Under: Matt Mahon Explores the Sex Industry in Photo Gallery

Doc Holliday's Avatar
The overall purpose of my comment was that the photog was making it appear that this was a fairly rampant problem in the community, which doesn't reflect well on the hobby as a whole. Originally Posted by FoulRon
I photographed 72 women and only 3 women did not party at all in my presence and then not did I. Originally Posted by tristan712
That's 96%. This was his experience alone, but if that's so, we may need to address the issue. Offer some support or awareness, if we can, and not simply ignore it. We have a good thing going here with ECCIE and the vehicle for communication it is.

I don't want to derail the thread on this topic, but a photo set is a light into a world and with that I want people to have a familiar (and hopefully positive) look on 'The Hobby.'
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 06-03-2014, 06:26 PM
Doc, I want to say thanks for posing it. I found it insightful and provoking. I think anything that portrays the ladies as real people is a step in the right direction compared to how much of the media portrayal would have folks believe that escorts are some different species. Having said that I accept this was an accurate reflection of the women in the photo set--but I find it is not reflective of all the ladies in this corner of the world. I feel very confident the the number quoted is not reflective unless we are including alcohol consumption. This is very far from a homogeneous work force in any aspect.
Both Old T and Doc Holiday have my whole and complete respect. your posts are insightful, objective and thoughtful while maintaining a hint of empathy and understanding of the providers
john_deere's Avatar
i often feel as i read through eccie that some guys forget escorts are human beings, and in particular, women. they're no more or less given to vices - or feelings - than any of the rest of us.

the whole topic of drugs is just such a loaded conversation….we have a huge population of addicts created by doctors writing prescriptions for poisons like xanax, ativan, and vicodin….but we still toss people in the slammer for holding a bag of weed. it's absurd.
not that we do not know but I am sad to see all the substance abuse..
Arabella Dolce's Avatar
Doc, do we know for sure that he got your message? And did you let him know the nature of the allegations made by Arabella?

If so, and he chooses not to reply, that is about as close to confirmation as we can get, short of the guy confessing. Silence in the face of this sort of allegation speaks volumes to me. I'll keep an eye on this thread to see if he responds in the next few days. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
Sorry to just be reading this, just letting everyone know- when the event occurred i immediately informed SL, who took control of the situation immediately.
Still Looking's Avatar
those are pretty strong accusations. Originally Posted by john_deere
And he is right here amongst us. Not the first time he has played this game!
Still Looking's Avatar
it bums me out that he can't defend himself against these accusations. that seems against the spirit of this community. Originally Posted by john_deere
Sure he can....
Still Looking's Avatar
After giving it some thought there really isn't much difference between Tristan712 and myself. $25,000 for the project? Amature LOL Let's see I take pictures he takes pictures. Then suddenly things take a creepy turn... I NEVER negotiate or take discounts. I have NEVER short changed a lady. If a lady shows up and I feel she is under the influence the session is over before it starts. I've never done any kind of drugs... EVER! I have never taken advantage of a lady. As you can see were damn near twins except for those minor differences.
Still Looking's Avatar
I am MM and it is unfortunate that Arabella has decided to take this very selective memory direction. I met with her 3 times.

If I met someone THREE TIMES I'd know there rates!

The last time was NYE. I met her at the P10 strip club at 11:30. I gave her $600 she went to the dressing room and counted the money.

$600 for what??? An hour? Two Hours? All night?

She texted me that she wanted $900 total I told her I could not afford that. I sat and waited for 20 minutes and then walked outside and found her in her car, engine running ready to leave with my $600. However she was so high on Staff Edit she had done on her own that she couldn't drive and I drove her back to my house in central Austin where we hungout for the rest of the night.

Gosh... $600 for all night? Hungout is code for a session... NO?

I woke up in the morning to her sitting on my couch. She said she needed a ride back to her car at p10, which is 18 miles away. I took her there, she informed me she wanted $300 from me.

So Arabella wanted what she asked for up front? $900.00 Hummmmm.... this is NOT looking good!

I did not have my wallet, that was the truth so I left her at her car. as I am getting back to Austin she calls and tells me her car wont start because the breathlyzer has locked the engine and will I come back and get her from P10. I do. She begins hounding me for this $300.

A provider wanting her money for services provided! Hummmmm still not looking good!

It is 9AM on New YEars Day morning. I feel like shit, all I want to do is sleep. I drop her at her house, tell her we can talk later and I go back home and go to sleep. My roommate wakes me up and asks if I have seen his prescription of Xanax, I say no. He asked if the girl that was over maybe took it and I said probably, she did. I showed it to her cuz I knew she liked that shit and I gave her one to keep for later and she took it all.

WOW! Hard to believe you are admitting this!

So at that point I didn't feel I owed her anything even though I told her I could not afford more than $600 and had I not found her Staff Edit in her car incapable of driving she would have robbed me.

Sounds like you are admitting you owed her $300 but feel because you gave her drugs you were even...?

I was very open in my project about the Staff Edit use that went on, but for Arabella to say I was abusing when she at the age of 20 has 2 DUI's and can't start her car without a breathalyzer to me is hysterical. Originally Posted by tristan712
Hysterical? I can't imagine what you might find hysterical about any of this?
Hysterical? I can't imagine what you might find hysterical about any of this? Originally Posted by Still Looking

Did I ever mention I not only love the way you break things down analytically but I adore that brain of yours?
Still Looking's Avatar
Did I ever mention I not only love the way you break things down analytically but I adore that brain of yours? Originally Posted by JayceeRivers
Says the provider that takes sophistication to a level we seldom get to experience .
Still Looking's Avatar
Where you go Tristan? Must be looking for more victims... I mean clients.
john_deere's Avatar
dudeguy....this is old news. nobody came out looking good.
Tristan definitely compensated me more than fairly for my time and never pushed anything on me

Even took me out to explore austin and a shopping spree for lingerie.

I have only ceased contact with him after hearing others stories of being ripped off , better safe than sorry.