Ending it :(

Thanks y'all, it's just pain & I will deal with it, it's gonna be ok I'm sure, I just don't have a back up plan,
I just hate that sick part in my stomach , I will b fine , it just hurts bad
I'm so stupid .( Originally Posted by Sweet N Little
Sure fire cure....you must kiss a guy from Connecticut....(pick me, pick me)
lil_michelle's Avatar
Are you feeling any better now sweetie?
Wakeup's Avatar
I have no idea what this is about, and I don't want to know...
Just wow...
jughead1171's Avatar
SNL there is just some hurt that only time can heal. Like lil michelle said lean on a friend if that helps. Like others I can relate to your pain and feel bad there is no easy fix that I can give you. I just hope you can find some comfort in the support by your friends here who are thinking of you.
I have no idea what this is about, and I don't want to know...
Just wow... Originally Posted by Wakeuр
What Wakeup is really trying to say SNL, is that he is sorry for what you're going through and wishes you the best
I had to end a serious relationship over 1.5 years ago. Got into a stupid rebound relationship a month after I broke up with him...it was so stupid. Don't do it! Give yourself a few months by yourself, friends, families, work, hobbies, new puppy, etc before you're ready to start dating again. I have moved on and I'm with a great guy now. I have no more feelings for the guy I left. The memory is gone. I saved all the bad e-mails he sent me as reminders of why I left him.
I suggest a Cheech & Chong marathon for about 3 months. See a dcotor. Situational depression is real. Meds for depression and meds for anxiety are helpful.

Warning: Alcohol may intensify their effect. I always thought of this more as a tip, myself!

Try and see the upsides. The pain means you feel life deeply. You risked and made yourself vulnerable. That takes courage. Don't be afraid to do it again.

Find you a nice computer nerd who is neat and organized and worships you. You will know him because he will continue to open doors after you have consummated your relationship, open your car door, insist on texts when you get home, etc..

I am not a doctor, counselor, or certified on anything, but I may be certifiably insane. Please take anything I said as humorous drivel, but if you find it helpful, let me know.

You are valued and appreciated by someone.

Best wishes,

I recommend getting some Fat Bastard in you..
Seriously...I was glad I hurt. My pain told me I could still love....
TexTushHog's Avatar
That was wrong TexTushHog!! Originally Posted by shorty
But the absolute truth, in my case.
Sweet N Little's Avatar
I feel better, thank u everyone for the kind words & all the advise
Gift baskets for everyone !! lol
Wakeup's Avatar
What Wakeup is really trying to say SNL, is that he is sorry for what you're going through and wishes you the best Originally Posted by Valerie
Actually I don't mean that at all...why should I feel sorry for her?
Actually I don't mean that at all...why should I feel sorry for her? Originally Posted by Wakeuр
If you lack that sort of empathy, then why do you post in her thread? Are you a sadist?

I just found this thread. Though we have never met, I feel like you are a friend. I wish I was there to console you...

You have friends in AR who love and appreciate you - reach out to them now for encouragement... stay away from "Jack" because he is not your friend as you heal...

Hope to see you soon.

Wakeup's Avatar
If you lack that sort of empathy, then why do you post in her thread? Are you a sadist? Originally Posted by ninasastri
I think you're making quite an irrational leap there, but then again, not one that was unexpected, considering how my post was worded...

You're first question, I posted in the thread to express my incredulity at looking for emotional support from a bunch of, at best, barely known acquaintenances, on a hooker board. You accuse me of lacking empathy, Nothing is farther from the truth. Empathy is being able to recognize emotions exhibited by someone else, and to relate to those emotions to some degree. I recognize her emotions, that's why I wondered what she was hoping to gain from expressing them here, and I relate to them, I just relate in such a small degree as to make that relationship almost negligable. I certainly don't relate enough to make a post telling her I'm sorry when I'm really not.

The irrational leap is assuming that I'm a sadist because of my post. No, I'm not, I just don't have any feelings one way or another about what she's going through, whereas you assumed that my feelings for her must be bad simply because they weren't good.

My OP was merely expressing again, my incredulity at exposing personal problems on a hooker message board while at the same time taking the completely anonymous and possibly insincere "I'm sorry for your pain" comments as a real form of solace...

I think you're reading too much into it Nina...