Who is responsible for bringing protection?

Better to have em and not need em then to not have em and need em.
I totally agree.
Silly! A "provider" should always provide the protection... Do you guys show up to get an oil change and expect to pack oil in the trunk "just in case" the don't provide it?? Originally Posted by Abigail (Source of JOY)
I think the provider should provide lol! However, it doesn't hurt to have a few back ups stashed away just incase
skeetwarrior's Avatar
If you drive the car, you should have insurance...
I always have two on me of the regular kind as well as a small thing of lube bc the lubricated ones never feel very lubricated and sometimes the extra helps lol. Now I expect that if a guy is larger or is allergic he should have his own kind because I am on the lower end on donations and I am not about to carry that many options. If I was serious about the hobby enough that it was my only line of work then sure I would carry every kind out there probably.

Basically I carry my own and if the client is special I expect him to have his own. My fave brand is D*r*x they feel better to me and my body.