The Last Words of Big Pimpin

Lemme see if i got this one right:


Did I miss something?

Lina Originally Posted by Sensual Lina
YES! All of the girls are ugly, money grubbing sluts.

I seem to be harping on only 10% of what he said, but that 10% really pissed me off.
  • Booth
  • 03-22-2010, 10:29 PM
I'm thinkin' Mrs. Big Pimpin' b n da house. It's an effort to make things "right". Why else would he post this thread using that dumb-ass nickname when he knows she knows about eccie?
KosherCowboy's Avatar
I'm thinkin' Mrs. Big Pimpin' b n da house. It's an effort to make things "right". Why else would he post this thread using that dumb-ass nickname when he knows she knows about eccie? Originally Posted by Booth
I agree, even when BP was not in his ' da pimp' vernacular mode he never wrote like he did in post #1, and I've read his posts for years. BP registered a handle after guesting himself per staff, he knows the rules, he could have reopened his account or asked for such to make his ' final post.' Even writing the mods back and forth backchannel if he communicated that way leaves no proof it is 100% BP alone behind the computer and none of us, nor the staff are in BP's presence when he posted to know if BP made it alone or if Mrs.Pimpin was there ( as Booth mentioned) . That is, if Mrs. Pimpin was over his shoulder. If I were BP, and I wanted to make a final statement, I'd tell wifey and than write mods ( TGFBI knows the rules) to post as BP or under ' guest.' It doesn't add up. If he did make a final post 100% on his own accord with no coercion from Mrs.Pimpin he never would have ripped in to the girls nor REB like that. Wifey never liked REB as we know from older threads on this. Wifey did not like the girls nor REB and they are the ones who get personally ripped, the rest of us johns and providers tossed in to a group and told to find God.

I'm with Booth, I think Mrs. Pimpin was there ( involved). This might have been part of some proceedings, wife demanded he do this or else, maybe ' or else' is already in motion and this was part of a ' deal.' This thread is not a result of BP waking up one morning, having coffee with the Lord Jesus Christ and registering this handle and posting in this manner.

What we have is a 3 page and growing thread over a single post that has several providers angry and hobbyists feeling like Joel Osteen has kidnapped all of us and taken us to the Lakewood Church for religious rehabilitation. But I don't feel that way, TGFBI would never 100% on his own post this, this thread is a bunch of replies pretty much to the wife, who I feel coerced BP to post this, maybe dictated it herself as he typed. None of us, members nor even staff live in the BP house, the only entity who knows who really posted that crap and how many chairs were in front of that monitor are the poster(s) and God, yes God himself ( maybe herself to be politically correct). I still remember the tee shirt my sister had as a kid that read ' When God created Man she was only joking'

All these replies and ' emotions' are directed not at BP but at a coerced BP or joint Mr.and Mrs. BP; so please folks, relax. I don't take the post seriously. I think BP had to post this, against his will as part of some deal.

I don't believe that BP made this post 100% on his own accord, 100% his choice or 100% sitting alone with no one over his shoulder.He is fighting for his life, his marriage, his family and I think painfully posted this as he has no choice. I do not think deep down he feels the way he posted, he simply had to post it perhaps in a continuing effort to save his own tail. So please, take what was posted with a grain of salt, maybe even a handful. I've read his(her, their) post almost a dozen times now picking apart all the wording, I truly believe we did not read a 100% BP post that he made 100% on his own and think he( she, they) are in the middle of playing ' Let's make a deal' and on that note I find some silver lining for the entire BP Family, kids and all. It seems when this storm ends, they will be a family again and I hope the best for them.

