Trumps Thinks American Soldiers Are Whores and Sells Them Like Pussy

the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
We fought World War I because Britain and France were exhausted. We got nothing and protected nothing. It was all for a racist, democrat president to save people who didn't need to be saved. The war would have petered out within a year if the US made it clear that the Yanks weren't coming.
In 1940, Roosevelt gave away old destroyers in exchange for bases around the world from the British. We risked our people and ships to supply Russia and England before Pearl Harbor.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
We fought World War I because Britain and France were exhausted. We got nothing and protected nothing. It was all for a racist, democrat president to save people who didn't need to be saved. The war would have petered out within a year if the US made it clear that the Yanks weren't coming.
In 1940, Roosevelt gave away old destroyers in exchange for bases around the world from the British. We risked our people and ships to supply Russia and England before Pearl Harbor.
Jaxson66's Avatar
Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
I'm not a racist. Never have been never will be.

Of course, you are! To the marrow! Own it, and be honest for a change!

I suppose now you're going to claim your are Black. Originally Posted by LexusLover

Is this more of your famous internet insight ? That’s quite the talent you have. Maybe you should join a circus.
Jaxson66's Avatar
You’re putting on quite a exhibition this morning the supreme leader would be proud. You’re cracking me up
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  • 01-12-2020, 12:57 PM
Whatever amount the Saudis are paying to the United States government and our arms manufacturers is a drop in the bucket compared to what we're spending out of pocket on the Middle East. Why are we there? We're a net oil exporter now.

And if we're going to do this, we need to do it like Americans, not Commie Cubans. The Cubans send their doctors and nurses to other countries and charge the host countries millions upon millions of dollars for this. Then they turn around and pay the Cuban health care professionals maybe $40 a month. It's slave labor. We shouldn't be sending Americans to Saudi Arabia and paying them a pittance. Make the Saudis pay an arm and a leg and raise the salaries of American servicemen so that it makes sense for them to voluntarily risk their lives. Or even better yet put it all in the hands of the private sector and make it legal to be a mercenary.

I'm saying this tongue in cheek, but definitely see SC's point. I also agree with LL and others, we need to make the Europeans and others pay for their own defense, although I'd like to see this result in a big reduction in what we're paying, and that's not happening.
  • Tiny
  • 01-12-2020, 12:57 PM
Whatever amount the Saudis are paying to the United States government and our arms manufacturers is a drop in the bucket compared to what we're spending out of pocket on the Middle East. Why are we there? We're a net oil exporter now.

And if we're going to do this, we need to do it like Americans, not Commie Cubans. The Cubans send their doctors and nurses to other countries and charge the host countries millions upon millions of dollars for this. Then they turn around and pay the Cuban health care professionals maybe $40 a month. It's slave labor. We shouldn't be sending Americans to Saudi Arabia and paying them a pittance. Make the Saudis pay an arm and a leg and raise the salaries of American servicemen so that it makes sense for them to voluntarily risk their lives. Or even better yet put it all in the hands of the private sector and make it legal to be a mercenary.

I'm saying this tongue in cheek, but definitely see SC's point. I also agree with LL and others, we need to make the Europeans and others pay for their own defense, although I'd like to see this result in a big reduction in what we're paying, and that's not happening.
Did you miss Trump's remarks on Friday in his lengthy interview?

He's making them pay for our military assistance, just like we have SOLD military equipment to them for decades .... all the way back to the Russians in WWII.

Additionally, please don't lose sight of the initial reasons the Europeans and Americans became involved in the "Middle East" in our life times (well ... some of our life times ... there are others who behave like they were born just a little a decade ago who have permission to post in here)!

The Fast-Food-I-Phone crowd have a difficult time grasping change! Also, if they oppose protected/closed borders it makes defending one's own country a monumental task with protocols and procedures that interfere with their concept of going and doing what they please and in the manner they please without questions or disruptions. They are spoiled.

