Contacting Favorite Provider not for app't

Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 02-02-2016, 04:39 PM
Your points are nothing old man, you blather on completely ignorant.
You can't even read, let alone make any points. Originally Posted by moonshiner
Seems JohnnyYanks was correct. Feeble and flailing.
moonshiner's Avatar
Shouldn't talk that way about yourself, you can't help how old you are
Though your narcissism will never let you admit it.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 02-02-2016, 04:55 PM
Shouldn't talk that way about yourself, you can't help how old you are
Though your narcissism will never let you admit it. Originally Posted by moonshiner
Sure. Right on Bro.
moonshiner's Avatar
I'm not the one who can't read and comprehend, who in my failing to do so made a quote all about my looks.
You do know the meaning of the word narcissism?
Does the world revolve around you too Old Fucktard?
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 02-02-2016, 05:01 PM
Whatever you say, One (feeble) Trick Rickey.
moonshiner's Avatar
Classic narcissist.
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 02-02-2016, 05:08 PM
Classic narcissist. Originally Posted by moonshiner

Really? You clearly don't know the meaning of the word.
My practice so far is after a first date, I am ok with them contacting me. Investing in a first date with me shows me that you care enough about me to deserve extra affection and special attention. My circle is small though, and when I did work it was always low volume. I can understand that most providers don't have the time. I do not allow explicit photos or msgs, and I may break that rule if I'm on my 3rd glass of wine. *I don't like being asked by Hobby friends to do a RW relationship, or being told after the first session that I'm the one and ask me to live together, etc.*

**The more you fund me and treat me like your gf, I'll want to take care of all of your needs too that are in my ability. I might even cook for you or hang out and play a few video games. I want you to be all mine if you want to be, I want to fall in love every time we meet. The donation that is made for my time and other kind gestures make me feel that much more adored and loved by you. Escorting isn't only about money. For every provider and her boo, intimacy and passion aren't always a fake acts.**

I let people know I may not respond right away, I make mistakes and accidentally delete stuff but I'm a super cool chic, I don't do stuff like that on purpose. (Gals and Guys that know me, know me, know I'm not the type to ignore someone just for fun but I've had a guy flip out on me for taking too long to answer his texts which was annoying and immature. This was while I had taken a break from Escorting too, so it was like calm down yo.)

Anyhow. People I've seen can reach out to me to set up another party, or tell me how their day was, complain about the weather, ask for advice on where to vacation next, or flirt with me a little. I get that little thrill and cheesy smile when one of my BFE providers sends me a thoughtful message to tell me hi, they miss me, and think I'm sexy. Here, I have met some top notch people that are members on this site, classy - intelligent - sexxxy lads. If I was on a real dating website I'd be looking for a classy, intelligent, sexxxy lady or man.
  • anita
  • 02-03-2016, 11:15 PM
I don't mind if it is going to be a brief chat.
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
I will agree completely with the Old-T. Originally Posted by inspector farquar
That is a sound practice, Inspector.
inspector farquar's Avatar
do you guys contact your favorite provider occasionally outside of appointment times? in other words a text or call to say "hey whats up ... Originally Posted by NativeTexson
I used to do just that but I realized it was an entirely unfair use of the lady's time so I stopped.

It's good that you asked.
Seemingly from what many of the ladies shared, it can be okay sometimes depending on the context.

It's good that you asked.