There is some good material in the post however for hobby discussion. This entire thread is just another reason they say ' Don't believe everything you see or read on the internet'
Bullshit. Everything on the Internet is true!
nuglet's Avatar
I had the night to think this out and I firmly believe that the post that started this thread was made by BP's wife. She knew his style because she ended up with access to his account. She, no doubt is still in the mode of causing him as much shit as she can, and all she had to do was read his past posts to see how he wrote. I don't think BP would have torn into the girls the was that note was constructed. But just think about it, if she wanted to be sure all his bridges were burned, what better way?
Another thing, the mods that deleted "his" new account stated they did it because they told him he had to check with them before opening up again.... well now.... obviously BP wasn't unintelligent.... and there's very big chance that his wife didn't know that little bit of advice, thus creating the new profile and being guilty of not following word up from the mods.. thus,.... I believe......TADA!!!! Poser, and in this case, likely his future EX...
Onceler's Avatar
Out of context, I'll grant.. but still rolling in my mind on this whole thing.

"And then is heard no more. It is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing." - Shakespeare

...back to the hits...
Dick Diamond's Avatar
If I want sex with a civie I have to apply myself( see tag line) the Hobby affords me a non emotional bj or fs or whatever i want..... Originally Posted by RALPHEY BOY
Yes I need also to apply myself more.

and yes the hobby is a fun fantasy world for me.
GneissGuy's Avatar
We should keep in mind that this could be neither of the parties involved, and could very well be some unrelated third party just jacking with us.

Or it could be Mrs. TGFBI trying to get more information out of someone. "Let's see, who do I want my P.I. to find to drag into court to bolster my divorce case?"
Or it could be Mrs. TGFBI trying to get more information out of someone. "Let's see, who do I want my P.I. to find to drag into court to bolster my divorce case?" Originally Posted by GneissGuy
per Texas Law I am pretty sure the max you can get is 60/40, and all you have to do is plead da 5th if you are called in for a deposition...
GneissGuy's Avatar
per Texas Law I am pretty sure the max you can get is 60/40, and all you have to do is plead da 5th if you are called in for a deposition... Originally Posted by RALPHEY BOY
You can't plead the 5th in a civil matter. The 5th only applies to criminal cases. Divorce proceedings would be a "civil" matter. Even in a criminal case, you can't plead the 5th if they give you immunity.

Even in a criminal case, it can be "use immunity" which doesn't really protect you, it simply means they can't use your testimony in court.
You can't plead the 5th in a civil matter. The 5th only applies to criminal cases. Originally Posted by GneissGuy
that is not what my Lawyer told me if it incriminates me...and I just checked the net and yes you can, per the Supreme Court the 5th applies to all civil and criminal cases..pretty sure OJ never testified
GneissGuy's Avatar
that is not what my Lawyer told me if it incriminates me...and I just checked the net and yes you can, per the Supreme Court the 5th applies to all civil and criminal cases..pretty sure OJ never testified Originally Posted by RALPHEY BOY

By the way, I had edited my post by the time you posted that. The "use immunity" still allows them to compel testimony. Detailed discussion probably deserves its own thread.
flinde's Avatar
Lots of truth, lots of pain. Lots of god stuff mixed in. But its nice to see a different perspective. There is a downside that is just glossed over on most of these boards, this one included.
harkontume's Avatar

true us providers may not be flawless but we are not dogs... So by you saying if we were then we would not be in this industry is false

bless Originally Posted by MarleyMonroe
Marley is always the class act. And from first hand experience NOT a dog!
Most of the Ladies that have shared a moment with me over the years are attractive and sweet.

One last word: In this as in most things in life , there is plenty of blame to go around. If a woman wants to be a wife then she should read and follow the definition.

The only ones I am sorry for here are the kids.
nuglet's Avatar
You can, in fact, take the 5th in civil trials.
I just was in a case, sued a guy for about $7500. He was a drug dealer by trade, but unrelated to the case, and as my atty asked him questions about his income, tax returns, friends etc, he took the 5th 23 times in 45 minutes. We were actually trying to discredit him in the eyes of the court and it seemed to get the desired effect.
I think the judge somehow took that into consideration (him not wanting to be "forth-coming") in his deliberations, cause the defendant pretty much lost the case by the questions he would not answer (on his atty's advice).