I presume Ms. CB would find "mutilation" offensive if not "disruptive"~! That's just a guess. Originally Posted by LexusLover
The bottom line is war is big business. American made weapons end up in the hands of the opposition because America supplies them either through trade deals or fee, anything can be negotiated. America has Military Bases all over the World. America's Military budget is the country's largest expense. America is not always at War but it seems we are always in a War somewhere for some reason that is not always in the special interests of the people of this nation.
  • Tiny
  • 01-12-2020, 10:09 PM
I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and DOMESTIC; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will OBEY THE ORDERS OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to the regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.

I first took this oath when I was 17 years old and several times since. That oath is still in affect. I see enemies on this site, domestic enemies that have participated in a coup against an elected president and the Americans who voted for him. Enemies that quote and support the real enemies of this country and western civilization. We call these enemies traitors and I don't use that word lightly like so many of these traitors. Expect to be punished. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
I don't get this. First of all, who are the real enemies of this country? How do you distinguish, say, between Iran and Russia, or Soleimani and Putin? Yeah, I'll admit that we had a good case to take out Soleimani but not Putin. Still, the enemy is not simply whoever Donald Trump says it is.

Second, if an American defends Iran, or Russia, merely with words, he's not a traitor. However misguided he may be, he's exercising a fundamental right, guaranteed by the Constitution.

I'm highlighting your relevant text in orange because I know you don't like partial quotes.
  • Tiny
  • 01-12-2020, 10:17 PM
We fought World War I because Britain and France were exhausted. We got nothing and protected nothing. It was all for a racist, democrat president to save people who didn't need to be saved. The war would have petered out within a year if the US made it clear that the Yanks weren't coming.
In 1940, Roosevelt gave away old destroyers in exchange for bases around the world from the British. We risked our people and ships to supply Russia and England before Pearl Harbor. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
This is thought provoking, although I'm not sure what you're getting at. Are you saying we shouldn't have risked our troops in World War I (which makes a lot of sense to me) or before Pearl Harbor in World War II? Or that maybe it would have made sense to put our men in harms way if Britain and other countries were paying us for our help?
  • Tiny
  • 01-12-2020, 10:20 PM
America is not always at War but it seems we are always in a War somewhere for some reason that is not always in the special interests of the people of this nation. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Excellent point
I'm glad Trump is systemically stripping you people of any shred of dignity and pride. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
To bad you don't know anything about that
Typical of ALL race baiters
Hey where did my stars for this thread go. It's now a 2 star thread it was 5. :

Somebody is massively butthurt. ;-) Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
You're the the one who is butt hurt crying about posters calling you out on ALL the nonsense on ALL your threads and how you asked the mods to let you post without comment on your nonsense. If that isn't the sign of a butt hurt wimp nothing is
You and ASSUP are the two with over inflated ego's that have you two thinking that the complete nonsense you spew is something meaningful
I'm not a racist. Never have been never will be. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
He hit the nail on the head with this one!!
Originally Posted by tbone2u
You are right about getting banned again. you can not change your nature......even when you try.
You are too filled with hate. Everyone here knows this except you.
You’re putting on quite a exhibition this morning the supreme leader would be proud. You’re cracking me up Originally Posted by Jaxson66
Nobody here is cracking you up. You cracked up years ago long before ECCIE ever existed. The sad thing is everyone here has to be graced with end result.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
We fought World War I because Britain and France were exhausted. We got nothing and protected nothing. It was all for a racist, democrat president to save people who didn't need to be saved. The war would have petered out within a year if the US made it clear that the Yanks weren't coming.
In 1940, Roosevelt gave away old destroyers in exchange for bases around the world from the British. We risked our people and ships to supply Russia and England before Pearl Harbor. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
the key point in WWI one, USA would not have gotten involved had the german minister making a stupid mistake in acknowledging talks with mexico about invading america.

As a dying power that England was, it was involved in getting that intel to Wilson. They needed help.

We should also have kept and annexed Greenland!!!!