Feedback on clients

When I see a lady I ask her if she would like me to write a review. If she says Yes then if I have my laptop there in my car and there is a connection I can use, I will do so right then.... if not, I post it from the nearest hotspot I can and let her know about it so she can see it.

If she says NO, well then I respect her wishes.

If she asks me and I was impressed with the session, then I will,... if I was not, I do not post anything.

As for notes about clients and sharing... no real harm
JT10's Avatar
  • JT10
  • 01-27-2011, 11:38 AM
I would go for a "checklist" format for reviews either way. As far as replies to reviews, I'm ok in that there are way too many white knight reviews, and some discussion is fair.
By the way I have written two reviews way back in the stone age. I quit when they did not accept my third one because it was not discriptive enough. Since I see only well reveiwed pro's, there is no need to add more. If I see a reveiw that is way off base from my experience I will comment. I think reviews have gone WAY OVER THE TOP. My opinion. As far as disrespectful in reviews..........well you chose to see em. I couldnt agree with you more, but they exist.
  • Paven
  • 01-27-2011, 12:38 PM
[quote=London Rayne;968342]I prefer no comments AT ALL after reviews. I find that whole tactic immature and rather useless, as half the guys commenting have never seen said lady to begin with.

No one cares if "You" would not pay $$$$$ for what was's not your review. All the comments are useless IMO unless someone was ripped off or outed by said lady. It does not take a rocket scientist to determine if a review is credible...that usually goes back to how credible the reviewer is.

Thank you
aim2pleez's Avatar
UTR...that's exactly what I'm talking about. Everything that is typed on this site or any other is permanent record for the most part. I don't need anyone or any entity reaching for information regarding the "hobby". That's my reason for not writing reviews. There is nothing against the ladies, at all.

I personally think it sweet if you ask and I am not big on reviews after a a certain amount because I like to be UTR...and alot of my recurring gentlemen haven't done reviews. The best review I can get is if you leave me feeling happy and relaxed and want to see me again,however, I understand the purpose for reviews gives us all creditability and lets others know what to expect from the female. I also see your point rabbit as far as reflecting on a good time. Originally Posted by Irish Vixen
London Rayne's Avatar
I must ask, how would you know how well written the review is if you can't see the ROS? Who are you to tell anyone how to hobby? We all know no one is perfect but hobbyists are certainly entitled to voice their opinions with reviews good or bad. If your business is going well, then why worry about what a hobbyist is going to write? It just seems that its not right to tell someone who to run how they do business but its okay to tell hobbyists how to conduct theirs. Maybe I am missing something?

sixx Originally Posted by sixxbach
I can see all my reviews on every site except this one love but ummm as you know...word gets around lol. You are naive to think that girls don't know what is said about them even in the locker room.

I don't "tell" anyone how to run their business because it's not a business for a's a business for US. I just prefer not to deal with men who have zero common sense. It does not take a rocket scientist to know what is a well written and decent review, as opposed to utter bs and raunch.

That's not really what we were discussing's not reviews but COMMENTS that follow a review. TER, TBD, and most major boards do not allow that and guys are still paying to be there...I also get 3 times as much business from those sites, because there is NO DRAMA! A review should either stand or not...end of story. No one needs the peanut gallery trying to sway a person one way or the other, and thank goodness immaturity is not universal.
sixxbach's Avatar
You are naive to think that girls don't know what is said about them even in the locker room.

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm I have been called many things in my life but naive? That's a first but thank you. I am hardly naive. I say what I feel there. If someone is offended by it that should not be reading it in the first place, well that is on them really and I don't care.

it's a business for US. I just prefer not to deal with men who have zero common sense. It does not take a rocket scientist to know what is a well written and decent review, as opposed to utter bs and raunch.

Yes and as a business why worry about what others have to say? Do you think Best Buy or other businesses care what people say in their reviews on their own sites? You don't see any of them pissed or complaining about the comments. They simply keep on moving

That's not really what we were discussing's not reviews but COMMENTS that follow a review. TER, TBD, and most major boards do not allow that and guys are still paying to be there...I also get 3 times as much business from those sites, because there is NO DRAMA! A review should either stand or not...end of story. No one needs the peanut gallery trying to sway a person one way or the other, and thank goodness immaturity is not universal.
Originally Posted by London Rayne
I can definitely agree that there are some comments that don't belong but it should not upset anyone really. Hobbyists are smart and know the BS and what is relevant. What does how much business you get from other sites have to with the subject of this thread? Since you brought it up, what does it matter if guys comment on a site where the business you generate is three times LESS than the other sites?

