Some Thoughts On Hunter Biden, “The Big Guy”, and Those that Dismissed This…..

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  • 04-02-2022, 12:21 PM
... Of course they did. ... Didn't they hurt yours??

... I'm Australian - but have good citizenships here now.
So one would EXPECT that the rules and laws here in
America are surely the SAME for everybody. And that
when rules and laws are broken - then the lawbreakers
would be held to accounte.

You have a news media here that purposefully distort
the facts and then OUTRIGHT LIE - just to push a
political narrative. ... And the DNC is always at
the centre of it.

THAT would surely be bad enough.

Then you got a FBI and DOJ who are so corrupt that
it has morphed into a two-tiered system of justice.
Corrupt agents who also outright lie and distort
the truth.

... They rigged the election - and stole it away
from Trump... You really believe that there's
no voter fraud - you'll surely SEE the evidence
this time next year - once the Republican Congress
controls the investigations.

WHY do ya think all the Biden laptop shit is all
front and centre RIGHT NOW - because the Dems KNOW
that INVESTIGATIONS will be coming next year.
And they're scared to death!

So they're searching for a "deal" for the Bidens NOW.

Get ready for President Kamala - she's coming. ... unless...

... So, yeah, to answer yer question - me-own feelings are hurt.

But I'm surely enjoyin' the RESULT.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
You are getting your talking points from Putin controlled bots
Chung Tran's Avatar
The ''Big Guy'' references have always felt phony to me. Real people wouldn't use that term. It's innuendo of the tallest order.

Hunter is a Lout, but he can be a perfectly good Lout without Joe.
HedonistForever's Avatar
The ''Big Guy'' references have always felt phony to me. Real people wouldn't use that term. It's innuendo of the tallest order.

Hunter is a Lout, but he can be a perfectly good Lout without Joe. Originally Posted by Chung Tran

Funny how things seem "phony" when you desperately don't want them to be true.

Try this, leave "the big guy" out of the equation since you have questions about it though I'll bet you any amount of money you want, that more than one person in the Biden crime family, has already confirmed to the FBI, that Joe was the "big guy". And why was he the "big guy"? Surely you have seen enough crime family movies where the head of the family is referred to as the big guy, a common term in criminal history. Bobulinski said that every deal Hunter made whether with China, Ukraine or any other country, had to be run by Joe. It was the whole reason Hunter told Bobulinski, why he would have to meet Joe, for his final approval to put Bobulinski in charge of the latest China deal.

I'd say concentrate on Bobulinski's testimony to the FBI but I'll also bet, that "feels" phony to you also. Am I right?

When Hunter talked excessively about how he was having to pay the family bills, including Joe's bills........ oh, wait, that probably feels phony to you also.

Never mind. What I'm wondering now is, what will you say when all this comes out? Will you do a John Brennan and say "I guess I was given wrong information"? Will you want to hold anybody accountable for these years of deception the way you wanted those in the Trump administration held accountable even for things they didn't do?

How about just this. Joe Biden has sworn to the American people that he had no knowledge of what Hunter was doing. Aside from any possibility that Joe benefited from Hunters deals, let's for sake of argument say he didn't. The NYTimes and Washington Post just confirmed and verified that what was written in Hunters laptop was written by Hunter and not Russia and Joe Biden says that "If" that laptop exists,it does or at least it did, seems as though the FBI may have lost it, so Joe lied when he said it was all Russian mis-information. The Times and Post says it wasn't. Joe lied.

What do you do with that bit of information? Or does that seem phony too? Joe also told us that he had never met any of Hunters business partners and then we see ( maybe you haven't seen it, maybe you wouldn't believe it if you did ) a picture of Joe, Hunter and his business partners on the golf course.

So like I said, lets say none of this confirms illegal activity by Joe. How about the fact that he lied about all of this? Could a President be impeached if in court documents, assuming Hunter is indicted or evidence is leaked in a plea deal, it can be proven that Joe lied about many things even if he did not benefit from an illegal act? Could a President be impeached without proving a criminal act? I think we already know the answer to that, don't we.

Shit, my bad, I forgot the new Rifleman, 1bm1 rule that there can't be any more "speculation" on this board. Only the facts mame, only the facts. Joe lied and that's a fact. What shall we do about that?
Without reading back a bunch of pages. I presume you admit you’re just speculating regarding Joe Biden’s involvement. That everything appears to just be Hunter running a game on people that believed that Hunter could get his father to influence anything. That aside from this Bubbles did you keep quoting, no one else with any credibility has involved Joe. Moreover, didn’t Bubbles say he never met or spoke with Joe about these things he claimed to implicate Joe in and that his knowledge is based on what Hunter told him. And I don’t know about you but I have golfed and partied with plenty of people with no discussions of note occurring. Just being in a pic doesn’t really suggest much unless you believe every that is in a photo with another person knows everything involving that person.

