Danielle Silver

OK WTF - I offered respect.

Calling me a VietNam murderer is outside the line.
I will RTM that One. Originally Posted by oeb11
Agreed. That is WAYYYY out of line.
Respect to all vets, whatever your viewpoint on the merits of any given conflict.

Wave bye-bye WTF.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Her public response will be my ban!

How can ya have a discussion about the quality of eggs and ban discussing chickens? Originally Posted by WTF
Sniff sniff.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-12-2019, 11:46 AM
OK WTF - I offered respect.

Calling me a VietNam murderer is outside the line.
I will RTM that One. Originally Posted by oeb11
You offered no such thing.

Condensation is far from respect.

I compared you to the men who never question authority.

Seems your thin skin is showing.

DS should point you for her waste of time. That would shut all this whining down.

"WTF spoke ill of Jesus!"

"WTF called me a murder!"

Holy shit son....did you not see the thread started on my ban about me being a Nazi....one who'd murdered Jews?

Your selective rage might fool our moderator but not me.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-12-2019, 11:53 AM
Agreed. That is WAYYYY out of line.
Respect to all vets, whatever your viewpoint on the merits of any given conflict.

Wave bye-bye WTF. Originally Posted by Joey_Gleet

If you stand by and watch injustice , respect is the last thing you will get from me.

So the point went over you two's heads. Why am I not suprised?

So now do you want Ms Silver to protect you from talking about war crimes?

Do you want her to ban the folks who compared me to a jew killing nazi. Do you understand how thin skinned you two sound? Jesus fucking H Christ.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-12-2019, 11:54 AM
Sniff sniff. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Your thin skinned right wing buddies want you banned for comparing me to a jew killing nazi!
  • Tiny
  • 06-12-2019, 11:57 AM
You are making a target of yourself to DS with the complaints. If you cannot play here by the Ownership Rules - the consequences are on your own head due to your own actions. Originally Posted by oeb11
WTF, This is good advice from oeb. You may not give a rat's ass whether you get banned, but I hope you'll stay around. This place is more entertaining and a lot more active with you here.

On religion, I was raised a Methodist. When I was in my 20's, a Pentecostal colleague persuaded a group of us to go to church with him. Afterwards, we had lunch. One of us was an atheist, and a brilliant guy. He was born in Brazil, moved here when he was 12 years old, came from a lower middle class family and graduated from an Ivy League school. Anyway he started arguing with the Pentecostal. The Pentecostal started crying, uncontrollably, and it went on for about 15 minutes. He was hurt that the atheist was winning the argument, and even more hurt that the atheist was damned and would spend eternity in hell.

Then about 10 years later I'm at the Temple of the Mormon Church in Salt Lake City. There are certain things about Mormonism that I've always thought are just ridiculous. So at the end of the tour, I started peppering a young woman with questions, difficult ones, about the history of her religion. She got really, really mad. I pretty well blew her day, maybe her week.

After those two experiences I pretty much stay away from conversations about religion with anyone I don't know well and agree with. There's no upside.
  • oeb11
  • 06-12-2019, 12:33 PM
Tiny - Thank You.

You have a good point about True Believers of Religion. Their beliefs are not debatable..

Personally - I believe in a Greater Spirit. Religions are of Man in Man's own image. Basically I feel we all worship the Same Greater Spirit - religious differences are of Man creating a God in the Image Man desires.

I am fine with my fellow Person worshiping as One chooses. as long as One chooses to respect One's fellow Person's way of Honoring God.

I know that I, as a human, am not capable of defining God/Greater Spirit.

Respectfully to All - let's not have an argument about Religion. The point that religion and politics mix poorly in debate on this forum is likely valid.

Thanks to those posting respectfully.
Levianon17's Avatar
Tiny - Thank You.

You have a good point about True Believers of Religion. Their beliefs are not debatable..

Personally - I believe in a Greater Spirit. Religions are of Man in Man's own image. Basically I feel we all worship the Same Greater Spirit - religious differences are of Man creating a God in the Image Man desires.

I am fine with my fellow Person worshiping as One chooses. as long as One chooses to respect One's fellow Person's way of Honoring God.

I know that I, as a human, am not capable of defining God/Greater Spirit.

