Hi there! Miss me? I have questions! And ideas! Oh noes!

omakase's Avatar
It's the invisible hand at work (see Adam Smith). Yes, the price may seem steep but quality - not quantity - is the end goal for all parties involved. Would this new policy discourage or disparage future clients? Perhaps, but those wouldn't be clients that you'd want any how. But I'd also suggest adding language in your profile that qualifies your availability to new clients. So long as your profile eludes to the possibility of accepting new clients, you'll continue to receive inquiries (it's the unfortunately by-product of stellar reviews). Lastly, I recommend adding qualifications for new clients as another mechanism to further limit these inquiries.
Guest062512's Avatar
I missed the bam.
You're a lucky man, Crossroads. It appears I will never be able to get into that select club of bammees.

Guest062512's Avatar
I have been blessed.
Not sure why my posting was seen as being snarky and pissy. Like I said, great idea. I'm really glad it is working for you.

Originally Posted by phineas

I apologize if your comment wasn't intended in how it came across to me. I've been hearing a lot of crap for raising my rates, as if it were a personal affront to anyone that can't/doesn't want to pay my new rates. It's not meant to offend anyone, and honestly don't understand why some are taking it so personally...

But it HAS done exactly what I was hoping it would, and I am receiving fewer appointment requests, most of which seem very serious, as opposed to wanting to haggle or make explicit requests or any of the other undesirable issues that I used to have mixed in with the gems.

I've also grandfathered some of my favorite clients from before my hiatus, which will be nice as many of my appointments will be with gents that I truly enjoy. Being so part time is offering me some wonderful options. And it's not like I'm raising my rates thinking I'm going to make tons more money. I'm actually making MUCH less than I was before, but the rate raise cuts down on my required TCB time, because I don't have a bunch of requests coming in that I have to turn down.

All in all, I'm happy with the changes I've made for now. But who knows? I might fiddle with it some more to see if I like another option better. HoneyRose offered quite a few suggestions I could play with.
(Sarcastically saying...) Will everyone please stop telling her to only see her previous appointments because then I'll never get to see her. LOL Originally Posted by texasmarine
I was thinking the same thing.

I only wish I didn't develop this phobia about Dallas traffic, which is the reason I never tried to book her.

My boobies look so supple and squishy. I could always use one of my favorite booty pictures, but I'm not sure that would have the desired effect, either. *sigh* My vanity will be my ruin. Nice to see you again, sweetie. Originally Posted by tracibrooks
You really know how to make a guy suffer, don't you?
Monkmonk - But, I LIKE my avatar. :P My boobies look so supple and squishy. I could always use one of my favorite booty pictures, but I'm not sure that would have the desired effect, either. *sigh* My vanity will be my ruin. Nice to see you again, sweetie.

Steviewinwood - Well, based on your reviews it looks like I'm a bit out of your price range, so I suppose that's not surprising. Thanks for the compliment, though. Originally Posted by tracibrooks

I know what you mean and it's hard to totally give up the business. In my hometown, I've long ceased to see new clients and only see a handful of regulars a month. I'm not gay, but your avatar is hell of sexy
Randall Creed's Avatar
I haven't read every post (being lazy), and maybe this has already been said, but why raise your rates to act as a discourager whereas when someone calls you and you don't feel up to it you can simply say you're unavailable or already booked? Or simply turn your hobby phone off whenever you don't want it to ring? Raising rates COULD BE interpretted a particular way by some people, good and bad, but most likely bad.
Sounds like raising the rates worked out well. RC, if you interpret it as bad perhaps it is filtering the type she is not interested in seeing.
Randall Creed's Avatar

Just offering another view.

SASpurfan's Avatar
It is obvious that I am joining this "party" late, but I did want Traci to know that she is welcome to join me in SA anytime she wants to get away for some utr fun.

  • Radio
  • 01-19-2012, 06:30 PM
Tracibrooks is not "in my top 10"... She is my number 1.

Now that you are back part time I hope you can make a trip to San Antonio. I'm saving up in my hobby fund just in case.

I want to go to Dallas to see you but it might be several months before I get the chance.
Aww, thanks SAS and Radio. ^_^ I miss you both. Two very good reasons for me to find some time to make a trip to San Antonio. I do hope I can work that out. Would be great to see you. Thanks for the welcome back!
Boltfan's Avatar
Welcome back sister. Good to see the the dark side tempted you back, even if it is only part time.
Red Tex's Avatar
It's the invisible hand at work (see Adam Smith). Yes, the price may seem steep but quality - not quantity - is the end goal for all parties involved.
I have an old an unread copy of Wealth of Nations on my nightstand.

Traci, congradulations on finding that happy medium where if a guy is willing to put forth that much cash, you have certainly thinned the herd.

Don't take crap from anybody about your pricing. Only you can decide what your price is.