It's boring....... Where the heck is some good controversy to sink some teeth in... Come On Tripple Dippers... Adorables....

Nibbles_n_Licksx's Avatar
Nibbles...I'm sorry sweets, but I don't with fellow providers. I, however, respect and validate your opinion. Peace.


"Turkey Nuglet"....get it??? In honor of Thanksgiving he is now offering himself as chicken and as leftover turkey nuglets. lol You got any holiday specials....jive turkeeey??? Originally Posted by Leslie Lane

Leslie I really think your missing the big picture here as a fight with you is a total waste of time. Besides I'm more of a nibbles and licksx girl and have way better things to play with during my down time then to get into a tongue lashing with you. Just really sick of seeing your lame post and your almost goodbyes.
~Kisses Jen
Leslie Lane's Avatar
Nibbles...I respect your opinion. I apologize for getting on your nerves, but everyone has a choice...."Your power is in the ability to decide" (Your quote) or move on.

I'm pro women and pro providers. I don't rumble with fellow kitty cats...I run with the bull dogs. Peace.

Now, I'll leave the bull dogs to bark amongst themselves...oh and one out of pocket kitty cat with a bull dog complex. Ooop's did I just say thaaatt? Why yes I did....respect is given to my fellow providers. Unless you insist on barking like a bull dog. MEEOOWW!!!

Now I better run like h*ll...she's bigger that me and might pounce!!
Nibbles_n_Licksx's Avatar
Nibbles...I respect your opinion. I apologize for getting on your nerves, but everyone has a choice...."Your power is in the ability to decide" (Your quote) or move on.

I'm pro women and pro providers. I don't rumble with fellow kitty cats...I run with the bull dogs. Peace.

For the record...Leslie Lane annoys me as well. But I can't seem to get her voice out of my head. She has a life of her own now. Originally Posted by Leslie Lane

How many times have you edit this post now? Anyway look forward to your retirement post once again!! How many will that be now? Yes my sig line is absolutely correct.

Your Power is in the ability to decide weather you choose to have class or make yourself look like an ass and well to be honest. We know what path you have choosen to walk.

~Kisses Jen
Whispers's Avatar
I guess Whispers paid Leslie $500/hr. to create drama in his "where's all the drama" thread. Originally Posted by Vyt
Not at all... Since we knew each other over in Houston I gave her a freebie....
boo. I don't want bubba to be shipped away to the island of misbehaved boys. Originally Posted by klovve
well...if i did have to get shipped away to an island...and i could take one thing with me.... it would start with a K and and with a vve
....Due to the holiday, I was forced to cancel some of my appointments.


I get it...I know the torture I must have put them through. How could they have possibly enjoyed Thanksgiving KNOWING that Leslie Lane was not going to be on the menu??!! The mashed potatoes would not taste as buttery or creamy, the stuffing wouldn't be as fluffy, the rolls wouldn't be as warm and soft, the pies wouldn't be as sweet....and the TURKEY??? My lord, the turkey wouldn't be as juicy or succulant. All because of me?? How could I?? HOW COULD I?? Oh, well....

So anyway, I came on the board to get their info...(you know, these poor men who had terrible Thanksgiving's because of me). Well, while reading my pms I found out...I have SINNED yet again!! Why you ask? Well, the fact that I wanted to post a review and openly asked the Eccie god above...has put me on a no fly list. Oh wait, I meant... it warranted me getting yet another warning!!!

Yes...I am thisclosefromgettingbanned!!!! It's not right I tell ya, not right.

My point??? Oh yeah, my point is...count me in for $100. I think L.L. is becoming an outlaw around these here parts. Originally Posted by Leslie Lane
if you do get have my email
She posts....

C'mon bubba... whacha got?... Originally Posted by Damon Bradley
i got nothin...i actually admitted i respected that bullshit 'respect poll' thread.
Leslie Lane's Avatar
Listen Kibbles & Bits....

I was taking the high road...and it wasn't until you "barked" at me THREE times that I finally re-edited my post and said something back. I have respect for all providers. Even you.

"Class" is respecting your fellow providers in a board full of bull dogs that treat providers as their chew toys...speaking of which, I consider myself to be a kong filled with peanut butter...mmm yummy. Anyway, my point is... oh, what's the point??? You can't teach "class". And as far as being an ass?? Why yes..yes I am.

Okay...Kong filled with peanut butter go fetch!!!!

Okay...NOW I'm running like H*ll!!! lol
Now listen here Turkey Nuglet...I am no LOSER!!!

I may be annoying, delusional, ccfccp, old, has been, ugly, dorky, goofy, etc..etc....But I draw the line at LOSER!!! I take offense to that!! you offer chicken or turkey gravy with your five piece?? Can I get a mixed 10 piece with chicken and turkey nuglets?? I bet you're short and round just like a little nuglet too. I just want to take a bite out of you!!! Originally Posted by Leslie Lane

have you ever heard of CCFCCP before i mentioned it? just curious...
Elephant's Avatar


i see i can 'retire' from fucking with her...everyone seems to have it under control.

should i be a LL WK and point out that ppl probably get away with talking more shit to her...because she is 'special' special ed?
Whispers's Avatar
Listen Kibbles & Bits.... Originally Posted by Leslie Lane

Ok.... I don't give a fuck what ANY of ya'll think.... That's funny as hell......
i enjoyed it as well. im acually hurt all i get is 'lil bubba'
Nibbles_n_Licksx's Avatar
Listen Kibbles & Bits....

I was taking the high road...and it wasn't until you "barked" at me three times that I finally re-edited my post and said something back. I have respect for all providers. Even you.

Class is respecting your fellow providers in a board full of bull dogs that treat "providers" as their chew toys...speaking of which, I consider myself to be a kong filled with peanut butter...mmm yummy. point is... oh, what's the point??? You can't teach "class".

Okay...Kong filled with peanut butter go fetch!!!! Originally Posted by Leslie Lane

Ouch!!! Kibbles & Bits was that suppost to hurt my feelings? I guess when i return from my injuries ill have something to real in the big dogs now wont I? Have a nice night!!
~Kisses Jen
Ok.... I don't give a fuck what ANY of ya'll think.... That's funny as hell...... Originally Posted by Whispers
I spit my coffee out when I read that one. (Now I have to clean the damn screen!)