Married hobbyists- how do you fund your adventures on the sly?

1968davidjones's Avatar
Tera - I am going to get back to the original question posed.

I also use the cash back option. $20 here and there adds up.

I also book the 30 minute session when possible both for economy and my one and done affliction

And now I will digress...when booking a half hour session I always feel a little bit like a cheapskate and at the same time am never sure if I am getting the best performance from a provider. I am in the hobby for the endless variety available, so I also rarely repeat.

Tera...could you please start a thread on what providers prefer? Hour+ sessions or 30 minutes as well as the question of whether you girls prefer repeat clients vs. one timers. :-)

BTW, your beauty and incredible body are only matched by your ssexy intellect.
bojulay's Avatar
You do have a rather negative view of humanity, don't you?

By the way, wives ar are not the only reason to Guest an account, and I have me a number of ladies in this business who are far more decent than people I meet in other aspects of life. Originally Posted by Old-T
Just a slice of reality old bro.
Tera - I am going to get back to the original question posed.

I also use the cash back option. $20 here and there adds up.

I also book the 30 minute session when possible both for economy and my one and done affliction

And now I will digress...when booking a half hour session I always feel a little bit like a cheapskate and at the same time am never sure if I am getting the best performance from a provider. I am in the hobby for the endless variety available, so I also rarely repeat.

Tera...could you please start a thread on what providers prefer? Hour+ sessions or 30 minutes as well as the question of whether you girls prefer repeat clients vs. one timers. :-)

BTW, your beauty and incredible body are only matched by your ssexy intellect. Originally Posted by 1968davidjones

Why thank you! I would be happy to start such a thread but I believe this may be the last one that I start. Of the two conversations I've tried to initiate, it seems more harm than good has been done to my enjoyment of the community. I don't see any problem with you starting one though.

My personal preference? I know that some men are just looking for a release, and there are plenty of providers who prefer that type of business, but I enjoy the flirtation and seduction that comes with an hour plus session. There's also the opportunity to take things a little slower, foreplay-wise, and the tension that builds with that is mutually enjoyable. Afterwards, pillow talk and caresses are nice, and even though many men are only able to perform once, it's always fun to try ;-) At the very least, a leisurely chat while he showers and takes his time dressing is a nice way to wrap things up. I like repeats over one timers for the sole reason that it pleases me that someone wants to come back. I don't take it personally if I never hear from someone again, but I do get a little giddy when scheduling a second, third, or fourth appointment.

Also, I spend quite a bit of time getting ready to see someone. Shower, shave everything, hair, makeup, selecting an outfit... I'd prefer the investment of that time be somewhat equal to the length of the appointment.

Take all that with the understanding that this is something that I do because I enjoy it and it's a fantasy world for me as well, and not borne of desperation, survival, or lack of options. Which is likely also the case for a majority of the women who actively engage in conversations on these boards beyond scanning the ISOs.
Iron Butterfly's Avatar
I don't have a wife or SO, but a good way to gather cash. If you do home improvement you can buy stuff at HD and return it for cash. I did this with a business for a while, it works great becouse I can write it of as an exspence. Buy a $300 tool, return it a couple of days later for cash. You can also just over buy materials and at the end of the month return it all for cash, one time I hade $800 in return bounty.

In the age of electronic everything, I have to imagine it can be difficult to explain large cash withdrawals to your wife. What are some of the ways you go about your business without it being noticed? Originally Posted by TeraDFW
DIVORCE, then MY money is MY money.
Tell her to go watch someone else. Fuck all that sneaking around.

I don't have a wife or SO, but a good way to gather cash. If you do home improvement you can buy stuff at HD and return it for cash. I did this with a business for a while, it works great becouse I can write it of as an exspence. Buy a $300 tool, return it a couple of days later for cash. You can also just over buy materials and at the end of the month return it all for cash, one time I hade $800 in return bounty.

IB Originally Posted by Iron Butterfly
That's actually brilliant. I didn't know you could return for cash if that wasn't your payment method.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 10-09-2015, 08:49 AM
That's actually brilliant. I didn't know you could return for cash if that wasn't your payment method. Originally Posted by TeraDFW
I believe it depends upon the specific store, and how well they know you.
I figured as much.

No. Originally Posted by Old-T
bojulay's Avatar
That's actually brilliant. I didn't know you could return for cash if that wasn't your payment method. Originally Posted by TeraDFW
I'll be nice to the pretty lady, you are a pretty lady, and nice.

So let's have a truce.

The easiest way is to have the persona that you like to
pay for everything in cash whenever possible, that way
you always make big cash withdrawals and carry a lot
of cash on your person.

The only problem is that if you haven't been that way
all along then the sudden change might be suspicious.

I guess someone could fake a sudden mistrust for writing
checks or using credit cards, maybe come up with a idea
of fearing identity theft or something.
Iron Butterfly's Avatar
That's actually brilliant. I didn't know you could return for cash if that wasn't your payment method. Originally Posted by TeraDFW
If you pay with a debit card it is the same as cash.

Rollensmoke's Avatar
You can have a small amount of your paycheck go to a bank other then the one you use with your family accounts. Have paperless statements set up on the account and you also have your debit card go to your work address. Just one of the ways I have had it done before. Just remember as long as you don't have more money than it takes to make more then $10 in interest. You don't even have to report it on your taxes. Also make sure you hide the debit card from the wife.
darkroot50's Avatar
When I started in the hobby years ago I worked for an organization that repaid me for travel expenses. Everything required receipts except the per diem. If your out of town for 3 or 4 days and don't necessarily like to eat big meals there is always something left over when you pay all your credit card bills for the trip, plus we were paid for any mileage when we used our own vehicle.. All that money (sometimes $20 sometimes much more) would just get set aside. I used that for hobbying. Now I'm retired and I use some of the methods others have mentioned - buying with a debit card and returning for cash, or just taking an extra $20 each time I use my debit card. I do all the checkbook balancing so it just isn't much of an issue.
You can have a small amount of your paycheck go to a bank other then the one you use with your family accounts. Have paperless statements set up on the account and you also have your debit card go to your work address. Just one of the ways I have had it done before. Just remember as long as you don't have more money than it takes to make more then $10 in interest. You don't even have to report it on your taxes. Also make sure you hide the debit card from the wife. Originally Posted by Rollensmoke

Not a bad idea, though one would probably have to wait for a raise or new job to be able to do that so as to not have to explain the lower paycheck.
RandB fan's Avatar
You can have a small amount of your paycheck go to a bank other then the one you use with your family accounts. Have paperless statements set up on the account and you also have your debit card go to your work address. Just one of the ways I have had it done before. Just remember as long as you don't have more money than it takes to make more then $10 in interest. You don't even have to report it on your taxes. Also make sure you hide the debit card from the wife. Originally Posted by Rollensmoke
Ya and if you get an divorced for another reason the atty will find that account!!!!!
Ya and if you get an divorced for another reason the atty will find that account!!!!! Originally Posted by RandB fan
It wouldn't matter if they did. If we're talking about a balance that never exceeds a couple thousand at the most and there's no tax fraud, and only cash withdrawals are made from it, who cares? He can always say he was betting on games or whatever and didn't want her to know about it. They only care about money being funneled after divorce proceedings begin or dividing any found assets.