When Clients Change

$19!? I'm on it. I thought they only did expensive stuff. Originally Posted by Leah Ireland
At that price you can make a great mimosa and not feel bad about it.

Ooh baby baby... Originally Posted by Leah Ireland
I have some tough screening so I need references from you within the past six months from a known client. Their website too. LOL
After hearing such great things about you from mutual clients I'm surprised at your comment Ansley. They told me you were a lovely lady! Originally Posted by Leah Ireland
Why should you be surprised by my comment. My observations don't make me any less of a person.
discreetgent's Avatar

So Leah, you okay with the French Laundry? I know you'll be slumming it. Originally Posted by SR Only
Hmm, last time SR Only was out in that part of the country he couldn't even manage to meet for a cup of coffee
Hmm, last time SR Only was out in that part of the country he couldn't even manage to meet for a cup of coffee Originally Posted by discreetgent
Sure put a dagger in my heart and twist. Sigh. I really tried, too.
discreetgent's Avatar
Sure put a dagger in my heart and twist. Sigh. I really tried, too.

Ok Leah is in MIA and I'm near NYC. A bottle of champagne could be shared in Central Park with a baugette and some cheese. Fook Thomas Keller. Originally Posted by SR Only
Per Se is pretty good
Per Se is pretty good Originally Posted by discreetgent
Alas, I have yet to go. Been to FL a bunch of times. DG, if you're buyin' I'm there!
discreetgent's Avatar
If you can afford FL you can afford Per Se lol
Per Se makes FL look cheap. Last time at FL was a few years ago. My liquidity isn't what it used to be. I'd rather give a meal at FL to the local shelter and feed a ton of people for the price of two there. It is sobering getting the check. Lordy, am I getting older AND wiser?!
Interesting. But what if a gent who booked a dinner date wanted to go to a particular restaurant? Originally Posted by discreetgent
No big deal, I'm sure I'd suggest another good one! I always suggest a few, according to tastes.
I always suggest a few, according to tastes. Originally Posted by Leah Ireland
The old "YMMV!"
I have noticed that clients do change over time. I have not had the exact experiences you have, but I have experienced clients who change. The main thing I've noticed is that they get rougher sexually. Some continue to push your limits. One jerk even ADMITTED blunt face to me, that he deliberately pushes me more and more to try and get more activities out of me. I mean how stupid can you be? Maybe he was seeking reassurance that it was OK for him to do that. I noticed what he was doing, but for him to admit it? That was a wake up moment. I refused to see him after that. I clean house often. The more I stay in this business the less and less lenient I become with ALL bullshit, in ALL aspects of my life. So I have noticed clients do change, the more comfortable they become with you, the more they just try to take from you. Take free OTC time, pressure you for Off The Menu activities like anal or BBFS, rougher sex, clinginess, discounts. In my experience, the first few appointments are the best. The client is still on his best "visitors" behavior. But after those few appointments, once they get comfortable thats when they start to feel entitled to MORE, much more. Just my experience, not the rule. In some situations for me, I just prefer to meet new clients then deal with the growing greed and pressures from current regulars.
'Isis - "The more comfortable they become with you, the more they just try to take from you."

I agree.

I haven't had anyone try to get rough with me, and if they did I'd cut them dead in a second (I like to think. I haven't attracted psychos.).

I was seeing one guy quite often and quite liked him, then he took me out to lunch and tried to take the cost of it out of my fee!!! We never saw each other again after that, although we talked a few times and he mentioned that he was cheap and I agreed.
Naomi4u's Avatar
Very interesting comments. Amazing.. now I have a new girl crush!
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  • Doove
  • 05-31-2011, 04:23 AM
I really disagree. I almost always make the choice of where to go to eat just because I'm a woman. Whether my date is rich or poor. It's one of the pleasures of being a woman and one I've noticed restaurant owners can discount to their disadvantage. I don't pay, I choose. Originally Posted by Leah Ireland
I'm beginning to think that what really happened was you just pissed the guy off.
To answer the OP’s question, I don’t think he is suffering from external financial pressures so much as pressuring you to accept less because personal feelings are / have developed for you by him. It’s the demimonde world’s chicken and the egg quandary.

I have noticed that clients do change over time. I have not had the exact experiences you have, but I have experienced clients who change. The main thing I've noticed is that they get rougher sexually. Some continue to push your limits. One jerk even ADMITTED blunt face to me, that he deliberately pushes me more and more to try and get more activities out of me. I mean how stupid can you be? Maybe he was seeking reassurance that it was OK for him to do that. I noticed what he was doing, but for him to admit it? That was a wake up moment. I refused to see him after that. I clean house often. The more I stay in this business the less and less lenient I become with ALL bullshit, in ALL aspects of my life. So I have noticed clients do change, the more comfortable they become with you, the more they just try to take from you. Take free OTC time, pressure you for Off The Menu activities like anal or BBFS, rougher sex, clinginess, discounts. In my experience, the first few appointments are the best. The client is still on his best "visitors" behavior. But after those few appointments, once they get comfortable thats when they start to feel entitled to MORE, much more. Just my experience, not the rule. In some situations for me, I just prefer to meet new clients then deal with the growing greed and pressures from current regulars. Originally Posted by incognito isis

Actually I find the opposite to be true. After we’ve been seeing one-an-other a while, hell yes! we certainly begin to explore our sexuality together. There are a few things that I’m just not into and no amount of pushing is going to get me to do it. I actually like it a little rough though………………