What would *YOU* do - outed to employer and fired

Whoever did that to you is a worthless POS and should be revealed so the community is aware of this. That person is dangerous and a bigger threat to others that they could encounter in the future...

Sixx Originally Posted by sixxbach
I could not have said it better myself. Sing it!
I truly believe this because I've seen it time & time again. Just see if you can "ignore" the wheels turning in your head about this situation for 24 hrs - fake it till you make it, in other words - and let some of that negative energy dwindle.

The next day, try to review the events of the past few months for coincidences and the details of who or what they were and what part they played in your life. These things are signs trying to point you to the right path. No matter what you THINK you know, you don't have the map. Let your conscious mind take a back seat for a while and your subconscious which is already working on the answer will reveal it to you when figured out. Originally Posted by Kit-4-Kat

I like that. Sounds like a general recipe for success in all aspects of life.
Actually, although it would not be slander, you could have a case for tortious interference with business relationships. So, there is a potential legal claim there. Originally Posted by yunguyus
Good to know. However considering the evidence in this particular case I serious doubt any serious lawyer or subject for that matter would even consider pursuing such a claim because the incriminating truth of the evidence is still the truth.
Not like a judge is going to rule in his favor with financial remedy considering the actual facts. Regardless I still don't buy the OP's story even a little.
When you look at all the details of his post and then just sit back allowing everything to soak in nothing about it Feels true.

Considering this then it stands to reason that an illogical post made by a clearly intelligent poster equates to an undisclosed irrational agenda. That's my sense of it anyway.

I almost get the impression that her identity is purposely not being revealed because that would force her to step forward and tell her side of the story which might prove to be more rational or credible than what's been reveled thus far.

I am surprised at how many guys here are quick to blindly suggest retribution which is clearly what the headline seeks and even criminal retribution without even having heard both sides especially considering the obvious holes in this story. If providers start getting their tires slashed we know what thread that idea came from. Makes hobbyland seem a bit scarier.
Rand Al'Thor's Avatar
Sorry but this scenario doesn't add up even a little.

a) A professional lawyer (friend or not) took a big affront to you being outed for participating in an illegal activity? Sympathetic maybe. Affronted no. Originally Posted by Codybeast
One can take affront to an action when an ex decides to use what a couple shared as revenge. Being a professional lawyer has nothing to do with it.

[b) Plus she is utilizing (Not for free) an Entire TEAM of PI's to assist you with what exactly? There is Nothing to assist with. "Help document the proof needed for further action" Proof of what? What action? You're the one who broke the law based upon the evidence sent to the employer.
It sounds like a personal favor to give him ammunition, if he decides to take the revenge route.

c) Plus An ex GF sent your employer a copy of a review or whatever. Even if she were not anonymous as long as the accusation were true (which it is) there is NO case because there is no slander. If I or anyone else broke the law and someone informed my clients, employer, family etc... I would have ZERO legal remedy because it is the truth. A real lawyer would know this better than anyone.
I don't think he's talking about taking legal action.

d) Plus you post this sob story but absolutely refuse to identify this potentially serious phantom threat to the board members even after numerous requests to do so.
I agree with this one. I don't think it's a sob story - he's not bitching that he's out of a job and needs help. He should give the name though, it's an alert.

e) Plus the extreme unlikelihood (Regardless of Texas employment law) that you would be immediately fired after a glowing quarterly review without your (previously satisfied) employer so much as providng the common courtesy of at least confronting you about it.
Still they are happy to divulge the info to your lawyer friend who called instead?
Since, as you stated, they can legally fire you without any explanation then why would they tell her squat but not you?
I think you're underestimating the various types of businesses and what they will and won't fire someone for. Many companies will not divulge reasons, especially if the cause is morality based like this one. I don't know if they were "happy" about letting his lawyer know, but given the prospects of a lawyer being involved and a lawsuit pending, they probably decided to give her the info.

This entire Post makes zero sense to me anyway so Nope sorry I ain't buying today.
I think you're stretching this a bit far to make it sound unbelievable. Also remember that given the nature of the situation, he's probably not divulging all the pertinent information for sake of privacy.
Rand Al'Thor's Avatar
I'll take the other side on this issue from most of the posters.

