I Guess It’s The Freak In Me.. Are You 1, Too?

Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Doc and I are both from east coast, both of us have long experience with this stuff, and we've worked together extensively in other forums. And yes he has keys to the pointy darts storage warehouse. So ....

Let's get back to this threads topic please.
At this point I'm out. Points, okay. So women can say whatever. Have fun I honestly got a full slate of shit to do and I paid for my premium, I personally wouldn't point paying customers. I don't pound anyone, every encounter she Leaves with her dignity
The last message here was too much. I'm not saying a word more . No rational human has Time to worry about points on a site hes paying for. Great post, great you love whatever, I'm out
Busty's Avatar
  • Busty
  • 04-02-2024, 04:56 PM
i'm not taking sides in this dialog, but several of the ebony spinners on here who i've seen stated that they've seen shinepro.

i'm not making this part up, so don't shoot the messenger, but they said he was drama free. true story lol. Originally Posted by pxmcc
He is straight up Drama with ladies that won't kiss his @ss for his entitled attitude showing in the forums but I guess you missing that part... white knighting for him is not helping. Enablers are codependent
elghund's Avatar
At this point I'm out. Points, okay. So women can say whatever. Have fun I honestly got a full slate of shit to do and I paid for my premium, I personally wouldn't point paying customers. I don't pound anyone, every encounter she Leaves with her dignity Originally Posted by Chiefs3peat
So, in other words…..you got nothin’…..


PS…..on topic, pounding is OK…..
  • pxmcc
  • 04-02-2024, 06:12 PM
He is straight up Drama with ladies that won't kiss his @ss for his entitled attitude showing in the forums but I guess you missing that part... white knighting for him is not helping. Enablers are codependent Originally Posted by Busty
i'm not W.K. for shine. he's great at pissing people off. when he's not doing that, he can be somewhere between entertaining and hilarious.

but if he claims he's seen most of the gals on this Board, what i'm saying is it might be true. he's seen most or all of the ebony spinners i've seen here. i was curious if he was "unusual" in person, and every one i talked to said he was normal in person. so maybe his Board persona is maybe partially acting.

he needs a ton of attention on the Board, which is why he's really good at pissing people off.
Busty's Avatar
  • Busty
  • 04-02-2024, 06:39 PM
Why would you be talking
about "shine" in the
middle of a session unless
You are him.
Slave Guinevere's Avatar
i'm not W.K. for shine. he's great at pissing people off. when he's not doing that, he can be somewhere between entertaining and hilarious.

but if he claims he's seen most of the gals on this Board, what i'm saying is it might be true. he's seen most or all of the ebony spinners i've seen here. i was curious if he was "unusual" in person, and every one i talked to said he was normal in person. so maybe his Board persona is maybe partially acting.

he needs a ton of attention on the Board, which is why he's really good at pissing people off. Originally Posted by pxmcc
DAYUM...😬 (poor guy... Wrong day to post...) 😢



***I would definitely use a SAFE WORD ***

1) DO NOT get the BREAKFAST combo/session.. 🤢

2) If you are going to SPANK her /ride her hard and REVIEW HER, then for the LOVE OF GOD...


3) If all goes well... Try a MULTI-Hour session at the BEACH... Ice cream is a MUST.. Make her LICK it off of you.. 😈😉

I mean... What could go wrong?
Michael8219's Avatar
Don’t forget to eat your DIN DIN…
Slave Guinevere's Avatar
Don’t forget to eat your DIN DIN… Originally Posted by Michael8219
Forget Breakfast and Dinner...

I happened to get a GLIMPSE of the LUNCH menu.. 😬

We can FAST, take a HARD POUNDING and most IMPORTANTLY...

Make sure that our partners FEEL LOVED and APPRECIATED..


SHOW her you CARE.. 🤗😉😂

Busty's Avatar
  • Busty
  • 04-02-2024, 07:49 PM

but if he claims he's seen most or all of the ebony spinners i've seen here. Originally Posted by pxmcc
His reviews don't reflect what you say.
Thanks for clarifying that chiefsPeat is actually Shine.

Pounding ebony spinners is a wise choice but I love using
a strap-on.
  • pxmcc
  • 04-02-2024, 07:50 PM
Why would you be talking
about "shine" in the
middle of a session unless
You are him.
YOUR MASK IS SLIPPING OFF Originally Posted by Busty
are you referring to me? if you think i'm shine, umm, i hate to say this b/c you are an overachiever, but you need to do your homework.

but yes i love banging ebony spinners. i think half their body weight is in their booties lol. and i'm a booty worshipper, so there ya go lol..

that's my opinion that chiefs is probably shine pro. i could be wrong. he has quite a few attributes similar to shinepro. shinepro and cendell always liked to argue and trash talk each other, for one thing.
Like ET pointing at the kids head pxmc I'm right here. Yes I've pounded every ebony here because I met them off other sites. Lately I'm mostly white and latina. It's nothing to brag about but I've pounded softly every woman here who hates on me except Busty but me and her enjoyed great phone sex for free. I can't do anything anymore because I have 15 points and I pay for premium. I had a great session today but I would never reveal who because I'm a gentleman and would never subject a woman to unnecessary hate for seeing me but I repeat there is no one here I have not pounded or could pound if I wanted including Busty. I love pounding women who hate me online yet bcd scream my name. Let's be nice and being nice isn't giving 15 points within 6 minutes without at least a proper introduction. That's a real pounding. I repeat if I want to be anywhere or have sex for pay with anyone I will and they all say I'm the best they have ever been with. That's what I care about
Cendell M's Avatar
I have a full case and they are being thrown as we speak Originally Posted by Dr-epg
Hello I’m Cendell M nice to meet you!
Cendell M's Avatar
So, in other words…..you got nothin’…..


PS…..on topic, pounding is OK….. Originally Posted by elghund
Correct he’s got nothing, nada damn thing but a lying tongue!