I’m with speculation just like the next guy. The difference though is that I understand it’s speculation and I don’t go stating it as fact nor do I believe my speculation to be the truth no matter how good it sounds to me. More importantly, I feel no need to argue or debate anyones speculation. We can argue and even dispute facts or known information. It’s nonsense to debate a made up possible fact since - it’s made up. It’s like debating whether Superman or The Hulk is stronger. No one’s gives a fuck because neither are real.

I’ll repeat what I wrote and maintained in every Hunter thread - don’t vote for Hunter. If Hunter did something illegal, Hunter will go to jail for it. Otherwise, don’t really give a fuck because Joe doesn’t appear to have done anything wrong.
texassapper's Avatar
Without reading back a bunch of pages. I presume you admit you’re just speculating regarding Joe Biden’s involvement. That everything appears to just be Hunter running a game on people that believed that Hunter could get his father to influence anything. That aside from this Bubbles did you keep quoting, no one else with any credibility has involved Joe. Moreover, didn’t Bubbles say he never met or spoke with Joe about these things he claimed to implicate Joe in and that his knowledge is based on what Hunter told him.

I’m with speculation just like the next guy. The difference though is that I understand it’s speculation and I don’t go stating it as fact nor do I believe my speculation to be the truth no matter how good it sounds to me.

I’ll repeat what I wrote and maintained in every Hunter thread - don’t vote for Hunter. If Hunter did something illegal, Hunter will go to jail for it. Otherwise, don’t really give a fuck because Joe doesn’t appear to have done anything wrong. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Affirmative action man has no idea what’s coming on that laptop since he gets his news from the mainstream media. If you actually went places that reported the truth you’d understand why what’s coming in terms of criminal revelations can’t be stopped. It can be ignored for a while but the volume of evidence, once made public will not be ignored except by the most ignorant of people… you for example.
Chung Tran's Avatar
I wish I had a Dime for every ''the truth will come out'' statement I have read when no truth ever came out. I would be so wealthy, I wouldn't need any ''Big Guy'''s help.
... It's surely GRAND to have BOTH 1blackman1 and Mr. Chung
here in the thread - since THEY were the BIGGEST nay-sayers
at the time the "Hunter laptop" story first came out.

... I did a bit about this just a few weeks ago.

1blackman1 was saying at the time that people who surely believed
the laptop was real are dumb as rocks.

And Mr. Chung told everybody that the laptop couldn't be real
because the FBI AND Adam Schiff said it was fake.

You blokes can GO BACK AND LOOK at your comments - I DID!

... So, with that in-mind, reckon it makes you two fellows look
like dupes - who don't got enough skill to paint the shithouse roof.

... NOW - are you willing to admit that the laptop is REAL??

### Salty
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...I presume you admit you’re just speculating regarding Joe Biden’s involvement. ... Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Try this simple thought experiment:
Nobody can now say the Hunter Biden laptop is Russian dis-information. Right?

Nobody could deny that Hunter Biden is a serious perv and drug addict. Right?

Nobody could deny that Hunter Biden was discharged from the US Navy for the above. Right?

Nobody can deny that Hunter Biden was making these global deals while his Dad was VP. Right?

Feel free to ignore that a couple of his former business partners are in prison for fraud, if it makes you feel better. Devon Archer is his business partner in a few operations, the other was a Chines Military affiliated guy, Patrick Ho.

What is Hunter Biden's value-add, i.e. his basis for being hired by Ukrainian and Chinese companies at all? Let alone for millions of dollars.

Processing...Please Wait...

Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Yes it has, numerous times. Daftness is your choice. So now we apparently agree: Where there's smoke there's fire and The Big Guy and Hunter should be openly investigated. Right?

Which raises the question: If your government and media lied to you for 2 years plus (and you fell for it hook, line and sinker) - WTF do you do now that you know you have been lied to, hoodwinked, tricked and/or bamboozled for 2 years and now know the truth? What about next time they tell you a story or the time after that? And what about all those pole dancers and fact checkers too?

Maybe you don't yet know how to dig for information in the modern era.

Again....nothing has come out about Joe Biden.

That he has a fucked up son that has traded on his family name is without question.

The other son seemed to be head and shoulders above any of the Trump kids but this is not political, talking about their kids is more akin to gossip.

Under the category of who gives a fuck Originally Posted by WTF
matchingmole's Avatar
Yes it has, numerous times. Daftness is your choice. So now we apparently agree: Where there's smoke there's fire and The Big Guy and Hunter should be openly investigated. Right?

Which raises the question: If your government and media lied to you for 2 years plus (and you fell for it hook, line and sinker) - WTF do you do now that you know you have been lied to, hoodwinked, tricked and/or bamboozled for 2 years and now know the truth? What about next time they tell you a story or the time after that? And what about all those pole dancers and fact checkers too?

Maybe you don't yet know how to dig for information in the modern era.

Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
WTF's Avatar
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  • 04-03-2022, 04:27 AM
I wish I had a Dime for every ''the truth will come out'' statement I have read when no truth ever came out. I would be so wealthy, I wouldn't need any ''Big Guy'''s help. Originally Posted by Chung Tran

These Q/ Trump lovers haven't been right since the 2016 election!
WTF's Avatar
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  • 04-03-2022, 04:34 AM
Try this simple thought experiment:
Nobody can now say the Hunter Biden laptop is Russian dis-information. Right?

