Where does the money go?

Agree Red and Nat. Minus the loser bf and having to party to get the job done. I feel if you have to "party" to get the job done this is not for you. Loser bf, I dont even have time for a winner bf, lol with school finishing up my masters and being a single mom, and doing this...hell where is the time for a bf? Kuddos to those who can juggle all that.

But anywho very true a lot of ladies do lie about how much they are working or making, therefore some are lucky if their yearly income adds up to 40k.
Well I keep track of what I make yearly... last year it was the upper 30s and in 09 the upper 50s(rates in 09 were 300hr). That's not even close to what I made at my "real world" job before everyone was laid off (80s and up). Just can't find another job making as much as I did. I'll be the first to admit I did not save as much as I should. No I don't go shopping for clothes and shoes like I wish I could. And I don't "party" But I agree, I'm ay home more since I don't work a "real" job so I do buy a lot of movies and games. Now that I'm a mommy I'm saving money like I should be. But I do buy him everything he needs, plus health insurance is not cheap! Being single with no kid for me equaled clubbing, trips & shopping ... can't do that anynore lol!
PaulFinley's Avatar
Most lotto winners are broke again within three years. Go figure.
and I thought I was a financial genius! YOU are the master, can I take you to lunch and pick your brain? I could use some serious financial planning info right about now!!!!
78704's Avatar
  • 78704
  • 01-27-2011, 05:16 PM
You know Maslow's hierarchy of needs? Everything above the bottom level *can* be provided with a laptop and an internet connection and no further expenditure of money. ;-)
harkontume's Avatar
The meandering thread.

Question for the ladies:
We all dislike negotiation. ugh poo. spit gag
So should a person simply chose not to see a provider anymore due to cost issues and thus perhaps leaving her feeling rejected?
This is what I have done in the past to avoid even the appearance of negotiation. ugh poo. spit gag
I can only speak for myself but I feel more rejected ultimately by a rate haggler than if he had just ignored me and focused on a girl in his $$ comfort zone because then at least I'm not actively aware of the rejection. When a guy wants to haggle it changes the entire vibe. Even if you get the girl to agree she will remember that you think she is worth less than she thinks she is worth and that's kinda the opposite of a GFE vibe.

The meandering thread.

Question for the ladies:
We all dislike negotiation. ugh poo. spit gag
So should a person simply chose not to see a provider anymore due to cost issues and thus perhaps leaving her feeling rejected?
This is what I have done in the past to avoid even the appearance of negotiation. ugh poo. spit gag Originally Posted by harkontume
harkontume's Avatar
that is exactly what I thought too.. ugh spit poo gag.

thanks for the validation