, for once, did what he should have been doing ever since he lost the election in November last year. He tried to turn out his supporters for a Republican candidate who wouldn't kowtow to his fantasies of election fraud. And the result was magnificent. If he continues with this, the Republicans have a damn good shot at taking the House and Senate next year.

I was kind of laughing a couple of weeks ago when I said here that I thought Youngkin could win this, and some here were poo pooing me because they just knew the Democrats would steel the election through fraudulent means. I'm laughing harder now.


“Big Republican turnout and the suburbs move back to where they were pre-Trump,” said Jared Leopold, a former Democratic Governors Association spokesman.

Food for thought. Remove Trump from the equation, or just have him on the sidelines encouraging people to vote, and Republicans win. Originally Posted by Tiny
Why are you being silly about this? WE conservatives
KNOW the situation between Youngkin and Trump.
We don't need to Wash. Post to explain it to us.

We KNOW that Youngkin WON because Trump supported him.
President Trump was with him from the start!
He surely encouraged the GREAT Repubs and Indys
of Virginia to VOTE for Youngkin.

Trump was NOT at a rally with Youngkin - but
he did hold a tele-conference with conservative
voters... I didn't get a call from Trump this time
'cause I don't live in Virginia.

No doubt President Trump shared secrets of WINNING
with Youngkin - - and prolly told him
what to do when Dems try to steal the election
if Youngkin got close...

And, of course THAT made the difference!

... But, yes - Youngkin deserves MOST of the credit
for his WIN... But trying to down-play the
GREAT support of "Trump voters" there is silly.

just sayin'

#### Salty
  • Tiny
  • 11-03-2021, 07:02 PM
Why are you being silly about this? WE conservatives
KNOW the situation between Youngkin and Trump.
We don't need to Wash. Post to explain it to us.

We KNOW that Youngkin WON because Trump supported him.
President Trump was with him from the start!
He surely encouraged the GREAT Repubs and Indys
of Virginia to VOTE for Youngkin.

Trump was NOT at a rally with Youngkin - but
he did hold a tele-conference with conservative
voters... I didn't get a call from Trump this time
'cause I don't live in Virginia.

No doubt President Trump shared secrets of WINNING
with Youngkin - - and prolly told him
what to do when Dems try to steal the election
if Youngkin got close...

And, of course THAT made the difference!

... But, yes - Youngkin deserves MOST of the credit
for his WIN... But trying to down-play the
GREAT support of "Trump voters" there is silly.

just sayin'

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Salty, If Youngkin had tied himself to Trump the way Perdue and Loeffler did in Georgia he would have lost. I just provided the Washington Post link because I took a quote from the article, by a Democratic operative, who made a lot of sense. At the state level, Virginia was a purple state before Trump, and now it's a purple state after him. In between it was a blue state. Trump lost votes for the Republican Party in Virginia.

That said, I don't disagree with the gist of your post. Trump, by mostly staying in the background but encouraging his supporters to go to the polls, was a net plus. I just hope he continues to behave like that next year during the midterms.
Bannon dropped off truck loads of ballets to make sure the election was corrupt. The liberals are going to start a war and take back America ��
And Obama and Biden will both be President and the JFKs will make sure of that in Dallas on Friday the 13th
PS I don't read the stupid lies on here from the 24/7 no lifers GQP. I just state the facts