Nobody could deny that Hunter Biden is a serious perv and drug addict. Right?

Nobody could deny that Hunter Biden was discharged from the US Navy for the above. Right?

Nobody can deny that Hunter Biden was making these global deals while his Dad was VP. Right?

Feel free to ignore that a couple of his former business partners are in prison for fraud, if it makes you feel better. Devon Archer is his business partner in a few operations, the other was a Chines Military affiliated guy, Patrick Ho.

What is Hunter Biden's value-add, i.e. his basis for being hired by Ukrainian and Chinese companies at all? Let alone for millions of dollars.

[B]Processing...Please Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Feel free to ignore that Trump pardoned his pro Russian campaign manger.

Feel free to Ignore that Trump pardoned Mike Flynn who at one point cheered the overthrow of the Muslim Dictator in Turkey before being paid by Turkey to turn into a pro Putin loving Trump flunkie.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Feel free to ignore that Trump pardoned his pro Russian campaign manger.

Feel free to Ignore that Trump pardoned Mike Flynn who at one point cheered the overthrow of the Muslim Dictator in Turkey before being paid by Turkey to turn into a pro Putin loving Trump flunkie. Originally Posted by WTF
Focus, focus, focus. Pay attention. Stay on topic. If the question is too tough or uncomfortable or just fly's right on by too fast for you, just say so or nothing. Anything else makes you look as bad as you actually are. Oh, it's probably time for you to insert another TDS laxative.

Refresher course:
...the “motte-and-bailey doctrine,” which takes its name from a medieval castle-defense system: peasants would flee from an indefensible courtyard area—a bailey—up into a fortified tower—the motte—during an attack.

An individual is guilty of the motte-and-bailey in a debate when he conflates two positions that share similarities, one modest and easily defensible (motte) and the other controversial and untenable (bailey). The debater advances the second, far more radical position until it comes under attack, at which point he retreats to a defense of the motte by insisting that this was his claim all along, effectively reframing the bailey as a straw man invented by his opponent. If this move is successful, the controversial—and real—position goes unassailed while the critic appears unreasonable...
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
"Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus"

You could read the text and email messages stored on Hunter's laptop which is now 100%, solidly verified as being both accurate and NOT Russian disinformation. Though it took almost two years for some of the country to learn that. Why is that, I wonder? And if you're in need of some good porn tips, you can read his Safari browser history.

During the court case against Devon Archer, Hunter's terms of endearment for Devon was to reassure him that he was part of the Biden "family", among many other references to meeting Joe, your Dad, and so on.

Which raises the question: If your government and media lied to you for 2 years plus (and you fell for it hook, line and sinker) - WTF do you do now that you know you have been lied to, hoodwinked, tricked and/or bamboozled for 2 years and now know the truth? What about next time they tell you a story or the time after that? And what about all those pole dancers and fact checkers too?

Without reading back a bunch of pages. I presume you admit you’re just speculating regarding Joe Biden’s involvement. That everything appears to just be Hunter running a game on people that believed that Hunter could get his father to influence anything. That aside from this Bubbles did you keep quoting, no one else with any credibility has involved Joe. Moreover, didn’t Bubbles say he never met or spoke with Joe about these things he claimed to implicate Joe in and that his knowledge is based on what Hunter told him. And I don’t know about you but I have golfed and partied with plenty of people with no discussions of note occurring. Just being in a pic doesn’t really suggest much unless you believe every that is in a photo with another person knows everything involving that person.

I’m with speculation just like the next guy. The difference though is that I understand it’s speculation and I don’t go stating it as fact nor do I believe my speculation to be the truth no matter how good it sounds to me. More importantly, I feel no need to argue or debate anyones speculation. We can argue and even dispute facts or known information. It’s nonsense to debate a made up possible fact since - it’s made up. It’s like debating whether Superman or The Hulk is stronger. No one’s gives a fuck because neither are real.

I’ll repeat what I wrote and maintained in every Hunter thread - don’t vote for Hunter. If Hunter did something illegal, Hunter will go to jail for it. Otherwise, don’t really give a fuck because Joe doesn’t appear to have done anything wrong. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Jacuzzme's Avatar
The denial in this thread is straight out of a comedy skit. These companies the Bidens were extorting would have no idea who Hunter was, let alone do business with a worthless junkie, if daddy wasn’t a powerful politician.

Remember the incessant ‘Trump is compromised’ screaming of the left that was complete horseshit? It’s actually true of Biden. If us peons know what we know about him, imagine what the Russians/Ukrainians/Chinese (and who knows who else) know. A guy like that doesn’t take a step off the plane without every minute of their day being monitored.

Which raises the question: If your government and media lied to you for 2 years plus (and you fell for it hook, line and sinker) - WTF do you do now that you know you have been lied to, hoodwinked, tricked and/or bamboozled for 2 years and now know the truth?
They deny reality. Doing otherwise would be outing themselves as weak minded and easily manipulated.