Did you miss the part where Bill lied under oath and was disbarred? I'm pretty certain that's a crime... nice mis-direction there...
Originally Posted by texassapper
Well Sessions has repeatedly lied under oath and in addition to not recalling meetings with certain folks, he also has forgotten that he demanded Clinton be held over the fire for the exact thing he is doing now.
And as far as lies go, Clinton was doing what any other guy is trained to do when confronted about cheating on his wife.
And that had absolutely zero national security implications.
Sessions lies have very serious national security implications.
Trump's lies, thus far, haven't been criminal. Stay tuned though. I see him, his sons, son & law, and even that "piece of ass" of a daughter, all indicted.
On the other hand I'd love to fuck stormy daniels if she's around the metroplex.
She's ranked #1 in pornhub for the moment.