What other sites are good to advertise on?

Mojojo's Avatar
#27 - ECCIE policy regarding the discussion of competing websites is intended to exhibit a straight-forward and simple approach. We do not disallow mention of other sites here at ECCIE, however we ask that you limit those discussions to the "Other Hobby Sites" thread located in the Member Suggestions and Feedback forum. This is the area that we have designated as being an appropriate outlet for these types of discussions. Posts of this nature made in other forums throughout the board will be merged into this location. If you find these types of posts in your local forums, please use the RTM function to report them to staff. Originally Posted by Wakeuр
Correct! From here on lets try to adhere to this otherwise we'll have to merge this thread.

Angelina, your pictures are another huge problem. As in any business you have to invest in it. Your photos give me nothing. I don't necessarily need to see full face shots but blockhead is a turn off...and let me see a little body. In addition, use photos that show off your personality, whether it is sophisticated, flirty, playful, dominating, whatever. Use pictures that capture who you want to portray yourself to be professionally.

Louie gives sound advice, IMO. Get out a bit and market yourself in person when the opportunity presents itself if you are that social butterfly.

You can thanck me later! Originally Posted by boardman
Sage advice! I'll take it one step further when i say it appears you want to insert very minimal exposure/risk/effort and maximize profit. While i understand that concept keep in mind every girl in the business takes a a risk and for the most part that means displaying visuals. It's a visual business, we like we see we rent.

Being NBA probably doesn't help either. Originally Posted by Sjc21108
Definitely not true...

Like it or not Madison May and a few other girls are examples of your point being untrue.

If she will stop and read what is really stated here, she can improve her game and income.......if she wants cuddly puppies and white knight spooning, she can carry her ass to Dallas.

Everything she needs to be successful is right here in this threAD Originally Posted by dearhunter
+100! There's much info here and granted some might consider the candid speech "brutal" it's still effective advice.
TexasGator's Avatar
There goes mojo WKing for the likes of Wakeup, Dearhunter and Boardman, the most insensitive bullies on this board. No wonder so many women have been run off when the worst guttersnipes in the Houston lynch mob are being protected by a mod. Next you're going to say they make valuable contributions? Geez!

Where's carebear & GoPoppy.com (and the one whose name I dare not utter for fear of violating the Supreme Directive) when you need them most? I give up!

....cue in DJ and BP...wait for it....
Agreed. You guys are ruthless here! Originally Posted by heidilynnla
Hey sweet NOLA girl.
poppy71's Avatar
If she will stop and read what is really stated here, she can improve her game and income.......if she wants cuddly puppies and white knight spooning, she can carry her ass to Dallas.

Everything she needs to be successful is right here in this threAD Originally Posted by dearhunter
Thank you Mojo. I am hearing some pretty sound advise. That being said. I need some new pictures

+100 Originally Posted by poppy71
Karrine_Kream's Avatar
If this is the case, why are you making it highly more likely to run into them? Gentlemen with your 45+ Caucasian only preference will definitely allow that.

I think that sometimes, women limit themselves far too much then complain about not getting the type of response they desire. It is nothing wrong with having a preference BUT by limiting your options you may be missing out on the income you are seeking. We all have preferences BUT if you keep an open mind you may get a little closer to where you are seeking to be. It's like having a process of elimination-at the end of the day THIS DOES require some work, maybe more than you initially expected, but treating it like mentioned previously will allow you to get where you want to be.

As far as advertising, be resourceful-appearance and building an image is everything. (Reviews/post/ads/showcase) this all matters but only a little compared to your service.

LilMynx69 I wish I could but because of the number of people I know in this city it is not an option to be seen in public with some of the people on here. I actually am very known around town, just not for this. This is a side deal to obtain something I am working on and should be completed by the end of the year. But thank you for the advise Originally Posted by abeautifulsite

Hey sweet NOLA girl. Originally Posted by GlobeSpotter
Mojojo's Avatar
There goes mojo WKing for the likes of Wakeup, Dearhunter and Boardman, the most insensitive bullies on this board. No wonder so many women have been run off when the worst guttersnipes in the Houston lynch mob are being protected by a mod. Next you're going to say they make valuable contributions? Geez! Originally Posted by TexasGator
Freebies.....it's all about the freebies!

Now I gotta figure out who's turn to buy lunch it is.
Angel, your whole hobby persona has this vibe that you're not really into it. That's all fine and good. Many girls don't want to do this forever. But the guys don't want to feel like you're not all that comfortable or that you're doing this because you don't have better options.

Again, I'm not saying this is the case, but the bad pics, the NBA policy, the age restrictions, the conflicting website info, etc. it doesn't give that vibe that is going to attract the guys you say you are targeting.

Upscale, older successful gentlemen can date hot 30 year olds if they want to drop the cash. You need to market yourself in a way that offers them something special. And while this may be a means to an end for you, you want to let them know that you chose this because you have a passion for pleasing men. Not because you're desperate to make money quickly.

In my opinion, that means more professional photos and a more polished bio and showcase.

Just my thoughts after considering it for a day or so.
poppy71's Avatar
Angel, your whole hobby persona has this vibe that you're not really into it. That's all fine and good. Many girls don't want to do this forever. But the guys don't want to feel like you're not all that comfortable or that you're doing this because you don't have better options.

Again, I'm not saying this is the case, but the bad pics, the NBA policy, the age restrictions, the conflicting website info, etc. it doesn't give that vibe that is going to attract the guys you say you are targeting.

Upscale, older successful gentlemen can date hot 30 year olds if they want to drop the cash. You need to market yourself in a way that offers them something special. And while this may be a means to an end for you, you want to let them know that you chose this because you have a passion for pleasing men. Not because you're desperate to make money quickly.

In my opinion, that means more professional photos and a more polished bio and showcase.

Just my thoughts after considering it for a day or so. Originally Posted by LilMynx69
This right here...perfect response.
EROS, TER, P411 are good ones also.
She's looking pretty good for 40 especially for the 45 and up guys. 200 for an outcall is not bad but I know she won't go too far out of her way or she may have a driver that won't. I like what I see for a weekend evening but I'm too far away.
Need to stay away from backpage. That's a last resort.. Just my opinion...