.I also get 3 times as much business from those sites, because there is NO DRAMA! Originally Posted by London Rayne
I'm just so excited for you..... Are you going to put all of us on the No Show list now?
London Rayne's Avatar
Texas has always been on my DNS list lol, so nothing new. Thanks for proving my point about the DRAMA though lol. What size dress do you wear?

Sixx, I simply don't LIKE the review system here...period! It's tacky and unnecessary. I do however like many other parts of this board which is why I participate so you can see. The PR was my favorite of all and now it's in a "to be determined" state because of you know what.

You asked me how I knew how well written a review was if I could not see the ROS. By that statement you implied that reading them was the only way to know...that's where the naive comment came into play.

My point of mentioning the other sites is because unlike this board, they DON'T allow comments after reviews...yet the guys spend twice as much money and don't gripe about rates all day long. Go figure.

Sue me...I have a low tolerance for stupidity and immaturity I guess.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
That's not really what we were discussing's not reviews but COMMENTS that follow a review. TER, TBD, and most major boards do not allow that and guys are still paying to be there...I also get 3 times as much business from those sites, because there is NO DRAMA! Originally Posted by London Rayne
Oh c'mon London...No Drama on TER? Plllllease! I gotta call BS on that comment. They have YEARS worth of drama, and I've been in the middle of more than my share over there. Don't even get me started on that!
London Rayne's Avatar
LOL I don't use the discussion boards over there, but yes I know what you mean. I was speaking in terms of reviews only. You write the review, others read it, end of story.

I would also like to thank you publicly for helping me out in that other matter...much appreciated.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
LOL I don't use the discussion boards over there, but yes I know what you mean. I was speaking in terms of reviews only. You write the review, others read it, end of story.

I would also like to thank you publicly for helping me out in that other matter...much appreciated. Originally Posted by London Rayne
It two sides of the same coin. Some people like review discussion and others don't. You are never going to make everyone happy all the time. Everyone just adapts to their comfort level or they go somewhere else. No different from any other business; if all the customers leave you change your business model or go out of business! From the number of new members joining vs. the number of members leaving, ECCIE's business model works very well. They must be doing something right judging by the explosive growth over the past year or so.

You are very welcome on the other thing.
Omahan's Avatar
Texas has always been on my DNS list lol, so nothing new. Thanks for proving my point about the DRAMA though lol. What size dress do you wear?

Sixx, I simply don't LIKE the review system here...period! It's tacky and unnecessary. I do however like many other parts of this board which is why I participate so you can see. The PR was my favorite of all and now it's in a "to be determined" state because of you know what.

You asked me how I knew how well written a review was if I could not see the ROS. By that statement you implied that reading them was the only way to know...that's where the naive comment came into play.

My point of mentioning the other sites is because unlike this board, they DON'T allow comments after reviews...yet the guys spend twice as much money and don't gripe about rates all day long. Go figure.

Sue me...I have a low tolerance for stupidity and immaturity I guess. Originally Posted by London Rayne
Here's an idea. Use the parts of ECCIE you like and ignore those you don't. Why bitch all of us out for being different from what you want? Just ignore us.
London Rayne's Avatar
Dude could you possibly turn it down a notch lol. You seriously sound like a 6 year old with a skinned knee lmao. I didn't b43ch anyone in particular out....I stated an opinion on certain things that I find immature, and I will stand by my feelings and continue to avoid like the plague those certain people who feel it's funny to talk smack about other people without facts.

Sorry if you apply and that would explain the hostility. In case you didn't notice, THIS is NOT the review section so I am in fact participating in the "parts of Eccie" I find to be stimulating and beneficial....well until most recent lol. I don't recall mentioning any names in my "original" post....I was the one berated for having a different opinion. Drama much?

Carry on.
Naomi4u's Avatar
Dude could you possibly turn it down a notch lol. You seriously sound like a 6 year old with a skinned knee lmao. I didn't b43ch anyone in particular out....I stated an opinion on certain things that I find immature, and I will stand by my feelings and continue to avoid like the plague those certain people who feel it's funny to talk smack about other people without facts.

Sorry if you apply and that would explain the hostility. In case you didn't notice, THIS is NOT the review section so I am in fact participating in the "parts of Eccie" I find to be stimulating and beneficial....well until most recent lol. I don't recall mentioning any names in my "original" post....I was the one berated for having a different opinion. Drama much?

Carry on. Originally Posted by London Rayne
am-a-pleaser's Avatar
Some comments after reviews are relevant and helpful. Some are not. Most of us can separate the bs.