It describes why our system of capitalism is not working and will eventually collapse. Did you know banks create money out of thin air? The Fiat money system is mostly a debt system and actually worth nothing at all. Eventually, it will crash. It's much better to have gold on hand! I watched the entire documentary last night and learned a lot.
See articles below about how banks create money out of think air. The problem is the media does not want the public to know about it.
Originally Posted by SassySue
You don't understand how capitalism works. Nobody ever said it was stable and boring. Nor should we want it to be stable and boring. Capitalism is dynamic and has ALWAYS been characterized by booms and busts - economists refer to this as the "BUSINESS CYCLE". Yes, the busts are often painful - but in many ways they are inevitable adjustments to the excesses of the booms. What you need to realize is each boom propels the economy to new heights far exceeding what any non-capitalist approach could possibly achieve in terms of GDP, per capita income, wealth creation, etc. We're much better off trying to alleviate the occasional (and inevitable) recession to nudge capitalism back onto its long-term growth path than we would be if we react by saying - "this proves capitalism doesn't work" and killing the goose that lays the golden eggs.
There will always be a business cycle. Yes, we should try to tame it on the downside, but we can never expect it to disappear. In the past we always understood this.
It's only our generation - the spoiled baby boomers - who seem to view an endlessly booming economy as some kind of birthright. And when there is a setback, these spoiled, lib-retarded baby boomers will bitch and moan. They will say "never let a good crisis go to waste" and use the recession as an excuse to push through their reckless, over-reaching libtard agenda robbing us of the growth and jobs that would otherwise be created in the next boom.
Hey SassySue, why is there no mention of
John Maynard Keynes in your Four Horseman video? Keynes was by far the most influential economist in the past century - and he's not even mentioned? Explain that... Oh wait, is it because he famously referred to gold as a "barbarous relic"? And your video producer wants to bring gold back in lieu of all "fiat money"?
Your video contains so much nonsense, garbage and outright falsehoods that it would take me weeks to correct all of it.
Yes, banks do have the ability to "create money" (i.e. make loans that add to the volume of money outstanding in the economy).
Anyone who has ever taken a course in Money and Banking 101 understands this. It's not a secret at all and there is nothing nefarious about it. The author of the zero hedge link has the accounting all confused. In a nutshell, banks have to fund every loan they make and square their books at the end of every day. But to people like you and COG - who never understood accounting, banking or economics - it must all look like a big conspiracy.