Hooker Church

Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 09-10-2014, 04:19 PM
You've managed to misunderstand the meaning of the word "protect." If you truly cared about protecting your fellow providers, you would've posted this in Infoshare, the private area where it belongs - where we're protected, not in an open forum to be attacked. You've taken something sacred and are using it as another soapbox to stand on.

There will be a new venue for Hooker Church. If you ever want to be able to attend again, you will not reply to this post, and instead PM me privately, apologizing profusely for your indiscretion. Originally Posted by Claire She Blows
Jack$lit's Avatar
EFN said a prayer for you. This is no pun or joke. I know little about your self distruction path just prayed you get help.
bc00's Avatar
  • bc00
  • 09-10-2014, 04:28 PM
I was wondering... Say if you're a TS, can you join the Hooker Church Club?

I'm sorry, but who said I wasn't going to do that or that I hadn't contacted them personally already? Also, this very much has to do with the guys. We could ask them the same question on for a lot of posts - why post them in Co-Ed when it can be private? Originally Posted by Electricfeelnow
On that note, I'd like to announce that the next MUFF DIVE event...


...will take place at the usual spot, usual time, usual day. Agenda TBD, but you know what it's probably going to be. LOL. Bring a favorite pot luck dish or grill item, but hold the sodium, as there will be plenty of "salt" thrown around. * wink wink *
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 09-10-2014, 04:42 PM
People knowing a Hooker Church exists does nothing to hurt the protection it has. I think it says a lot when providers are so frightened about their sacred meeting being known by a larger audience. And it seems that they are particularly scared of the harassment/bullying that may come from Johns on Public boards once they find out about this HC.

I also think it's a bit dangerous to have a group that's meant to be welcoming and "sacred" be SO private because, well, then you run into people like Ms. Claire threatening specific providers with being an outcast.

We get so much of that already in this society. It's so sad that such a professional and seemingly kind provider like herself would let fear stoop her and the Hooker Church down to such levels. Originally Posted by Electricfeelnow
Are there any bridges left for you to burn? Either personally or professionally?

You have effectively called out everyone in your life. You accept NO personal responsibility or accountability...ever.

For someone who's entire hobby experience is largely based on the most humiliating acts being performed on you & by you, its seems ironical to me that you are the MOST defensive person in the hobby & looking for perceived (and imagined) humliations on the forums...

ANYONE who has offered you heartfelt advice has faced derision & attack-personally and professionally. Own it.

You are a cluster fuck...and that's being nice about it.
Sir Hardin Thicke's Avatar
It seems that the underlying meaning behind a Hooker Church is getting lost in this discussion. Jokes aside, it saddens me that such a support group is necessary because of assholes from this board. No woman should have fear in such an intimate setting, and I apologize if my comment made light of the true meaning of this gathering.
You say "support group" I say "water cooler." Think Kiwanis, not AA.
sean rider's Avatar
This is all so silly. EFN publicly mentioned a group of people who don't want to be mentioned.

Someone from said group should have sent EFN a *private message* pointing out the error and asking she remove the post.

If she didn't remove the post then send a second *private message* saying we really mean it and if the post isn't removed you will no longer be welcome at our group.

I.e. What's the first rule of Hooker Church? What's the second rule of Hooker Church?
Use *private* member-only channels.
Thanks Sean... No one tried that yet *sigh* come on man...
Jack$lit's Avatar
EFN your own words "I thought this was a very positive and fun way to get to know the community a little better and it was just fascinating to be surrounded by other women who were just like me. I felt uplifted, I laughed my butt off, I bonded, I watched girls eat a lot of sausage...it was fun! "

It appeared to helped you - so you killed it. I assume you were invited because it was believed that it could help, but your toxicity shows again with this post.

My reply directly to you also feeds your destruction so this is my second and last comment as I now have to hit ignore. Not hitting the ignore button for myself, hitting it because I don't want to feed your destruction. So I'm doing it for you and asking the community to do the same.

This is not entertaining , everyone please just hit ignore and refrain from feeding her destruction.

EFN - Good luck to you and God bless.
You say "support group" I say "water cooler." Think Kiwanis, not AA. Originally Posted by JennsLolli
Yeah. This is kind of ridiculous. EFN is just persona non grata right now and an easy target. Good lord. I've never been, but it's just a some gals that get together on Sundays to have some drinks and shoot the bull for a while. Valuable? Well, sure. But sacred? Come on now. Also, it has been mentioned on coed before. No offense secret amore, you seem like a sweet person, but once by you. I wasn't aware it was any huge secret. Whispers organizes luncheons for the men. That is not shrouded in secrecy. It's just a meet and greet for the ladies, not a masonic order.
Toyz... I had to learn to multitask! Trying to use talk to text was too hard w a mouthful! Siri didn't understand anything! And i would be willing to consider the chicken Alfredo if it is, indeed, the "world's best"
Ok SL... I'll be quiet now *heads down*
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 09-10-2014, 06:14 PM
. It's just a meet and greet for the ladies, not a masonic order. Originally Posted by chelseabean
True but Hoogar Church HAS been sanctioned by the NAACP.
governmentguru's Avatar
Can I get an Amen?
True but Hoogar Church HAS been sanctioned by the NAACP. Originally Posted by Toyz
Ha! You know, I have some damn good arguments about why I said that. I should go back on that thread and clarify. We can hash this out on the appropriate thread like the sad, pathetic shells of human beings who hash things out on hooker boards that we are. Okay. That was me poking a little fun at myself, and you tangentially. Nothing all that serious happening. Backing away slowly.....