Decency values and morals

The guy needed none of this horseshit. He could’ve lived his life in a gold penthouse, fucking supermodels with politicians of all stripes blowing him for campaign donations. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
... And NOW Trump's gonna be President yet-again.

Because the voters recognise decency, values and morals.

#### Salty
winn dixie's Avatar
... And NOW Trump's gonna be President yet-again.

Because the voters recognise decency, values and morals.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
This post is comedy. Trumpf is vile vei and disgusting. He leaves nothing but a path of disdain and broken promises and partnerships.
He's the type of guy that when folks attend his funeral . They'll be attending to make sure he's dead. Not to mourn. Trumpf lacks decency morals or any values.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
The rise of Trump is directly responsible for an unprecedented increase in assholiness in this country.
eyecu2's Avatar
“The fruit of Christian nationalism is fear, coercion, justifying violence, power by any means, slander, greed, exclusion, aggression, and controlling others.

The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.” - Ben Cremer
eyecu2's Avatar
This post is comedy. Trumpf is vile vei and disgusting. He leaves nothing but a path of disdain and broken promises and partnerships.
He's the type of guy that when folks attend his funeral . They'll be attending to make sure he's dead. Not to mourn. Trumpf lacks decency morals or any values. Originally Posted by winn dixie
When he does die, I'll be making an annual pilgrimage to take a steamy shit on his plot to memorialize his D.O.D.

jk...likely just 1 or 2 times at most.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Funny how the founders of the country would now be considered “Christian Nationalists” whatever the hell that means. That idiot on msnbc, Przybyla, said the quiet part out loud. Those who believe that our rights come from god should be feared and scorned. Someone should let Mr Adams, Hamilton, Jefferson, et al know about this development.
TechPapi's Avatar
Funny how the founders of the country would now be considered “Christian Nationalists” whatever the hell that means. That idiot on msnbc, Przybyla, said the quiet part out loud. Those who believe that our rights come from god should be feared and scorned. Someone should let Mr Adams, Hamilton, Jefferson, et al know about this development. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme

They'd be considered what they (mostly) were: Deists. I get that you have no idea what that means, and it's fascinating that the MAGAtards always seem to know what the founders were thinking. It's like the xtians - ever notice how their god always seems to be thinking the same silly shit they do?

Rest assured, the founders wouldn't have bothered having breakfast with what passes for a xtian nationalist these days.
DNinja69's Avatar
Funny how the founders of the country would now be considered “Christian Nationalists” whatever the hell that means. That idiot on msnbc, Przybyla, said the quiet part out loud. Those who believe that our rights come from god should be feared and scorned. Someone should let Mr Adams, Hamilton, Jefferson, et al know about this development. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Something we do not have to ask them about is whether we are bound by religion with regard to Freedom, Liberty, etc. The Constitution indicates that we clearly are not and wherever someone feels their rights originated they are in fact free to exercise them as they choose. I do not agree that a Christian Nationalist should be scorned quite the opposite just like members of the LGBTQ community or agnostics or Democrats.\

It is quite possible to embrace decency, have solid values, and be a positive and productive American without subscribing to anything related to any God. Our government by definition has no powers to insist otherwise.
Precious_b's Avatar
I suppose one needs to have experienced courage in order to recognize it. That would explain why you've mistaken a huge pussy and one of the most cowardly cunts ever to enter US politics as having a quality that MAGAts are obviously unfamiliar with Originally Posted by TechPapi

Trump has the courage of the autocratic bully. True courage requires that you do the right thing in spite of your fear. Trump lashes out in anger because of his fear. It might look like courage but it’s really not. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
Nailed that one.

The guy needed none of this horseshit. He could’ve lived his life in a gold penthouse, fucking supermodels with politicians of all stripes blowing him for campaign donations. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Now he is in the truck stop bathroom of the campaign trail being the cum dumpster in a glory hole fest. Doing his best to take the purse strings of the RNC. I hope the orange tick sucks it dry. The repubs are screeching now, I don't think i'll be able to protect my eardrums when he leave their party HQ desicated (sp).

Funny how the founders of the country would now be considered “Christian Nationalists” whatever the hell that means. That idiot on msnbc, Przybyla, said the quiet part out loud. Those who believe that our rights come from god should be feared and scorned. Someone should let Mr Adams, Hamilton, Jefferson, et al know about this development. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
They'd be considered what they (mostly) were: Deists. I get that you have no idea what that means, and it's fascinating that the MAGAtards always seem to know what the founders were thinking. It's like the xtians - ever notice how their god always seems to be thinking the same silly shit they do?

Rest assured, the founders wouldn't have bothered having breakfast with what passes for a xtian nationalist these days. Originally Posted by TechPapi
That's the way to school Jazzy, TP.