The truth about Herpes

Mavs fan's Avatar
+1 on the providers chiming in Max fun, I am sure there are many making note of this thread. All you have to do is look at Bengay's avatar to know that he is a drama queen that enjoys making people uncomfortable. Very few of the members on here want to see an action shot of a tranny with a boner getting dicked in the ass. I would dare say that most men on here are straight. And if you make a comment about wanting to reduce your chances of getting a disease by avoiding high risk groups like providers that see bi sexual men Bengay doesn't like that. Even though the whole point of his thread is about the statistics of getting an STD in the hobby. Make up your mind Bengay. In the words of the great Andrew Dice Clay "You either suck dick or you do not suck dick". Pick a team Bengay. And stop putting all of us at risk with your reprehensible behavior.
johnclark's Avatar
Gentlemen, if the statistics are even close to what the claims are, and everyone here who even suspected they might be infected took it upon themselves to retire, this board would look like the walking dead. Anyone here who suspects there is 0 chance they've been infected is naive. Simply being in the hobby puts us all at a much greater risk of herpes. So basically all of us know there is a good chance we've come in contact with herpes and we keep hobbying. I fully agree that Bengay's behavior puts him at higher risk of STD's, if we're talking herpes he's not much more of a risk than you or I.
if we're talking herpes he's not much more of a risk than you or I. Originally Posted by johnclark
You need to speak for yourself!

A lot of us get tested so we can identify the problem and resolve it, so it doesn't affect others as well as our ourself.
FunInDFW's Avatar
You need to speak for yourself!

A lot of us get tested so we can identify the problem and resolve it, so it doesn't affect others as well as our ourself. Originally Posted by MaximumFun
So uh... exactly what the OP did/is doing?
johnclark's Avatar
You need to speak for yourself!

A lot of us get tested so we can identify the problem and resolve it, so it doesn't affect others as well as our ourself. Originally Posted by MaximumFun
What the....I think I can speak for everyone when I ask how you resolve herpes? I'm not sure you understood what I said. Let me put it this way: Yes, Bengay may be at a higher risk for herpes, but by virtue of being in this hobby your odds are pretty damn close. Bengay ain't your problem, the hobby is. But if avoiding the providers he's seen makes you feel safer I say more power to you!

Getting tested is re-active. Condoms can't always stop herpes and there doesn't have to be a visible outbreak to catch it. It's Russian Roulette. I have a blood panel done periodically and know I'm beating the odds, but at least I understand the odds going in.
Just doing a simple math exercise means you have about a 13% chance of getting genital herpes for every 6.5 people you have slept with. That means there is a 2% chance per sexual partner. At 50 sexual partners 99% would have it. So in other words this entire board and community is infected.

This is just fear mongering. There is plenty of literature that caveats how they come to these numbers (example below).
corona's Avatar
Uhhh OP is at ZERO risk for herpes, because he already fucking has it.

He is using the statistics to justify him spreading it to others.
blackmaleindallas's Avatar
Bengay- How many of the providers that you've seen do you think would have done a session with you if they knew you had herpes? I'd be willing to bet very few if any.

For that reason you shouldn't be selfish and put others at risk by continuing to hobby with an incurable disease. If I were you I wouldn't.

What if a guy or trans had HIV but didn't tell you but did greek on you? Is not informing someone you have herpes cool but HIV not cool? What's the threshold?

Such a situation happened to a friend of mine. She didn't know her boyfriend had HIV and he gave it to her through sex. That's technically illegal. I don't know if that's the case for all STD's though.
Just doing a simple math exercise means you have about a 13% chance of getting genital herpes for every 6.5 people you have slept with. That means there is a 2% chance per sexual partner. At 50 sexual partners 99% would have it. So in other words this entire board and community is infected.

This is just fear mongering. There is plenty of literature that caveats how they come to these numbers (example below). Originally Posted by dbjp101

I used to think like this as well, but your statistical analysis is wrong. Every time you have sex with a new partner you have a 2 percent chance of contracting herpes (based only on your numbers...) You will always have a 2 percent chance on partner number 1 or partner number 352.

It's the same as winning the lottery... if you had a 1 percent chance of winning each time you played, by your analysis we would be guaranteed a win on the 100th drawing. It simply doesn't work that way. The chances remain the same percentage every 'chance' you take.
Everyone's math is wrong, from a statistical standpoint, the odds don't grow pro rata per number of partners. That said, they do grow, and I think that it's safe to assume that at least 50% (conservatively) of people that are in the hobby any significant amount of time are probably infected. Many, if not most, do not know it. You guys can get on Ben all you want, but the odds are pretty high you have been with a provider who has either or both types of H. You are taking a risk by being in the hobby. A greater risk than in the real world. Heck, many of you applaud the BB providers and the BB reviews. That is way more unsafe, but keep living in your bubbles.

As far as Ben is concerned, mixed, feelings. I'd probably be somewhat uncomfortable being with a provider after him. Not sure why, since it's also statistically likely I've seen a provider or two that has H. I just wouldn't see a provider who told me she had it with certainty. That said, if he is telling providers before he sees them of his H, then he's probably being more responsible than most. Don't kid yourselves, plenty in the hobby on both sides know they are infected and tell no one.
Bengay- How many of the providers that you've seen do you think would have done a session with you if they knew you had herpes? I'd be willing to bet very few if any. Originally Posted by blackmaleindallas
Pretty much all of them would see me. Mainly because the ones I see are "experienced", and either already have it or have accepted the reality that they are constantly being exposed to it anyway. many even admitted they cant catch what they already have. I prefer that latter group... it is like sharing membership in a secret club. ..a very large secret club.

At first, I used to always disclose HSV status but people didnt seem to mind... have not had anyone refuse. They may Inspect to see if it is not active, or insist on a condom, but never refuse.

After having it for so long with so few outbreaks, it is tempting to just say fuck it and not tell anyone but I usually disclose. Mainly because I do not want to be like the person who knowingly gave it to me.

I mostly do the above but not always. Sometimes I just prepare in advance by taking valtrex a few days prior. I still always disclose if I plan to see someone regularly bc if they already have it, I don't need to prepare in advance.

Dont count on HSV+ providers taking the same preventative measures however. most will not. Many just figure that if you are in the hobby, you either have it, or will be getting it from someone very soon.
Chung Tran's Avatar
What if a guy or trans had HIV but didn't tell you but did greek on you? Originally Posted by blackmaleindallas
let the record show, that there is an "s" appending the word "tran"..

What's more concerning is the lack of outcry from the providers. Originally Posted by MaximumFun
I am not surprised, for obvious reasons.

Dude, if you beat the odds and really are HSV negative...... and have deluded yourself into thinking that your life is over if you get it, be "concerned" Get out of the hobby..

Rest assured however that fear of outcry from lunatics like yourself guarantees that providers will never openly admit they are HSV positive. The best way to learn this secret is to tell them that you are part of the same "secret society"
rexdutchman's Avatar
Related - did anyone read the news about the sugar industry paying off research doctors to say that sugar is not bad and fats are for heart conditions, How this applies drug industry makes billons off of drugs needed or not.
=Make up a problem and fix the issue for billons.
Healthy people =no money / limit high risk sex (greek) and the chances are low
Just my opinion
FunInDFW's Avatar
What's more concerning is the lack of outcry from the providers!?!?? Originally Posted by MaximumFun

Take your pick... but one would hope those whose job it is to provide pleasure know more than just about anyone the fine details, statistics, and other information related to maintaining their health and any risks that come with providing such pleasure.