Wanna know what some girls REALLY think?

neversummer's Avatar
The 2,000 lb elephant in the room is most hobbyists are ugly as fuck. But that comes with the job. Not all, but most good looking men get free sex by meeting women at the single bars and don't have to resort to paying providers to have "their world rocked."

If you don't like looking at ugly clients, make them wear brown paper sacks with holes cut out for their eyes and mouth. Originally Posted by PickUpSticks
I'm no prize winner, but I'm certainly not "ugly as fuck". Someone once said, "You don't pay a hooker for sex....you pay her to go away." Ya, I have and could probably still pickup my fair share of girls from the bar....but I don't want the hassle and headache afterwards. I have a pretty good life, and the last thing a I need is some psycho-bitch one-night-stand coming around and fucking it all up. I enjoy my extra-curricular companionship on an hourly basis; and when the hour or three is over, it's over. Don't forget, NO SEX IS FREE.

I declare this a lame ass, lame thread!

ForumPoster's Avatar
And this is WHY I tour in conventional sense of this word. I do travel, but only if I have pre-booked EXTENDED appointments. Or if I really want to go to certain town, like Las Vegas. This way I actually get to enjoy my work while on the road. If I had to travel as agency girl, I would probably be both homicidal and suicidal within a day.

No matter what anyone says, no woman can do 5-8 back to back one hours and actually like her job. She gets burned out and turns into someone who is sore, hungry, mechanical and resentful.

Before getting all uppity about girl who wrote a blog, you have to understand what these girls have to deal with.

Indy sets her own schedule. Agency girl works on agency schedule.

Indy can take a break for leisurely lunch and bubble bath. Agency girl lucky if she gets enough time to wipe down and call room service.

Indy has a chance to establish rapport with her patrons. Agency girl cant refuse someone even if she knows that there is bad personality match.

I am not even mentioning the part where Agency girls have to fork over 40 - 50 % of their earnings. Of course we Indies have to pay all our travel and advertising expenses .. so at some point it may be a wash.

Is it just me or are there other guys that hate when a woman calls you "honey", "sweetheart", "baby", etc...during the course of a discussion like this?

Visually, I see a woman smiling at me but sticking up her middle finger behind her back. meh.
ForumPoster's Avatar
Is it just me or are there other guys that hate when a woman calls you "honey", "sweetheart", "baby", etc...during the course of a discussion like this?

Visually, I see a woman smiling at me but sticking up her middle finger behind her back. meh. Originally Posted by dentonseek
LMAO Not a man but when i hear "sweetheart" I can only think one thing ... "he has no fucking idea what my name is"


Your subsequent posts simply reaffirm my original responses, and I stand behind them. The hobby will be a better place when you move on to another career and put one of those "not so humbly" mentioned multiple degrees to use. Have a nice day....

TheBizzer's Avatar
Is it just me or are there other guys that hate when a woman calls you "honey", "sweetheart", "baby", etc...during the course of a discussion like this?

Visually, I see a woman smiling at me but sticking up her middle finger behind her back. meh. Originally Posted by dentonseek
For me, the worst is "sugar".
pmdelites's Avatar
Is it just me or are there other guys that hate when a woman calls you "honey", "sweetheart", "baby", etc...during the course of a discussion like this?

Visually, I see a woman smiling at me but sticking up her middle finger behind her back. meh. Originally Posted by dentonseek
LMAO Not a man but when i hear "sweetheart" I can only think one thing ... "he has no fucking idea what my name is"

Lina Originally Posted by Sensual Lina
it's been along time since i heard a woman say that during a 1st or 2nd meeting. but, if i've known her for sometime, i love hearing her calling me that "term of endearment". i like being called sweetheart, darling, sweetie, even lover. similarly, if i've known her for quite a while, i may use sweetheart, darling, or my dearest, reserving lover for those special moments. :^)

just as long as she doesnt call me late to her playroom :^)
pmdelites's Avatar
LMAO Not a man but when i hear "sweetheart" I can only think one thing ... "he has no fucking idea what my name is"

Lina Originally Posted by Sensual Lina
or maybe ...
you're helping him form a memory of such an exceptionally wonderful experience that is mind is temporarily discombobulated and that's the only world he can remember.
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
People! People! Take the defenses down and simply read or don't read the blog. If it ain't aimed at you, then it ain't aimed at you. If you see yourself somewhere amongst the author's complaint's, well...then maybe you should take heed and adjust whatever it is you are reading that you feel defensive about. While the author of the blog is jaded, she does list some valid points that can actually be disconcerting to some of the ladies.

Also, please note that the author is an entirely different individual than London. Many of us read on this board on a daily basis and even if you only read on it now and again, it's pretty obvious that one almost has to come in with their boxing gloves, if not on, than at least close at hand. Please believe that she already knew she was gonna get "torn a new one" when she posted this thread. I don't think the blog says anything much different than the Letter to the Gentlemen did a while back. It's just a little more blunt and stated less tactfully than the Letter.

