Porn Star Stormy Daniels & Donald Trump Coverup

TexTushHog's Avatar
I was talking about Bill, dumbass. LOL Originally Posted by Tapper69
Bill was having consensual relations with a gal who when to Washington to "get her Presidential knee pads." That's a hell of a lot less objectionable than a guy admitting that he sexually assaults women by "grabbing them by the pussy" and gets away with it because he's rich and supposedly powerful. What Bill did should be between he, Hillary, and Monica. What Trump did was literally a crime.
texassapper's Avatar
I have 100+ things wrong with Drumpf. The guy is just not a good human being. A habitual liar. A racist. A sexist. Bad for the environment. Bad for the poor and those that need help. Bad for the world. Originally Posted by Barrymccockinner
But good for the economy and the market, and the unemployment rate, and for my wallet.

Back to your question, as a right wing nut, shouldn't you care? Or do you get to choose when to play the morality card (don't answer, I already know). Originally Posted by Barrymccockinner
Yes, we learned that from liberals. We get to not give a shit about stuff all the time now. You don't like that? Why don't you go an buy some vagisil for your pussyhat?
texassapper's Avatar
What Bill did should be between he, Hillary, and Monica. What Trump did was literally a crime. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
Did you miss the part where Bill lied under oath and was disbarred? I'm pretty certain that's a crime... nice mis-direction there...
  • grean
  • 01-26-2018, 07:38 PM
Did you miss the part where Bill lied under oath and was disbarred? I'm pretty certain that's a crime... nice mis-direction there... Originally Posted by texassapper
Well Sessions has repeatedly lied under oath and in addition to not recalling meetings with certain folks, he also has forgotten that he demanded Clinton be held over the fire for the exact thing he is doing now.

And as far as lies go, Clinton was doing what any other guy is trained to do when confronted about cheating on his wife.

And that had absolutely zero national security implications.

Sessions lies have very serious national security implications.

Trump's lies, thus far, haven't been criminal. Stay tuned though. I see him, his sons, son & law, and even that "piece of ass" of a daughter, all indicted.

On the other hand I'd love to fuck stormy daniels if she's around the metroplex.

She's ranked #1 in pornhub for the moment.
But good for the economy and the market, and the unemployment rate, and for my wallet.

Yes, we learned that from liberals. We get to not give a shit about stuff all the time now. You don't like that? Why don't you go an buy some vagisil for your pussyhat? Originally Posted by texassapper
So the unemployment rate is real now? Trump said it was at 40%. You know this is mainly Obama's economy. It'd be even better if Republicants didn't cock block pretty much any idea he had. The stock market will crash in the next couple of years. When it does, you'll blame Obama even though you're taking credit for his economy now. I give Drumpf credit for cutting the corporate tax rate. That's it. Deregulation is not a good thing; it's selling your soul for a buck. Cutting taxes for the rich at the expense of social programs is immoral - and self serving. Putting the focus on an immigration problem that doesn't exist in lieu of focusing on gun problems is absurd.

Why do you guys always turn to insults instead of having an intellectual conversation? Never mind, I know why. You're unarmed in such instances. Probably the only time you are. Overcompensating for small guns with big ones.

You didn't learn it from the liberals because as a retard (remember I'm a libtard) you can't learn. I'll wear my pussyfoot proudly, thank you very much. As long as you go back to your trailer and have incestual relationships like the rest of the deplorables.
Stormy will be om Kimmel after the State of the Union address....stay tuned.
Whether you like it or not DT is our Pres and is doing well (despite the Twitter) and we should support him and the platforms he ran on that got him elected.
TexTushHog's Avatar
Did you miss the part where Bill lied under oath and was disbarred? I'm pretty certain that's a crime... nice mis-direction there... Originally Posted by texassapper
Lying under oath isn’t a crime. Perjury has substantially more e,enebts than that. Losing your liscense is an administrative action. And he forfeited his, quite different from losing it. He was never going to practice again, anyway. I. Fact, he hadn’t practiced in years.
How cool would it be if all the women that have accused Fuckface-in-Chief of sexual assault be in the front row during the state of the union address?

Too bad democrats wouldn’t do that.
texassapper's Avatar
So the unemployment rate is real now? Trump said it was at 40%. You know this is mainly Obama's economy. Originally Posted by Barrymccockinner
I love how liberals rediscover the U6 when a Republican is in office... please, tell me where that number went during Obama's tenure.

as for this being Obama's economy....yeah,sure you keep trying to sell that and see who buys.

TheWanderer's Avatar
Who looks happier? Am I mistaken or is Trump's face a little red? Wonder if his sinuses are stuffy and he has a slight headache?
How cool would it be if all the women that have accused Fuckface-in-Chief of sexual assault be in the front row during the state of the union address?

Too bad democrats wouldn’t do that. Originally Posted by Prolongus
Nasty Nancy Pelosi and Cryin' Cuck Schumer frankly don't have the balls and don't know how to win bigly.
Barack Obama's Avatar
Wasn't she Russ Martin's (KEGL The Eagle host) gf at one time?
TheWanderer's Avatar
Stormy says she can talk about it now since Trump's attorney breached the nondisclosure agreement.
Supposedly, the attorney that paid her never got paid back, that sounds about right.
Poor Melania.
Maybe she should start tweeting #Metoo
GiovaniDosSantos's Avatar
Milk it Stormy!
txexetoo's Avatar
Bill was having consensual relations with a gal who when to Washington to "get her Presidential knee pads." That's a hell of a lot less objectionable than a guy admitting that he sexually assaults women by "grabbing them by the pussy" and gets away with it because he's rich and supposedly powerful. What Bill did should be between he, Hillary, and Monica. What Trump did was literally a crime. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
You conveniently leave out the sentence before he said “grab ‘em by the pussy”. He said “they let you do it. You can do anything “

Bill on he other hand had sex with an employee of his which would get any boss fired from any company. Not to mention he exposed himself to potential blackmail. Then he lied under oath. And let’s not forget the woman he raped and paid a settlement too