If we all take the "high road" on this, and everyone just moves on whenever something like this happens, what's to keep these villains from doing it over and over? There has to be consequences to one's actions, and sometimes, it's up to us to be the consequences, not "Karma".

Protect yourself from further harm, take a break...and think about the situation, then decide what might be an appropriate reaction to this.

It sounds like a personal favor to give him ammunition, if he decides to take the revenge route.

I don't think he's talking about taking legal action. Originally Posted by Rand Al'Thor
Ok his lawyer friend would get involved with using a team of PI's to give him ammunition for future revenge but not legal action. Does this sound rational to you?

I agree with this one. I don't think it's a sob story - he's not bitching that he's out of a job and needs help. He should give the name though, it's an alert.

Originally Posted by Rand Al'Thor
I bet he won't because that will force her to come out and tell her side of the story.
I agree a security breach of this information is Alert worthy.

Please post an alert identifying the provider so we can all beware.

Sorry this happened to you.
atxbrad's Avatar
And please, don't post the typical - You dumb ass, you ain't Richard Gere and she wasn't Julia Roberts type answers, I know I lost at the "Save a Ho" game BIG TIME. I'd really like to hear how YOU would deal with BEING OUTED and FIRED! Or just plain OUTED..... Originally Posted by kittyloveratx
Call her out. Thats a huge breach of security.
Kittylover...I just hope your intention here is good. I've had things happen to me...and unless I were 100% positive that I could point a finger...I would NEVER post a thread like this. I hope you can find some closure.
You only have to three things to do.
1. Get her back and move on with your life.
2. Move on with your life.
3. Wine like a bitch until, you finally realize that all you can do is move on with your life.
levibob56's Avatar
While it may be true that the OP should out the provider for obvious reasons, I don't see the likelihood of him doing so. Look at it from his point of view, if he were to name the provider in question, forget about the other side of the story, what in the world would keep her from outing his real life information to the rest of the board especially if she has already done so at his work location?
Kit-4-Kat's Avatar
At this point, with all the cries for blood, I'd be afraid to come out w/ my side of the story if it were me as the provider. Who's to say one of you hotheads wouldn't go vigilante? With that said, not knowing if every detail here is valid, there are other ways the info that outed KittyLover to his employer in the first place could have been revealed as pointed out by codybeast & Roxy.

I really hope we can just keep the "venom" down a bit for everyone's sake because at this point, escalating it publicly seems to be overkill. Time to take a chill pill.
Rand Al'Thor's Avatar
Ok his lawyer friend would get involved with using a team of PI's to give him ammunition for future revenge but not legal action. Does this sound rational to you? Originally Posted by Codybeast
If there is no legal recourse, as slander has been ruled out, she may be acting as a friend and volunteering her contacts instead of acting as his attorney.

As an attorney, it makes sense to gather information, just in case.

I bet he won't because that will force her to come out and tell her side of the story.
That could be one reason.

If the said provider you are speaking of was at the time a girlfriend. Why would you have to email her your address and phone number as you mentioned above? It seems to me she would already know all of that. Originally Posted by Sexy Roxanne
I would guess that they met as provider and client, and that relationship went on for sometime before it progressed into something else. Problem here is that she kept those initial emails months later.

Also you said that your work put the "reviewer and an email with reviewers phone and address" together. How can they do that? The guy does not include HIS info in the review, it is just the ladies info. So how can they prove that the two together equals you? I'm lost very lost.
An email from kittyloveratx@domain.com to provider Wanda that lists his real address and a phone number would link his RL home address to kittylover, then a review by kittyloveratx detailing activities with Wanda would be convincing. Just guessing.
sixxbach's Avatar
No way..... she needs to be named. The only vigilante action that should occur is that no one gives her business and she will leave on her own. No matter what issue I have with anyone, I would not out them to the real world. Fuck that, she deserves the backlash if its all true...


At this point, with all the cries for blood, I'd be afraid to come out w/ my side of the story if it were me as the provider. Who's to say one of you hotheads wouldn't go vigilante? With that said, not knowing if every detail here is valid, there are other ways the info that outed KittyLover to his employer in the first place could have been revealed as pointed out by codybeast & Roxy.

I really hope we can just keep the "venom" down a bit for everyone's sake because at this point, escalating it publicly seems to be overkill. Time to take a chill pill. Originally Posted by Kit-4-Kat