Hobby perspective after some years?

TexTushHog's Avatar
The mysogony is what I've found most surprising (since i thought the hobby was supposed to be about enjoying women). Originally Posted by thathottnurse
Exactly. Just what I thought I would find. Connoisseurs who loved women like connoisseurs or wine love wine. But boy was I in for a shock!!
Mesquitor's Avatar
Think of it like this: You've won the opportunity to be strapped into the back seat of Blue Angel #7, the two-seat F/A-18 that they use to give joy rides to dignitaries and media types. For you, it's the ride of a lifetime. For the pilot, it's just another day at the office. Granted, he has a lot more fun working in his office than I do in mine, but he's also not going to land and, after unstrapping you and helping you out of the airplane, echo your comment of, "Holy f'n' s&^%! That was f'n' awesome!" Originally Posted by Sir Lancehernot
If I may chime in . . . years ago I was a hunting guide for several ranches down in the Texas Hill Country. Most hunts were the same with loudmouth hunters trying to show how big they were. But occasionally someone would bring their son down for his first hunt. I got paid the same, but worked my ass off to insure that the kid's first hunt was something spectacular - something he would remember for the rest of his life. When I saw how excited some of the kids and their dad's were, it often choked me up.

I would love to provide an experience that would choke up one of the ladies, but it would certainly have to be emotional and not physical. Not at my size!
This was my first year in the hobby and I’ve learned quite a bit through meeting with about 50 different ladies and probably 5 of them more than once.

I’ve learned:
- We all have a story – don’t judge
- Some of the most beautiful women are very ugly once you talk to them
- Some of the most average looking women are very beautiful once you talk to them
- Just because you’re willing to have sex with a stranger for money doesn’t mean you’re going to be a great escort. And you'll never understand why (attitude) people don't like you and think everyone else has a problem or is out to get you
- There’s a strong possibility if your reply to my message is less than 5 words to my initial message we will never meet
- There are some very nice people, guys and gals, in the hobby – people that you’d love to be friends with the “normal” world
- For the most part there’s often no relation to price and service…it’s all about the lady’s IOP for me – if she’s bitter about doing this then we’ll never meet because I’m adamant about getting to know a lady before we meet
- Search is your best friend
- Young girls are generally something to stay away from. Older women often know what they like, don’t like, and have a much better perspective about doing this than young girls
- Some ladies could increase their business so much more by lowering their prices a bit and some cannot accept when the market has changed or don't realize their prime years have passed
- Meeting a couple/few ladies to see regularly is much, much harder than I’d ever imagined. Dependability is tough to find

I will never understand:
- Why guys use Backpage
- Why guys rush for the girls on the welcome wagon
- How some guys can be so mean to a girl they’ve never met or intend to meet

Being in the hobby has changed life at home for the better. I hobby because I like intimacy and sex which I no longer get at home. That being said, I’d never consider getting divorced and don’t want a girlfriend because I work a lot and enjoy my time with my family. My wife says she’s loved the last 7 months because I finally gave up on trying to have or talk about sex. She of course has no idea I hobby but with the obvious exception of cheating it’s win-win. It took me a LONG time to make the jump into this because of my guilt but it came down to this or getting divorced. Somewhere along making the decision I felt this was better than getting divorced. If I was single I wouldn’t hobby because I’d be getting intimacy and sex.
Bestman200600's Avatar
The hobby is all about finding a couple of ladies that you like and that like to see you. Once you get something going with them on a regular basis, life is good. Cheers to the ladies. Hobby on my friends.
DarthDVader's Avatar
EL214 ... I totally agree with you ... the most beautiful lady can be the most annoying once you meet her ...
Its the case of SO ... she is physically beautiful, educated, from a good family, but has a very nasty character ... That kills her, and kills me ... destroys all the physical or intellectual qualities ... Thus for me, being with a super-hot but bipolar bat shit crazy chick is out of the question ... It can be as you stated an average looking girl but the personality and character can make her be the most beautiful girl in the world ...
This proves that the hobby is not about fucking or fulfilling deviant fantasies but to find a place of inner peace and satisfaction ...
Thas the challenge IMHO ...

Merry Christmas
Excellent description of efficient market theory as it has applied to the hobby. I suspect the girls have lost their upper hand, at least for now. The great ones will always get what they deserve, though. Originally Posted by Bert Jones
How can we lose the market when we are the market?

A smart lady knows what to do when goals aren't being met, and that's to reflect inward first. There are ladies that are more successful than you think in tough economic times. When you're dropping the ball there are several gents just getting into full swing.

