There are only a few good people left here...

I’ve learned the lesson that people just aren’t their real selves on social media. I’m nice online and in reality, but I have issues too. We are all only human. Some people act like their sh*t don’t stink. May be cool in one area (eccie) and act like a completely different person in another area social platform. A lady says “she goes through great lengths to hide that she provides in LA” as if she wants to hide that from clients in a different state? I find that hilarious because she advertises on here all the time and dozens of other websites. Asking “how do you know?” As stated in another thread, people use Google. Weird. Anyway, i’m Finding it easier just to stay off social media.
I am human, I have flaws, my sh*t stinks most days like any other human, but I am Mature enough to recognize the flaws, and strive to make positive changes to better myself.

I will not let the actions of a few, make me lower my standards and stoop to their level of evilness.

So for those of you who make a lifelong career out of hurting others I will pray for you. Some people just move on and grow up, and realize there are more important things to worry about.

Thank you to the few good people who have stayed on here, and made this board a pleasure to read your postings. I salute you!!

DATYMAN's Avatar
A lot of haters here girl. Miss the aspd days.
  • A1.
  • 06-30-2019, 03:47 PM
In part, kink shaming drove me off the NOLA coed forum.

After tucking my tail and learning my lesson that some don't have the capacity to accept or at least tolerate varying perspectives, these days I mostly stick to Twitter. When I do come on ECCIE, Another Realm is my favorite forum to pop in on.
Originally Posted by Lena Duvall
I am sorry you were treated bad. Maybe one day admin will realize the impact it has on providers disappearing.