If all "gentlemen" in the hobby were actually gentlemen, and they each behaved and groomed in a manner that was acceptable by most, there would not have been a need for either the blog or the Letter to be posted anywhere. The author of the blog would most definitely be less jaded and and maybe even enjoy what she does as much as some of us independents do. She would also have more control over her clientele and hours.

Do the ladies realize that the gents have issues with some of us? Yes. Hopefully we do not let the complaints that do not to apply to us upset us either.

Now...everyone back out there and let's have some "make up" sex! I got the Max Factor. What you bringin'? (OK sue me....the last statement might be perceived as threAd "ish") LOL
Wow, I do think that the person who wrote this article has some serious issues, but I can promise, you get me on a bad day and I could pen off a TON of things I hate about my profession.

But I stay because I like my job/employees/and the customers I see - plus Its NEVER boring.

London, If you never visit Dallas, then why would you come in here and post this? It is going to cause problems.

Yes some people may need a reminder

I believe all hobbyists should treat their providers with respect and provide as much comfort for her as possible (it only makes for a better session!)

I think hygiene is extremely important - for both provider and client. Again, the cleaner/more hygienic I am, the better session.

But If you offer MSOG, BBBJ, Greek, etc for an advertised price, and we are paying that price then you shouldn't upsell or decline during a session (I have never had this happen personally, but I read ALOT of reviews)

And yes If I go pay $250/$300 for a session, (which despite what some of you think is ALOT of $ for an hour) then I do expect a certain level of ADVERTISED service. - And Im sorry, I dont tip, If your expecting $50 more after our session, then up your price $50 (I usually only bring the rate anyway - Im not going to ask for a discount because I show up on-time/clean/and am polite) - If you are that good, then I will write a review and your getting the positive feedback, and your business will increase.

And yes for the record, that $250/$300 we are paying you, DOESN'T give us the right to abuse or be disrespectful - the fact that there are hobbyists out there that would do that really saddens me.

I love the hobby, the providers I have seen have all been wonderful women and I have had a truly unique and enjoyable experience with them.

We ARE lucky in Dallas, we have the finest/hottest providers - because we create the demand for it. This is a two way street providers cant provide without a client.

Now back on Topic.

London, I think that the original article was an informative read, sometimes we as clients may get so wrapped up in the "experience" that we forget certain little things, but you could have approached it in a much better way. (you dont care because it doesnt affect your business)

You made it clear that you don't provide in Dallas, so why come into our neighborhood and try and cause problems? You could have presented that in a much better way and gotten the same point across.
Thought you might like to see more comments by this guy

The 2,000 lb elephant in the room is most hobbyists are ugly as fuck. But that comes with the job. Not all, but most good looking men get free sex by meeting women at the single bars and don't have to resort to paying providers to have "their world rocked."

If you don't like looking at ugly clients, make them wear brown paper sacks with holes cut out for their eyes and mouth. Originally Posted by PickUpSticks
http://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?p=729048#post72 9048

Originally Posted by PickUpSticks
Always use aliases and call spoofing when attempting to setup an appointment. I usually pick a random name out of the phone book and then call spoof so his land line number will show up on her cell phone.

Too much risk in giving clients real world info or even board handles. You never know when a provider may roll on her clients when popped by le or go psycho out of the blue like some clients.


It's funny when I leave pieces of paper instead of cash in the envelope and the provider calls John Doe (name I looked up in the phone book) using the number that showed up on her phone. Instead of getting my cell phone which I used to call her, she gets the real land line and real John Doe. John Doe's wife answers the phone and the provider tells her all about John Doe's dirty little secrets. While all of this is happening I'm driving down the freeway laughing my ass off that the provider has no way of knowing who I really was!
GabrielaSweetheart's Avatar
I loved reading that. lol and i wish some of these guys wouldnt take it so personal. most clients are really nice and well mannered and blah blah blah, but there are also the ass holes and the hagglers and guys who do dumb shit and it annoys us. i worked customer service all my life, and believe me it was the same there and I would bitch about those people everyday when I got home, doesnt mean I was going to quit my job over it? I'm sure the provider with the blog only posted that so the guys could know what some of our problems are with them. Shit, you guys get to publicly post what problems you may have with us, isnt fair we do the same? all im saying is dont take it so personal that you have to get defensive over it. Just read it, learn from it, move on (:

just my .2
Gonzo DFW's Avatar
You got expenses, charge what you need to clear them. Don't like what we do, find another business. You may not be the writer but you felt the need to post it. Hmmm.....wonder what that means? But I think I already know.
pmdelites's Avatar

Now...everyone back out there and let's have some "make up" sex! I got the Max Factor. What you bringin'? (OK sue me....the last statement might be perceived as threAd "ish") LOL Originally Posted by M A X
heh heh heh, she said "max fac-tor" heh heh heh

does that make you a maybeline or cover girl??