Respectfully to All - let's not have an argument about Religion. The point that religion and politics mix poorly in debate on this forum is likely valid.

Thanks to those posting respectfully. Originally Posted by oeb11
Good post, makes quite a bit of sense.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-12-2019, 01:38 PM
Tiny - Thank You.

You have a good point about True Believers of Religion. Their beliefs are not debatable..

Personally - I believe in a Greater Spirit. Religions are of Man in Man's own image. Basically I feel we all worship the Same Greater Spirit - religious differences are of Man creating a God in the Image Man desires.

I am fine with my fellow Person worshiping as One chooses. as long as One chooses to respect One's fellow Person's way of Honoring God.

I know that I, as a human, am not capable of defining God/Greater Spirit.

Respectfully to All - let's not have an argument about Religion. The point that religion and politics mix poorly in debate on this forum is likely valid.

Thanks to those posting respectfully. Originally Posted by oeb11
Wait....aren't you the troll who makes fun of the DTPS or wtf ever verbiage you throw out?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-12-2019, 01:56 PM
WTF, This is good advice from oeb. You may not give a rat's ass whether you get banned, but I hope you'll stay around. This place is more entertaining and a lot more active with you here.

On religion, I was raised a Methodist. When I was in my 20's, a Pentecostal colleague persuaded a group of us to go to church with him. Afterwards, we had lunch. One of us was an atheist, and a brilliant guy. He was born in Brazil, moved here when he was 12 years old, came from a lower middle class family and graduated from an Ivy League school. Anyway he started arguing with the Pentecostal. The Pentecostal started crying, uncontrollably, and it went on for about 15 minutes. He was hurt that the atheist was winning the argument, and even more hurt that the atheist was damned and would spend eternity in hell.

Then about 10 years later I'm at the Temple of the Mormon Church in Salt Lake City. There are certain things about Mormonism that I've always thought are just ridiculous. So at the end of the tour, I started peppering a young woman with questions, difficult ones, about the history of her religion. She got really, really mad. I pretty well blew her day, maybe her week.

After those two experiences I pretty much stay away from conversations about religion with anyone I don't know well and agree with. There's no upside. Originally Posted by Tiny
I love the Mormon Church in SLC.

That said this ain't the Mormon Church and it sure as hell ain't

I'm just asking Ms Silver for clarity. She is handing out points for the most chickenshit of posts imho.

Maybe she can clarify if she just does not want posters making fun of her man Trump here in what I thought was a political forum. Our Trump lovers have no trouble making fun of their political opponents.

Their religion is Trump and God.in fact they think God sent Trump.
bambino's Avatar
I love the Mormon Church in SLC.

That said this ain't the Mormon Church and it sure as hell ain't

I'm just asking Ms Silver for clarity. She is handing out points for the most chickenshit of posts imho.

Maybe she can clarify if she just does not want posters making fun of her man Trump here in what I thought was a political forum. Our Trump lovers have no trouble making fun of their political opponents.

Their religion is Trump and God.in fact they think God sent Trump. Originally Posted by WTF
God gave Trump Hillary Clinton to run against.
Her public response will be my ban! Originally Posted by WTF
I figured this thread was WTF's eccie suicide note. Can you transfer me your lifetime premium access before you go? I'll put it to better use.

If this is a real suicide note, can you give me your golf clubs? I don't play but I'll put them to better use also. Hey, TDL, you wanna buy a set of golf clubs?
bambino's Avatar
I figured this thread was WTF's eccie suicide note. Can you transfer me your lifetime premium access before you go? I'll put it to better use.

If this is a real suicide note, can you give me your golf clubs? I don't play but I'll put them to better use also. Hey, TDL, you wanna buy a set of golf clubs? Originally Posted by gnadfly
God or magic couldn’t help WTF’s golf game.
Hotrod511's Avatar
Like I said a very bitter old man

the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
I have had WTF on ignore for years. I don't find him amusing, enlightening, or informative. I only know what he says if someone reflects it in their response. I would have probably RTM'd him already. I am a political conservative but I have no religion. That by itself flies in the face of what WTF says he believes. He is just WRONG. Not being a Christian, I don't care if he gets banned or goes to hell. The one big take away for everyone is that WTF can't express his beliefs without trying to undermine or insult someone else's. This marks him as a real lowlife.
I'm done on this topic.