But you're right. We all get what we deserve.
L.A.'s Avatar
  • L.A.
  • 12-24-2013, 09:03 AM
The hobby is all about finding a couple of ladies that you like and that like to see you. Once you get something going with them on a regular basis, life is good. Cheers to the ladies. Hobby on my friends. Originally Posted by Bestman200600
This is my definitely my attitude also. I see one provider more often than the other but there are 2 or 3 that I routinely see. Every once in a while I'll see somebody new but usually find my way back to the ATF.
falconbueller's Avatar
EL214 - Awesome post. You basically summed up my thoughts too!
TexTushHog's Avatar
How can we lose the market when we are the market? Originally Posted by Tiffani Jameson

Allow me to introduce you to the economic concept of "substitution." One good or service can be a substitute for another. Substitutes that are nearly identical are called "close" substitutes. Imagine the market for Coke-a-Cola. If Coke goes up too far on their price, people will buy Dr. Pepper or Pepsi. Likewise, if you consider the market soda pop, it the price of soda pop goes up too high, people will drink water, other sugared drinks, etc.

See generally: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Substitute_good

Now let's consider the market for prostitution. There are a number of relatively close substitutes. The first is civilian pussy. Wives, significant others, or girls in bars. They may be somewhat inferior goods in some respects -- have to take out the trash, put up with nagging, beg -- but they will do. Other examples of transactions costs would be the trouble, time, and money involved in hustling pussy in a bar. Likewise, transactions costs are not the only problems. Various substituents may have lesser sexual abilities -- they can't suck a golf ball through a garden hose -- but they'll get the job done. More distant substiutes are porn + Rossy Palm, etc.

So there are alternatives to the provider market.

Other factors keep the market in check. Barrier to entry are low. If prices get too high, new entrants will be lured into the the market by the prospects of high monetary rewards. Unlike say, the practice of law, there is not three year education requirement and a three to six year seasoning process. You don't need a great deal of capital to enter the market as you would if you wanted to start up a new automotive manufacturer. You need enough money to rent an apartment, get a few web advertisements, and buy some condoms.

Likewise, the market has pretty close to perfect information. Prices are transparently advertised and the quality of services is openly reviewed. All of those factors, low barriers to entry, near perfect information, close substitution all come together to keep the market very much driven by supply and demand.
DarthDVader's Avatar
Very interesting post TTH ... the hobby as a business is subject to the same consumer laws that apply to any other business: substitution, offer and demand, price value, quality, customer service, guaranty, TCB ... etc, etc, etc ...
I remember when coke decided to change the flavor and lost a huge market share ... even when the word coke was a synonym of cola drinks, they thought the had the market captive, but they were wrong ... that was the time when Pepsi started using rock stars in their campaigns ... ie Michael Jackson ...
Classic coke had to come to the rescue of the brand ...

Merry Christmas

Bbare1's Avatar
I am one of those hobbyists that started right at the beginning of the internet. In those days, it wasn't much better than BP.
I am single, never married, no GF or SO. I sometimes think at my age (55) I'm the exception for most of the ladies.
EasyLover214 had many great points in his comments and 'lessons learned'.
When I lived in the mid-west, I had an ATF that I saw once or twice a month. We got to the point that I could call and let her know I'd be there on a certain day and get there and have a dinner date with some great conversation and laughs. Then, back to the hotel for the fun and games. At first I just figured she was 'acting' to help me along. As we got to know one another, it became more. No, I didn't rock her world every time. And yes, there were times that we spent quite a bit of time on my 'goal' with no 'happy ending' but in all those times, the happy ending wasn't the goal.
There was 20 years difference in our ages. And yet we were friends as well as business associates. When I called her and told her I was moving back to Texas, she asked me to stay in touch and for the next 5 years I did. She finally got out of the hobby about 4 years ago and found a guy and got married.
I miss that sort of 'relationship'. Maybe it's a rarity in the hobby, but If I could find one or two ladies that fit my desires and had the personality, brains and sense of humor that fits mine, I'd be there all over again.
In short, since I started, when all I needed was something a couple of steps above a 'blow-up doll', I have changed in my desires. I now don't just want the 'happy ending'. I want a happy experience that sex just happens to be a part of and more importantly, a lady that wouldn't mind my calling again.
I am one of those hobbyists that started right at the beginning of the internet. In those days, it wasn't much better than BP.
I am single, never married, no GF or SO. I sometimes think at my age (55) I'm the exception for most of the ladies.
EasyLover214 had many great points in his comments and 'lessons learned'.
When I lived in the mid-west, I had an ATF that I saw once or twice a month. We got to the point that I could call and let her know I'd be there on a certain day and get there and have a dinner date with some great conversation and laughs. Then, back to the hotel for the fun and games. At first I just figured she was 'acting' to help me along. As we got to know one another, it became more. No, I didn't rock her world every time. And yes, there were times that we spent quite a bit of time on my 'goal' with no 'happy ending' but in all those times, the happy ending wasn't the goal.
There was 20 years difference in our ages. And yet we were friends as well as business associates. When I called her and told her I was moving back to Texas, she asked me to stay in touch and for the next 5 years I did. She finally got out of the hobby about 4 years ago and found a guy and got married.
I miss that sort of 'relationship'. Maybe it's a rarity in the hobby, but If I could find one or two ladies that fit my desires and had the personality, brains and sense of humor that fits mine, I'd be there all over again.
In short, since I started, when all I needed was something a couple of steps above a 'blow-up doll', I have changed in my desires. I now don't just want the 'happy ending'. I want a happy experience that sex just happens to be a part of and more importantly, a lady that wouldn't mind my calling again. Originally Posted by Bbare1
This post made me smile. :-) It sounds romantic!
Jessica Jade's Avatar
This was my first year in the hobby and I’ve learned quite a bit through meeting with about 50 different ladies and probably 5 of them more than once.

