Ladies: Whats a fair overnite rate for your time?

Smoke2nd's Avatar
Thanks for all the input on this subject.
After much thought, when I want to spend more time with a special lady, I am better off going for a dinner date.
A 3 hr date with half of the time being bcd, works well for both parties.
punisher's Avatar
For someone you know and trust.
A client you have clicked with.
What's a fair rate for say...8 - 10 hrs.

Thanks for your input. Originally Posted by Smoke2nd
Piggybacking with a slight alteration to this question, I am thinking about taking a trip to Europe next year. I have seen a provider recently (seen her more than once and didn't write a review this time around 'cause laziness got the best of me) and asked her if she would like to accompany me on a 15-day Eurotrip. I am thinking about pretty much all expense paid trip on her part (i.e.: meals, lodging, and other incidental expenses) to include maybe a 750 Euro (approx. $1k) souvenir pocket money. I am thinking about a ball park figure of low end of $5k but not to exceed $10k for those 15 days. I estimated I will be spending anywhere between $20-25K after everything is said and done. Is my offer too low or too high? I have recently won a law suit settlement so money is not the problem but at the same time I don't want to overspend and throw money around. I would just like to know what would be a fair and honest offer. Honest feedback and opinion will be greatly appreciated.
gimme_that's Avatar
Obviously not have sex for 12 hours straight, Originally Posted by Valerie
Of course that's all I was saying.

but consistently throughout the night, yes. Just because you've not done that doesn't mean it's unrealistic. Originally Posted by Valerie
You must not know my overnight references, because if I screened with a lady like you they will definitely tell you otherwise. Lol. Again I have intermittent sex during the night totaling somewhere between 5 to 7 hours. Which is principly half the time with sleep in between. And I'm sure that pretty consistent. You didn't really specify time contraints with your higher advertised rate other than your preset required uninterrupted sleep or if he wants sex during the night. I'm sure if I was eligible to see you you my charge me your max upon knowing my tendencies......or somewhere in the middle, I don't know. Maybe there are other factors that control that. At least you posted enough in this thread to stimulate thought about it, that should be commended because it seems ladies are avoiding this one like a plague. Its turning into a sausagefest really. Lol

Again I agree the way you posted that you have done overnights for the most part for most ladies is true; but usually I'm honest in what I seek and the field is smaller but there are ladies who share some of the guys perspectives on it.

I thank you for posting in conjunction with the original posters thread topic. It was informative and needed.

Again I have been very spoiled in most of the ladies I have chosen, and hopefully Ill keep finding ladies who prefer to offer the sessions I like.

Texas, well primarily Houston has been very ATF friendly for me in the past. A lady who's retired Darling Nikki Nicole set the bar real high for me as far as performance is concerned.
gimme_that's Avatar
I am thinking about taking a trip to Europe....... a 15-day Eurotrip. I am thinking about pretty much all expense paid trip on her part......I am thinking about a ball park figure of low end of $5k but not to exceed $10k for those 15 days. Originally Posted by punisher
I'm sure they are to worried on what your paying for you trip, I'm sure the priciple info needed would be how much they will get. With the prospect of a lady making 10,000 dollars for 15 days of "work" she's only clocking 666.66 dollars a day. And for some ladies depending on their rates that right below the two client a day average they seek. More appropriately, is it in her favor to stay and possibly make more money daily by booking others, or have a steady time and daily rate while chilling with you.

I'm sure there are other factors to consider, but I'm sure $$$$ is the comfort.
I think when it comes to longer engagements, ladies should have a REASONABLE price point for the services they offer. IF you know you are not down for chandelier ankles to ears sex () at any point during the encounter, your price should reflect that. Personally, my overnights are planned, with a flush two days before and an intentional nap during the day. You WILL NOT get any sleep. You WILL be tired in the morning, and then I'm going to wear your ass out AGAIN. I price my overnight according to what I will accept for the level of service I provide.

As far as the chemistry level in overnights, it's a must for me. I have yet to have a person I have deemed Okay To Do an Overnight With flip out on me. I require at least a dinner date or multiple shorter dates before I make that decision. Spending the night with a person you have never met is the sure way to breed contempt and mistrust. He won't sleep, and neither will you, just in case the PTSD kicks in...LOL

@OP: This must be for some newbie girl who's never done an overnight, and you're trying to figure out what to offer her... FYI-it's usually the other way around. She's supposed to be throwing the numbers at you.
Personally I charge for the worst case scenario and hope for the best... I'm just saying... Originally Posted by AidanMacKenna
gimme_that's Avatar
Post deleted due to cluelessness?
Naughty_Jezabelle's Avatar
i love when the guys try to calculate their idea of what our rates should be
its very entertaining Originally Posted by MsPrittiKitti
agreed my sex kitten

a lot of it depends on HOW much this girl actually likes you as in IRL kinda thing.

the more she likes you- the less you'll likely spend with her.
Originally Posted by BDSaint
wouldn't it be logical that there would be a flip side to that coin.. the more you like her........