A helpful reminder on contentious threads

Even a casual glance at my post history would show that I don't stir shit for the sake of stirring it and just to clarify I don't attack people and then see how they react as part of screening but rather read and pay attention to how people act when OTHERS may have said something that could hurt their egos.

Feel free to hop off my clit now or pay me for my troubles.
Oh. Well, if you do it as a screening thing, please fuck with them as part of the screen, not speculatively in open fora. Originally Posted by 78704
  • Vyt
  • 03-09-2011, 02:16 PM
It would indeed be nice if we could boil down the rules of the road to:

- "Don't be an idiot"
- "Don't be easily offended by idiots"

I would also like a pony.
Whispers's Avatar
I would also like a pony. Originally Posted by Vyt
You are the 2nd one in 24 hours to want a pony.

Whats up with that?

Do you REALLY want a pony? Or do you want a pony to give to her because SHE wants a pony?

IS a Pony the cost of current MOD favoritism?

What will a Pony buy us if I get the guys to chip in?

This is a first... A MOD that actually ASKS for something....

It's not bribing if you ask and we deliver.
lil_michelle's Avatar
Did someone say pony???? I like ponies!!!
  • Vyt
  • 03-09-2011, 02:22 PM
Well, damn. If it's that easy, I don't want a pony, I want Christina Hendricks.
Whispers's Avatar
Feel free to hop off my clit now or pay me for my troubles. Originally Posted by Hannah Heresy
Your a blast girl......

Sure wish I was yellow.
Easy with the forced partnering there my mysogynistic buddy...but I am happy to have brightened anyone's day including yours.

:sigh: Please don't mention Asian men without having one to offer me, that's just cruel.

Your a blast girl......

Sure wish I was yellow. Originally Posted by Whispers
78704's Avatar
  • 78704
  • 03-09-2011, 03:13 PM
Even a casual glance at my post history would show that I don't stir shit for the sake of stirring it and just to clarify I don't attack people and then see how they react as part of screening but rather read and pay attention to how people act when OTHERS may have said something that could hurt their egos.

Yep. 66 posts in roughly a hundred days; friendly, charming, cheerful; merry, even.

Feel free to hop off my clit now or pay me for my troubles. Originally Posted by Hannah Heresy
Come hither.
Rand Al'Thor's Avatar
Easy with the forced partnering there my mysogynistic buddy...but I am happy to have brightened anyone's day including yours.

:sigh: Please don't mention Asian men without having one to offer me, that's just cruel. Originally Posted by Hannah Heresy
Quick, here's your chance to turn AKB to the dark side and pimp him out.
Wear him out, yes..pimp him out, no.
Quick, here's your chance to turn AKB to the dark side and pimp him out. Originally Posted by Rand Al'Thor
I might be visiting Austin sometime in the near future so don't let your mouth write a check that your ass(or would it be my ass?) can't cash.
Come hither. Originally Posted by 78704
78704's Avatar
  • 78704
  • 03-10-2011, 09:20 AM
I might be visiting Austin sometime in the near future so don't let your mouth write a check that your ass(or would it be my ass?) can't cash. Originally Posted by Hannah Heresy
Oh please Miss Hannah, whatever you do, please don't throw me into the briar patch.
Rand Al'Thor's Avatar
Wear him out, yes..pimp him out, no. Originally Posted by Hannah Heresy

It was Whispers' chance to pimp out AKB.

Would be your chance to wear out AKB.

Is there a dirth of Asian men in the Big Sleazy? Just go hang out at Harrah's, that's where I seem to spend half my time when I'm there.
There are definitely a few Asians here but they are a tight knit group and my favorite flavors of Asian doesn't seem to be in large supply(Korean and Thai if you're wondering).

It was Whispers' chance to pimp out AKB.

Would be your chance to wear out AKB.

Is there a dirth of Asian men in the Big Sleazy? Just go hang out at Harrah's, that's where I seem to spend half my time when I'm there. Originally Posted by Rand Al'Thor
GenesisNicole's Avatar

Feel free to hop off my clit now or pay me for my troubles. Originally Posted by Hannah Heresy

Can I use this in my signature line?? Pretty Please!

This is way too funny!

Genesis Nicole