I’ve learned:
- We all have a story – don’t judge
- Some of the most beautiful women are very ugly once you talk to them
- Some of the most average looking women are very beautiful once you talk to them
- Just because you’re willing to have sex with a stranger for money doesn’t mean you’re going to be a great escort. And you'll never understand why (attitude) people don't like you and think everyone else has a problem or is out to get you
- There’s a strong possibility if your reply to my message is less than 5 words to my initial message we will never meet
- There are some very nice people, guys and gals, in the hobby – people that you’d love to be friends with the “normal” world
- For the most part there’s often no relation to price and service…it’s all about the lady’s IOP for me – if she’s bitter about doing this then we’ll never meet because I’m adamant about getting to know a lady before we meet
- Search is your best friend
- Young girls are generally something to stay away from. Older women often know what they like, don’t like, and have a much better perspective about doing this than young girls
- Some ladies could increase their business so much more by lowering their prices a bit and some cannot accept when the market has changed or don't realize their prime years have passed
- Meeting a couple/few ladies to see regularly is much, much harder than I’d ever imagined. Dependability is tough to find

I will never understand:
- Why guys use Backpage
- Why guys rush for the girls on the welcome wagon
- How some guys can be so mean to a girl they’ve never met or intend to meet

Being in the hobby has changed life at home for the better. I hobby because I like intimacy and sex which I no longer get at home. That being said, I’d never consider getting divorced and don’t want a girlfriend because I work a lot and enjoy my time with my family. My wife says she’s loved the last 7 months because I finally gave up on trying to have or talk about sex. She of course has no idea I hobby but with the obvious exception of cheating it’s win-win. It took me a LONG time to make the jump into this because of my guilt but it came down to this or getting divorced. Somewhere along making the decision I felt this was better than getting divorced. If I was single I wouldn’t hobby because I’d be getting intimacy and sex. Originally Posted by EasyLover214
I love this! Keep on keepin it real and VERY well said.
This was my first year in the hobby and I’ve learned quite a bit through meeting with about 50 different ladies and probably 5 of them more than once.

I’ve learned:
- We all have a story – don’t judge
- Some of the most beautiful women are very ugly once you talk to them
- Some of the most average looking women are very beautiful once you talk to them
- Just because you’re willing to have sex with a stranger for money doesn’t mean you’re going to be a great escort. And you'll never understand why (attitude) people don't like you and think everyone else has a problem or is out to get you
- There’s a strong possibility if your reply to my message is less than 5 words to my initial message we will never meet
- There are some very nice people, guys and gals, in the hobby – people that you’d love to be friends with the “normal” world
- For the most part there’s often no relation to price and service…it’s all about the lady’s IOP for me – if she’s bitter about doing this then we’ll never meet because I’m adamant about getting to know a lady before we meet
- Search is your best friend
- Young girls are generally something to stay away from. Older women often know what they like, don’t like, and have a much better perspective about doing this than young girls
- Some ladies could increase their business so much more by lowering their prices a bit and some cannot accept when the market has changed or don't realize their prime years have passed
- Meeting a couple/few ladies to see regularly is much, much harder than I’d ever imagined. Dependability is tough to find

I will never understand:
- Why guys use Backpage
- Why guys rush for the girls on the welcome wagon
- How some guys can be so mean to a girl they’ve never met or intend to meet

Being in the hobby has changed life at home for the better. I hobby because I like intimacy and sex which I no longer get at home. That being said, I’d never consider getting divorced and don’t want a girlfriend because I work a lot and enjoy my time with my family. My wife says she’s loved the last 7 months because I finally gave up on trying to have or talk about sex. She of course has no idea I hobby but with the obvious exception of cheating it’s win-win. It took me a LONG time to make the jump into this because of my guilt but it came down to this or getting divorced. Somewhere along making the decision I felt this was better than getting divorced. If I was single I wouldn’t hobby because I’d be getting intimacy and sex. Originally Posted by EasyLover214
Very good observation.........TTH thoughts are right on as well. Interesting thread.......
Iaintliein's Avatar
Many good points. I wish I'd started long before '07.

Everyone has their own reason, some hunt to fit in, some hunt for trophies, some hunt to brag, others just because they are hungry.

But in one particular way it's not like hunting or fishing. Because above all the idea is to NOT catch something: