
Roger.Smith's Avatar
I think from the last thread about religion, it was amply clear that you are not Christian. I would have thought atheist however given how you attempted to quote the koran and how you tried to justify that book as a peace loving book, I would assume you are a recent convert that doesn't know jack about the religion but thinks they know everything about it. The real Muslims are laughing their asses off however I am not here to debate you as it was pointless then and it will be pointless now. Quote not the Christian bible or Muslim koran if you don't know jack about these religions. Originally Posted by macbeth1000
You really do have a reading comprehension problem. I just stated (implied actually) religions are fairy tales. Your takeaway? "You're a Mooslim!!!" You just argue for argument's sake, all emotion and nothing that can perceived as a rational thought or logic. Just barking at the moon.
macbeth1000's Avatar
You really do have a reading comprehension problem. I just stated religions are fairy tales. Your takeaway? "You're a Mooslim!!!" You just argue for argument's sake, all emotion and nothing that can perceived as a rational thought or logic. Just barking at the moon. Originally Posted by Roger.Smith
Go re read my last comment - actually it is the one that you quoted so you dont even need to look far, I think it's you that has a comprehension problem . Go re read it again and then you will understand whats wrong with your last statement. Take your time, no rush.
ManSlut's Avatar
Me thinks a couple of boys need to learn to turn the other cheek...But, I almost forgot one of them doesn't believe in Fairy Tales he believes in Zeus, and we all know there is no made up bullshit in Greek Mythology.
Roger.Smith's Avatar
Me thinks a couple of boys need to learn to turn the other cheek...But, I almost forgot one of them doesn't believe in Fairy Tales he believes in Zeus, and we all know there is no made up bullshit in Greek Mythology. Originally Posted by ManSlut
The bit about Zeus was sarcasm. I didn't think that had to be explained, but I guess it did.

I stopped responding to macbeth because, like I stated he likes to argue for arguments sake. The only chance he has of saying something intelligent repeating whatever I tell him back to me. Basically, " I know you are but what am I". He can't articulate his opinions and he has no critical thinking skills. I left thread hanging because I know he waited in front of his PC for hours looking to argue.
macbeth1000's Avatar
The bit about Zeus was sarcasm. I didn't think that had to be explained, but I guess it did.

I stopped responding to macbeth because, like I stated he likes to argue for arguments sake. The only chance he has of saying something intelligent repeating whatever I tell him back to me. Basically, " I know you are but what am I". He can't articulate his opinions and he has no critical thinking skills. I left thread hanging because I know he waited in front of his PC for hours looking to argue. Originally Posted by Roger.Smith
Dude there is something off with you. Really, I dont mean this as a joke, there is something really off with the way you mentally process information.
Since you have a comprehension problem, let me school you in why you are off your base.

In my last comment to you, I stressed that "in the last thread on religion" which would signify for any rational layperson that there was already another thread talking about religion inwhich you were involved ergo

In that thread You showed yourself to be someone that is beyond normal reasoning. So when I referred to that thread in my comment on this particular religion based thread, You tried to fake like you didnt know what I was talking about. It is you that keeps repeating yourself. I hate stupid and irrational. If you come on this board to claim that you know something then be ready to defend your position with logical answers or get ready to get assed fucked. When it comes to religion, You sir, dont know Jack and thats putting it nicely.
ManSlut's Avatar
The bit about Zeus was sarcasm. I didn't think that had to be explained, but I guess it did.

I stopped responding to macbeth because, like I stated he likes to argue for arguments sake. The only chance he has of saying something intelligent repeating whatever I tell him back to me. Basically, " I know you are but what am I". He can't articulate his opinions and he has no critical thinking skills. I left thread hanging because I know he waited in front of his PC for hours looking to argue. Originally Posted by Roger.Smith
I got it. I didn't think I needed to explain my sarcasm, but I guess I did, too.

This was a pretty funny post for you Roger, I didn't know you had it in you. I chuckled thinking about macbeth stewing at his PC mumbling, "I know you are but what am I."....Funny shit there...Well done sir.
macbeth1000's Avatar
Lol I am online in the morning right around this time and late in the evening but when I see stupid, I must jump in. There are people here that throw out shit and expect others to eat it. I dont know if you chuck that up to lack of education or what however if people come on a public forum and throw out ideas, they better be ready to defend against them.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 10-22-2014, 01:01 PM
A hooker website is probably not the best place to be discussing religion.
ManSlut's Avatar
Should we talk about people being 'Boned Again'?
A hooker website is probably not the best place to be discussing religion. Originally Posted by biglatinmale
Didn't Jesus walk with prostitutes? Eh, Mary Magdelene?

Yeah, talking about religion on a hooker website seems pretty legit.
Deke obviously has a great sense of humor, asking folks to repent after 37 fucks. However, in the unlikely event that his call to penance is an act of divine intervention, in absolute terms, since I have only 4 fucks to my name, I am 33 fucks away from that revelation. I will sit pretty and fuck my way to glory.
Chung Tran's Avatar
TinMan's Avatar
I know I will only be slammed for writing this but, I do not condemn anyone. I am a sinner. Think about your eternal salvation before it's too late. Hell "is" and will be real for many. Change and be forgiven before it's too late!! Don't spend eternity in hell just for a few short lasting kicks. Originally Posted by Deke
As a fellow sinner, I want to congratulate you on your new found (or maybe "re-found" faith). A few words of caution:

I see you are still signing onto this site, at least as of yesterday. If you are to be true to this commitment, you need to stop coming here. Guest your account. You're not going to convince anyone of your sincerity if you're still a whoremonger.

Even most preachers realize they aren't going to convert anyone. The best they can do is to help guide others who have expressed openness to change. God does the converting, not man. Your calls to "Repent!" likely will just further alienate those who don't believe, making it even less likely they will turn to religion should they ever reach a point in life that they could use it. Said simply, let the game come to you, brother.

Best of luck, to you and anyone else who truly wants change in their lives.
Well, that's 1 minute of my life, wasted, I'll never get back.
Hey Jackass, you know the word "repent" comes from the Greek (Haaa) word "metanoia" and it means a "radical change of mind", right?

God, I hate when people quote the bible and don't even fucking know what's in it. But this does give me the opportunity to use my favorite quote from one of the greatest writers of the English language.

“Man is all Imagination and God is Man and exists in us and we in him. The eternal body of Man is the Imagination and that is God Himself--the Divine Body, Jesus. We are his members.” (William Blake)

Hobby on. There's no hell unless you make one.